The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Update 4.5

Update 4.5, released on Wednesday, July 11, 2018.

My Little Pony is all about exploring the power of friendship – a power that players will put to the test in the upcoming School of Friendship event!

This limited-time story picks up where My Little Pony: The Movie left off. The map of Equestria has practically doubled in size, which means the pony world is now filled with new creatures who all have yearning for learning about the magic of friendship – creatures like dragons, hippogriffs, changelings, yaks, griffons, and even new ponies! Luckily, no one knows Friendship like the Mane 6!


NEW LIMITED-TIME STORY Join Twilight Sparkle and friends as they build and open Ponyville’s brand new School of Friendship, where EVERYPONY is welcome – even if they’re not a pony at all! Each section of the story closely follows an episode from the 8th season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic – all the way up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ appearance as official Friendship Tutors.

MEET NEW CHARACTERS Get ‘accredited’ by the Equestrian Education Association and acquaint yourself with the new students: Yona, Terramar, Silverstream and many more!

MORE BUILDINGS Expand your Ponyville (and a few minds) with the School of Friendship, Hippogriffian Embassy and Faculty Housing to make your place even more magical!

COOL DECORATIONS Give your Ponyville a sophisticated new look with the Tower of Friendship, Hippogriff Statues and more! Join the adventure and discover the magic of friendship!


  • Shops wait cost shows free instead of 0 gems when below 30s.
  • Twilight Sparkle can now fly when ascend to Alicorn.
  • User set under 13 can watch ads to pop an additional balloon.

New Content[]


Ponyville Canterlot



Quick Update 1[]

Quick update4

The Quick Update was done on the loading screen when you entered the game on July 27, 2018. It added 7 New Characters and 2 New Shops.






Quick Update 2[]

The Quick Update was done on the loading screen when you entered the game on August 30, 2018. It added 8 New Characters and 1 New Shop.





  • Added 2 New Collections