The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

My Little Pony features 146 quests in Ponyville divided into eight arcs. The first arc, consisting of a single quest, serves to welcome the player to the game and introduce some of the basic game mechanics, opening the main storyline in which Twilight Sparkle and Spike work to defeat Nightmare Moon. The next five arcs revolve around welcoming the other members of the Mane Six (Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, in that order), and are followed by an arc in which Nightmare Moon is finally defeated, and then another arc setting up for the Royal Wedding between Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Except for the introductory arc, each arc is divided into two or three branches, and, except for the introductory and Royal Wedding arcs, ends with a finale quest.

24 quests are unused, only appearing in the game files. Two of them would have furthered the Royal Wedding arc before the entire plot was moved to Canterlot. 20 quests were disabled in the Sweet Apple Acres update due to various characters required for completion of tasks being moved to Sweet Apple Acres.

A more detailed breakdown of the number of quests per arc, and a flowchart of quest progression, are on the chart page.


Grown-Up Spike: Oh no, where did everypony go? What happened to Ponyville?

Twilight Sparkle: Nightmare Moon has returned and she's covered Ponyville in the darkness of night!

Grown-Up Spike: This is terrible! What are we gonna do?

Twilight Sparkle: We need to restore the town and gather the Elements of Harmony!

Twilight Sparkle: There has to be somepony else around who can help us... Let me look around.


Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Unknown" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Send Twilight to look for her friends.
1 Time
Cost: Free
Task Timer: 10s
Rewards: 5 Star 10 Bit 0 Gem
Closing Text

Tutorial Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
4 1675 Bit Fluttershy
  • To get the arc reward, you must complete all quests within the arc.

Grown-Up Spike: I think I see another pony coming!

Grown-Up Spike: It's Bon Bon! Let's make a place for her to rest her hooves.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, can you prepare a to-do list?

Grown-Up Spike: Sure! It's all right here in this book! Just tap on it to see the tasks.

"Bon" Voyage![]

Quest Giver: Spike "Bon" Voyage!
"It's Bon Bon! Let's make a place for her to rest her hooves." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Welcome Bon Bon
1 Time
Cost: 200 Bit
Send Bon Bon & Twilight to discuss the situation
1 Time
Cost: Free
Task Timer: 10s
Rewards: 10 Star 100 Bit
Closing Text
"Bon Bon always seems to know what to do in an emergency... I wonder why that is?"
  • During placing down Bon Bon's House, Twilight Sparkle says: "This looks like a good place for a new house... Move Bon Bon's home to the highlighted area and set it down to build it!"
  • During the building of Bon Bon's House, Grown-Up Spike says: "Hmm... This could take a while. Let's hurry things up a little!"
  • After welcoming Bon Bon, some dialogue pops up:
  • Twilight Sparkle: Bon Bon! Just the pony I wanted to see... Nightmare Moon is back, and we need all the help we can get!
  • Bon Bon: (Nightmare Moon?! Just what S.M.I.L.E. has been training for...!)
  • Bon Bon: I MEAN -- sure, Twilight, what are friends for? Let's talk this through and see if we can come up with a plan.
  • During Bon Bon's task Grown-Up Spike says: "I can help and we will do it faster!"

Grown-Up Spike: Okay! First things first. We'll need some way to make some food!

Twilight Sparkle: Hmm... How about a Windmill?

Nothing to Tilt At[]

Quest Giver: Spike Nothing to Tilt At
"I've had a love-hate relationship with windmills ever since that time in Klugetown... but this one will probably be a LOT more helpful." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Build the Windmill
1 Time
Cost: 75 Bit
Collect the Grain
1 Time
Cost: Free
Play catch with Twilight!
1 Time
Cost: 10 Bit
Rewards: 15 Star 250 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Whew... I'm beat just watching you guys! But that DID look really fun..."
  • During placement of the Windmill, Grown-Up Spike says: "We've got a Windmill! Move it to the highlighted area and set it down!"
  • During the building time of the Windmill, Grown-Up Spike says: "We should probably build this one quicker, too... but the next time you want to speed something up, you should throw me a few gems. A dragon's gotta eat, you know!
  • Dialogue after building the Windmill:
  • Grown-Up Spike: Shops produce Bits, which will help to rebuild and decorate Ponyville!
  • Grown-Up Spike: Hey, check it out! The Windmill's made grain! And you've got Bits to collect!
  • Grown-Up Spike: Nice work, Twilight! Let's play some catch to relax for a minute!
  • After playing with Twilight Sparkle, Grown-Up Spike says: "Wow, Twilight! You played so well, you earned a star!

