The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

A young purple dragon, he's playful and sweet. (And maybe you'll find him something sparkly to eat.)
Playable Yes
Level 1
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus 45 Star
Residence Twilight's Library
Twilight's Castle
Crystal Castle (Crystal Empire)
Patchwork Tavern (Klugetown)
Minigame Timer 300m (5h)
Minigame Skip Time 8 Gem
The Ponyville Party Reward
1250 Gem
More Info
Update Added ?
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Level Up Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
Wheel Lucky Coin T-thread T-knot Lucky Coin
Spike on the MLP:FiM wiki

Spike is a baby dragon and Twilight Sparkle's assistant. In the game, he is a non-playable character who issues many quests, and who also narrates finished quests in later updates.

He is voiced by Cathy Wesluck. In 2016, it was announced that Spike is a playable character and he is now joining Ponyville. You can get him by completing the last quest of The Ponyville Party. Up until Update 2.9 he couldn't play the apple picking game.

At each major update, Spike in a trenchcoat appears a total of 5 times (it used to be 10) to offer 3 Gem each time; he appears in Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres, Canterlot, Crystal Empire, Klugetown and Everfree Forest.

  • If you remain on the same map, Spike will keep showing up (you don't need to search all maps for him).
  • He has a 5 minute (or less) cooldown.
  • If he doesn't appear, reloading the map seems to help. Enter/exit group quests or balloon pop to reload the map with changing maps.


When tapped, he will respond with a random quote:

  • "Mmm...Mmm... Yum!"
  • "Have fun!"
  • "All right that's awesome. Yeah!"
  • "Wait! Can I be a prince?"
  • "I could eat gems all day."
  • "Okay. It's time to explore."

Unique Animations[]

Spike has several unique animations:

  • He pulls out a paper and starts writing on it with a feather pen.
  • He plays with a doll that resembles Rarity and cuddles it.
  • He pulls out two dolls that resemble Princess Cadance and Shining Armor and re-enacts their wedding by making them talk, then kiss.
  • He eats various things such as ice cream with a spoon, a plate of French fries, and popcorn.
  • He puts on a mustache, or a gem bedazzled red bow tie.
  • He dances in various ways.


Spike issues the player the following quests in the following sections of the Ponyville quests:

Getting Pinkie Pie: Branch 2[]

Droughty Dragon

Taking the Cake

Cherry on Top

Cutie Mark Chronicles

Preparing for Pinkie Pie

Getting Applejack: Branch 1[]

Educated Ponyfolk

Staying True

Lost and Found

The Path to Ponyville

Treasure Hunt

Applejack of my Eye

Retail Recall

Search Party

Book Smart

Getting Rarity: Branch 1[]

Wonderful Wonderbolts

Will Work for Gems

More for Decor

Flying High

Keeping up Shop

Getting Fluttershy: Branch 3[]

Big Memories

Ponies Served

Shop Dragon

Getting Rainbow Dash: Branch 2[]

Café Talk

A Gem of an Appettite

There's a Pony for that

Big Ballers

Cloud Guardians

Rainbow Dash[]

Sonic Rainboom

Royal Wedding Preparations[]

Spending the Knight

Canterlot quests[]

Quest Chain #2[]

Gifts for Guests




All Time[]

  • None, limited time only

Limited Time[]

Where Price Date Purpose Notes
Ponyville Store 375 Gem November 2021 Gem sale Marked down from 1250 Gem (70% off)
Ponyville Store 750 Gem July 2022 Gem sale Marked down from 1250 Gem (40% off)
Epic Set $7.99 October 2022 Real Sale Bundled with Sweetheart Fountain and 50 Gem
Epic Set $7.99 March 2023 Real Sale Bundled with Sweetheart Fountain and 50 Gem
Ponyville Store 750 Gem May 2023 Gem sale Marked down from 1250 Gem (40% off)
Ponyville Store 750 Gem July 2023 Gem sale Marked down from 1250 Gem (40% off)
Ponyville Store 500 Gem November 2023 Gem sale Marked down from 1250 Gem (60% off)
Ponyville Store 875 Gem or 750 Gem (if Royal Club) July 2024 International Friendship Day Sales Marked down from 1250 Gem (30%/40% off)
Ponyville Store 500 Gem November 2024 Gem Sale Marked down from 1250 Gem (60% off)
Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1226 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (256 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (232 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (225 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (232 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (281 Characters)
Canterlot (281 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete