- Released on December 11, 2014 (IOS).[1]
- New area, Everfree Forest, with a community event on saving the Tree of Harmony
- Added cloud save feature
- Level Cap increased to 90
- 18 new winter Decorations
- 12 New Ponies (Though 16 appear in the Albums)
- Plunderseed vines on buildings and some decors for Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres only
- Added new features in the Magic Wings game
- Free King Sombra that lives in Canterlot as a 2nd anniversary gift
- Added global Leaderboards
- Princess Twilight Sparkle's crown updated to match the one she wears for most of Season 4.
- Quest chains for the Everfree Forest
- New minigame: Zecora's Hut for making totems that generate Element Shards.
Update 2.1.1
- Released on December 24 2014
- New Winter Decorations
- Snow in Poyville, and Canterlot
- Quest Log changed appearance
- Menu Scroll changed appearance
- Bug fixes
Updates [view]