Nightmare Moon: What is this? A patch of sunshine amidst my beautiful darkness!?

Twilight Sparkle: Nightmare Moon!

Grown-Up Spike: Twilight has the power to push your darkness back!

Nightmare Moon: Ha! You've got nothing but pathetic pony tricks, little fool!

Twilight Sparkle: You'll see! If we touch the darkness, I can use my magic to drive it back!

A Light among Shadows[]

Quest Giver: Spike A Light among Shadows
"Twilight has the power to push your darkness back!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Clear away Nightmare Moon's Darkness
1 Time
Cost: 100 Bit
Clear away the rubble
1 Time
Cost: 300 Bit
Fix up the road
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: Fluttershy 25 Star 350 Bit
Closing Text
"Good as new -- just call me "Spike: Civil Engineer Extraordinaire"!. Or, uh. or don't, I guess."
  • After clearing land Dialogue:
  • Nightmare Moon: You'll never find the Harmony Stones in this eternal night.
  • Grown-Up Spike: She's gone.
  • Twilight Sparkle: But look at what she left behind her! Those boulders weren't there before. If we want to get Ponyville back to its old self, we've got a lot of cleaning up to do!
  • After clearing the boulder, Twilight Sparkle says: "Nightmare Moon must have destroyed that road, too... Let's fix it back up again!

Laughter Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
23 More than 2850 coins Hondo Flanks

Roll Call![]

  • Grown-Up Spike: The town may look a little nicer now… but what’s Ponyville without any ponies? We have to keep track of who we want to welcome back!
  • Grown-Up Spike: I’ve listed all of the foals and fillies I know in this book – that way, we’ll know who’s still missing. Some ponies will give you cool rewards if you bring all their friends together!
  • Grown-Up Spike: You can navigate through your collections by scrolling in the direction you want.
  • Grown-Up Spike: Let's fill the Collections Book together! The more ponies the merrier, right?
  • Grown-Up Spike: And hey -- you got a reward for completing your first Collection! Let's put it someplace cool.
Quest Giver: Spike
Required Quest Level Requirement
- -
Task Requirement
Check your Collections
Unskippable (Spike automatically guides you through this quest)
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star, 500 Bit
Closing Text
"I tried to start a gem collection once, but I just ended up eating them all, I think you'll do a better job, though!  "

Preparing for Pinkie[]

Quest Giver: Spike Preparing for Pinkie
"All right, everypony! If we're gonna get Pinkie Pie back to Ponyville, we're going to need to throw a major rager of a party... and for that, we'll need PIE! It's in her name and everything! Just gotta get the ingredients together..." Required Quest Level Requirement
- -
Task Requirement
Collect Grain
1 Gem or watch 1 Ad
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 10 Star, 300 Bit
Closing Text
"Great! This'll make for some nice, fluffy pie crust."

The Pie's the Limit[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"Right, so we've got pie crust and, uh... what comes next? Hey, I'm no pie expert! But I might know somepony who IS... We'll need to get her the right ingredients, though!" Required Quest Level Requirement
- -
Task Requirement
Buy a Cherry Stand
1 Time
Cost: 800 Bit
Rewards: 33 Star, 400 Bit
Closing Text
"I love Mr. and Mrs. Cake's sugary sweets! I hope they make me another sapphire cupcake for my next birthday..."

Flag on the Play[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Flag on the Play
"A party for Pinkie calls for some festive flags -- you know, to celebrate Pinkie Pie's Element of Laughter. I think I've got just the thing..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Buy Pink Flags
1 Gem or watch 1 Ad
2 Times
Cost: 300 Bit (in total)
Rewards: 25 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"Agh! Pink! Everywhere I look -- pink! Well, at least Pinkie Pie'll notice that Ponyville wants her back..."

Grand Premiere[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Grand Premiere
"If we're going to throw a Pinkie party, we're going to need a venue... plus, Spike keeps bugging me to build a movie theater. Why don't we take care of both at once?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Build a Theater
1 or 1 ad watch
1 Time
Cost: 500 Bit
Rewards: 36 Star 600 Bit
Closing Text
"All right! Superhero movie marathon, here I come! Er, I mean...I'm sure Pinkie is gonna love the red-carpet treatment!"

Celebration 101[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Celebration 101
"Hmm... Well, that IS a nice theater, but... I'm not an expert on party planning. But maybe, if I did enough research, I COULD be? ... I'll be right back." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Send Twilight Sparkle to check her home library
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 36 Star 600 Bit
Closing Text
"Come on, Twilight... even I know that party planning isn't an exact science! Though I hope studying up makes her feel better..."

