Released on Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Saddle up to see far off places and brand new faces in three new Limited-Time Stories from the show, including a double-dose of “Blitz Stories” which will only be around for one weekend each!
What's New[]
- THE ROAD TO FRIENDSHIP: Trixie and Starlight Glimmer are going on tour in Saddle Arabia! But will this journey break their bond, or bring them closer than ever?
- THE CUTIE RE-MARK PARTS 2 & 3: Visit more alternate Equestrias as you travel through the Changelingverse and Sombraverse in two Blitz Stories available for just 3 DAYS EACH!
- FAR-OFF FRIENDS: Welcome some swell Saddle Arabians like Hoo’Far, plus otherworldly guests like Sombraverse Applejack and Rainbow Dash, as well as Changelingverse Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and more!
- Added 17 Characters, 2 New Shops, & 12 New Collections
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