Sweet Apple Acres contains 34 quests to complete, regarding the infestation of the Vampire Fruit Bats and the completion of the area. Two quests are separated from the Sweet Apple Acres to Ponyville and Canterlot, requiring to activate them in that specific area.
"Sweet Apple Acres used to be one of the most amazing apple orchards in all Equestria, but... when Nightmare Moon covered the land in darkness... all the apples withered away. We've got to help Granny Smith put the sweet back into Sweet Apple Acres! C'mon, let's see how we can help!"
Required Quest
Level Requirement
Travel to Sweet Apple Acres Unskippable
1 Times Cost: Free
Closing Text
"Don't worry Granny Smith! We're gonna do whatever it takes to make this place delicious again!"
"Uh-oh... Twilight left me in charge of keeping this place clean while she was helping out in Sweet Apple Acres but I, uh... maybe had a little nap? ... Kinda, sorta, all morning? Can you help me clean up?"
"PHEW! Thanks for your help! If you ever need a message sent to Princess Celestia, I'm your dragon!"
While this quest is assigned in Sweet Apple Acres, the intro text is written as though it takes place in Ponyville, and the tasks must be completed there.
"It's gonna be hard to grow anything with Nightmare Moon's darkness all around us! If you can help me bring back light to the orchard, that should help us get things growin' again!"
"Well I can hardly believe it! Braeburn's come all the way from Appleloosa to help get Sweet Apple Acres runnin' again! We can't be all work and no play, so let's welcome him in style!"
"Sweet Apple Acres isn't the only village that's been affected by Nightmare Moon's darkness! Let's go visit our friends' villages to make sure they're okay! Maybe we should leave them something too, to let them know we'll always be there for them!"
"It's about time we show Cheerilee some of that Apple family hospitality! But so much of our orchard's been covered in Nightmare Moon's darkness... Can you help recover some land for Cheerilee to play in?"
"When Nightmare Moon's darkness came on down, all our plants withered and, well... we ain't got much of an apple orchard without any apple trees! Let's bring some greenery back into Sweet Apple Acres!"
"We can't be the only ones whose farm took a hit when Nightmare Moon switched off the lights... Let's go check on our friends and make sure they're okay! ... Gosh, there's still so much to do around the orchard, I... I just don't know if things will ever be the same around here..."
"Aww, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be down. With your friendship and all of Ponyville workin' together, Sweet Apple Acres is gonna be better than ever! I can taste it!"
"Best get out the welcome wagon! My wee granddaughter Apple Bloom's a-comin' to Sweet Apple Acres! She wants to help out, and I reckon I know just where she can start!"
"I guess ponies ain't the only things who love eatin' apples! There's a whole bunch of Vampire Fruit Bats who're eatin' all our best produce! We've gotta get rid of 'em!"
"Aww, I'm awful sorry we had to shoo 'em off. They gotta eat just like the rest of us! Maybe I oughta leave a few apple pieces out, just for them. That's a what a good friend would do!"
"Applejack! Darlin', we could sure use your help! We need a Grape Stand and we got a whole mess of carrots that need collectin'! C'mon, let's get our trot on!"
"It's looking like this could be our season after all! Only two things could make it better: a Market Cart to help collect more apples and fewer bats sneakin' bites outta all our fruit! I swear Granny's been leavin' bits out for 'em!"
"Prim Hemline's hosting this year's "Diamond Hooves Fashion Awards" in Canterlot! As the captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard, Shining Armor has to compete, but... he's really nervous. Maybe if I talk to Prim Hemline, I can get some tips out of her!"
"Uh-oh! I think Granny's been feedin' the bats again, 'cause they're all over the orchard! We'd better get back there quick 'n' start clearin' em out... before it becomes Sweet Fruit Bat Acres!"
"Phew-ee, I think that's the last of 'em for now! Thanks for yer help! I best get back to pickin' apples before the bats return. You're welcome to tag along!"
This quest is activated by traveling to Canterlot.
"Oh my, there are so many vampire fruit bats around! I would feel terrible if I had to shoo them, but we can't have them eating the Apple family's fruit! Oh, uh, oh dear... Can you maybe help, please?"
"Half Baked Apple is one of the cutest members of the Apple family! If he wants to lend a hoof, we'd better show him the ropes! Can you get 'em up to speed?"
"Oh no, the Vampire Fruit Bats are eating all the fruit... but we can't just scare them away, that's cruel! They're living creatures too and, oh, uh, deserve our respect! If you move them, I'll find a nice comfortable cave for them to live in!"
"Sweet Apple Acres is comin' along nicely! We've got all sorts of fruits growin', but we can't stop now! Let's get even more types of fruit to grow in the orchard!"
"Yee-haw! With your help, Sweet Apple Acres is comin' up roses! There are apples everywhere! Let's get a harvest ready tree in here and keep the good times rollin'!"
"Oh, uh... dear! Even more bats have moved in and started eating all the Sweet Apple Acres fruit! If you gently, uh, coax them away from the apples, I'll find a lovely cave for them to move into where they can have all the fruit they desire!"
"Well now, who's that sweet thing offering to help her ol' granny? It's Apple Dumpling! Welcome back to Sweet Apple Acres, child! Let's get you settled in!"