Let Them Be Cake[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Let Them Be Cake
"Okay: One thing I DID learn is that planning the perfect party takes a lot of help! Speaking of which... have you seen Mr. Cake? He was supposed to be here with a few batches of baked goods a while ago..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Welcome Mr. Carrot Cake
1 Time
Cost: 10 Gem or 2 mixer tokens
Rewards: 36 Star 600 Bit
Closing Text
"... Whew! I'm glad Mr. Cake showed up... I special-ordered a dozen opal doughnuts from him, and I'm getting hungry!"


Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle PARTY TIME!
"Let's see... We've got sweets galore and a few friends to celebrate Pinkie... Looks like we're ready to party at a moment's notice! And just in time, too -- I just heard that Pinkie Pie's on her way! I can't wait to welcome her..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Welcome Pinkie Pie
1 Time
Cost: 10 Gem or 2 party hat tokens
Rewards: 40 Star 200 Bit 3 Gem
Closing Text
"Yes! Pinkie's here to bring the party back to Ponyville! Things are gonna get a lot livelier with her around."

Kick Things Up a Level[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Kick Things Up a Level
"I'M BACK EVERYPONY!!! And I really wanna thank you all for coming to my welcome-back-athon! Now, if you'll excuse me... IT'S TIME TO PARTY SO HARD I LEARN A VALUABLE LESSON ABOUT IT!!!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Level up Pinkie Pie to one star
2 Gem or 2 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 25 Star 350 Bit
Closing Text
"... Wow. When Pinkie Pie parties, she parties EXTREMELY hard. I feel like I've grown as a dragon just watching her!"

The Path to Ponyville[]

Quest Giver: Spike The Path to Ponyville
"Now that more ponies are coming back here, it's startin' to get kinda crowded. We should make sure there's enough room for everypony!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
2 Gem or 1 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 20 Star 400 Bit
Closing Text
"That's a whole lot more space than before! And hey -- Twilight says that we pushed back the darkness, too! Go us!"

Parasprite Problem[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Parasprite Problem
"Listen up! I spotted a few Parasprites -- RIGHT over there! If we don't do something about them quick, they'll eat ALL my leftover pies! Now, where's my trombone...?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Defeat parasprites
2 Gem or 1 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Five element shards
Remove clearable items
3 Gem or 2 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 25 Star 600 Bit
Closing Text
"That was close! How'd you send those Parasprites back to the Everfree Forest without any instruments? ... Can you beatbox or something?"

Great Ex-pony-tations[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Great Ex-pony-tations
"Pipsqueak might be a bit of a hoof-full, but I heard he might want to come back to town now that it's looking a little safer! Let's make him feel welcome by asking him to help out with town restoration!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Welcome Pipsqueak
1 Time
Cost: 10 Gem or 2 checklist tokens
Build a Lemon Stand
1 Gem or 1 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: 1250 Bit
Rewards: 30 Star 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"Pip pip cheerio! Everything's comin' up lemon-shaped! Heheh... Am I doing it right?"

Room to Roam[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Room to Roam
"I'd say those refreshments were a pretty big success. Pies and lemonade are a great welcome-back gift for returning ponies, AND a nice refresher for everypony who's already here! If only we had a little more room for everypony to relax, too..." Required Quest Level Requirement
- -
Task Requirement
Collect Lemonade
2 Gem
2 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Cherry Pies
2 Gem
2 Times
Cost: Free
Uncover expansion zones
2 Gem
1 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 30 Star 800 Bit
Closing Text
"Awesome! Now we can make GALLONS of lemonade for thirsty wayward ponies -- AND baby dragons, of course."

Looking for LOLs[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Looking for LOLs
"Now that things are a little brighter around here... *GASP!* Are those loose Laughter Shards I spy? Let's go have a li'l collect-a-thon so we can get the Element of Laughter back for good!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Room to Roam
Task Requirement
Collect 3 Laughter Shards in Ponyville
2 Gem
1 Time
Cost: Free
Collect 500 Bits
3 Gem
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 25 Star 750 Bit
Closing Text
"Aha... ahahaHAAAAA! ... Wait, what was so funny, again? I guess those Laughter Shards are pretty potent..."

By the Book[]

Quest Giver: Spike By the Book
"I know Twilight would LOVE to have a bookstore around here. Let's show her how much we care by getting one for her. And maybe it'll help draw more ponies to the town, too. Everypony likes a story." Required Quest Level Requirement
Looking for LOLs
Task Requirement
Build a Bookstore
1 Time
Cost: 1750 Bit
Welcome Forsythia
1 Time
Cost: 4 Coffee tokens or 20 gems
Rewards: 20 Star 600 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Did you see the look on Twilight's face? She was so excited... There's nothing that pony loves more than a good book -- well, besides her friends, of course."

