- Released: March 9, 2017 (IOS)/March 10, 2017 (Android).
- What's New
- Hungry for adventure? Daring Do is rushing to your Equestria with a new Mega Event based on the exciting"Stranger than Fan Fiction"episode from the show.Uncover ancient mysteries sand become a true treasure hunter.
- NEW CHARACTERS: Explore new friendships with Quibble Pants, Muffins, and other fans from the convention.You may even have a run in with the nefarious Dr.Caballeron and his goons!
- NEW BUILDING: Build your own Temple of Chicomoztoc and Caballeron's Camp.
- NEW DÉCOR: Add cool decorations,including the awesome Sapphire Stand and the frightening Cipactli to plunge yourself into the adventure!
- But hurry! Wait too long and all this cool stuff will become just a work of fiction...
- New Characters
- Sweet Apple Acres
- Laid-Back Fan
- Smiley Fan
- New Shops
- Ponyville
- New Decor
- Sapphire Stand
- Cipactli
- Cutout Board
- Totem Pole
- Lion Banner
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