Lost and Found[]

Quest Giver: Spike Lost and Found
"I hear there are some neighboring towns that got all gloomed up thanks to Nightmare Moon... In the spirit of friendship, I think we should visit them and offer a gesture of goodwill. We don't have much yet, but it's important to share what we've got!" Required Quest Level Requirement
By the Book
Task Requirement
Visit your friend's town and leave a Treasure Chest
1 Gem or 1 ad watch
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 15 Star 800 Bit
Closing Text
"Normally I'd rather do a bit of hoarding instead of just giving stuff away, but... that actually felt really good!"

Pinkie's Presents[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Pinkie's Presents
"Pinkie NEVER skimps out on a present! I got my friends to try the Balloon Pop, but I still wanna make 'em feel appreciated, you know? They've been working so hard! I think I'll pick up some personalized prezzies for 'em!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Lost and Found
Task Requirement
Collect Cherries
2 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Lemonade
2 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Books
2 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 25 Star 750 Bit
Closing Text
"RUBIES?! Tasty red rubies?! Oh, they're cherries... But that's a pretty swell alternative! Thanks, Pinkie!"

A Bright Idea[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie A Bright Idea
"All this darkness all over the place... How are our friends gonna make it back if they can't even see the way home?! I WON'T STAND FOR IT! Pinkie to the rescue!!! Let's clear this place UP!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Pinkie's Presents
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
2 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Variable
Remove clearable items
3 Gem or 2 ad watch
3 Times
Cost: Variable
Collect laughter shards in Ponyville
1 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 25 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"Even if Nightmare Moon was behind all that gloominess, the sky's looking bright again, thanks to Pinkie!"

The Very Best Medicine[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle The Very Best Medicine
"It's time for our first victory, everypony! I'm so proud of us for rejuvenating our town. Now: Pinkie, Spike... let's gather around and use the Laughter Shards we found together to activate the Laughter Stone of Harmony!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Bright Idea
Task Requirement
Activate the Laughter Stone
1 Time
Cost: 25 Laughter Shards Laughter Shard
Rewards: 30 Star 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"YEAH! With Laughter back in Ponyville, not only is everypony feeling great, we're one Stone closer to stopping Nightmare Moon!"

A Pop in the Dark[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie A Pop in the Dark
"I feel like thanking Twilight and Spike for welcoming me back... but how? Ooh, I know! With Twilight's horn and all of Spike's li'l dragon spines, they'd be SUPER good at poppin' balloons! I've got just the thing for 'em!" Required Quest Level Requirement
The Very Best Medicine
Task Requirement
Build a Balloon Pop Stand
1 Time
Cost: 500 Bit
Play the Balloon Pop game
1 Gem or 1 ad watch
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 35 Star 400 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"I guess it IS pretty satisfying to pop a balloon... Wait, it's REALLY satisfying! This is fun!"

Generosity Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
19 TBA Staff of Sameness


Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Relax!
"Whew -- I knew it wouldn't be easy gathering the Elements of Harmony, but I didn't think I'd be THIS exhausted! Ooh, what if Ponyville had a splishy splashy SPA?! Anypony up for a whirlpool in the hot tub?! Huh? Whadda you mean, there's no splashing allowed?!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Pop in the Dark
Task Requirement
Build a Day Spa
1 Time
Cost: 5000 Bit
Collect Towels
2 Gem or 1 ad watch
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 25 Star 600 Bit
Closing Text
"A spa! I'm sure Rarity'll be real happy about this when she gets back. D'ya think she'd take me along...? N-not that I'd care!"

Spirit of Giving[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Spirit of Giving
"*sigh* ... Rarity hasn't come home yet, and I've been feeling a little down in the dumps. Could you help me search out some Generosity Shards in the meantime? Maybe it'll draw her back to Ponyville somehow!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Collect Generosity Shards in Ponyville
3 Gem or 1 ad watch
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"We've got generosity for days! I just hope it helps bring Rarity back..."

Suppose We Had Roses[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Suppose We Had Roses
"Hey, hey -- cheer up, Twi' 'n' Spikey... Ponyville is NOT losing its festive atmosphere so long as I've got somethin' to say about it. Nothing fancies up a town like FLOWERS..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Spirit of Giving
Task Requirement
Buy Red Pots
1 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: 240 Bit
Buy Yellow Pots
1 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: 240 Bit
Rewards: 20 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"Do you think there's such a thing as TOO many flowers? 'Cause I'm not sure Pinkie does."

Rarity's Return[]

Quest Giver: Spike Rarity's Return
"All right... We've got a fancy spa in town, and Pinkie's decorated the place the best she possibly could... It's (blech) pretty AND pamper-ey... Maybe Rarity's finally gonna come waltzing back! And maybe I can finally tell her how I feel..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Suppose We Had Roses
Task Requirement
Welcome Rarity
2 Times
Buy Blue Flags
1 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: 150 Bit
Rewards: 35 Star 1100 Bit
Closing Text
"*sigh* ... Isn't she wonderful? Rarity's sittin' pretty in her boutique! But... uh... I think I'll tell her how I feel about her another time..."

Vanity Mare[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Vanity Mare
"Well, I'm back... but the journey WAS somewhat unforgiving. I'm worried to pieces over the state of my mane! Won't you direct me to the nearest mirror, darling?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Rarity's Return
Task Requirement
Send Rarity to look at her reflection in the mirror
10 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"Rarity's looking right as rain -- just don't let her get caught in a downpour!"

Bigger and Better[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Bigger and Better
"Right -- let's get to work, then! For Ponyville's flourishing beauty to return in full force, she'll need more space than THIS. I will single-hoofedly kick the darkness back if I have to!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Vanity Mare
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
4 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Variable
Remove clearable items
5 Gem or 1 ad watch
2 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 55 Star 1500 Bit
Closing Text
"That's more like it... and look at all the space we have to rebuild! Princess Celestia would be proud!"

Fab Hatter[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Fab Hatter
"That's a BIT better... but our freshly renovated little burg is SORELY lacking in the fashion department. Perhaps a hat shop would inspire everypony to look their best during this trying time?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Bigger and Better
Task Requirement
Build a House of Hats
3 Gem or 1 ad watch
1 Time
Cost: 2500 Bit
Rewards: 35 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"Nothin' like wearing silly hats to cheer somepony up, I guess. Wait... did I say SILLY? I meant FASHIONABLE!"

Retail Therapy[]

Quest Giver: Spike Retail Therapy
"Wow! Rarity's usually all about fashion, but she's been really diligent about making sure our town looks as pretty as her wardrobe! Let's check out what she's done with the place..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Fab Hatter
Task Requirement
Have 14 Buildings
12 Gem or ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 30 Star 900 Bit
Closing Text
"Now THAT'S the Ponyville I know and love! Maybe seeing all these familiar places will help the rest of our friends find their way home."

Bookin' Smart[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Bookin' Smart
"Rarity's sent me on a little mission. She wants me to collect books on architecture and design for research! Looks like our resident fashionista is really serious about making Ponyville look great!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Retail Therapy
Task Requirement
Collect Books
2 Gem or ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 25 Star 600 Bit
Closing Text
"Sounds boring if you ask me. Buuuut... maybe I'll just take a peek at the pictures?"

A Rare Find[]

Quest Giver: Spike A Rare Find
"Poor Twilight fell asleep on her book collection last night... I should have known she'd work herself silly over my little request! While she rests, I'll hunt about a little for Generosity Shards. Don't tell her a thing -- it'll be our little secret!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Bookin' Smart
Task Requirement
Collect Generosity Shards in Ponyville
10 Gem or 7 ad watches
15 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 30 Star 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"I'm feeling more generous already! At leasts I THINK I am... Hey, don't touch my gems!"

There's a Pony for That[]

Quest Giver: Spike There's a Pony for That
"You know what would liven things up around here? A sick beat and some killer tuneage, that's what! Good thing we know the right pony for the job. I've got a pretty swell idea for a concert space for her, too!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Rare Find
Task Requirement
Welcome DJ Pon-3
Purchase with 40 Gem
8 Times
Cost: headphones
Task Timer: 01:21:00
Buy a Left Park Bench
3 Gem or Watch 2 Ads
1 Times
Cost: 22000
Buy a Right Park Bench
3 Gem or Watch 2 Ads
1 Times
Cost: 22000
Rewards: 70 Star 3000 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Ahh... Even when we're not dancing up a storm, it's nice to have seats around. I'll just... take a little rest for now... don't mind me... *zzz*..."

Extra Credit[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Extra Credit
"After doing that reasearch for rarity, I've found out about the existence of some pretty rare books... They might not be of any hep, but I just can't pass up the chance to add them to my collection!" Required Quest Level Requirement
There's a Pony for That
Task Requirement
Collect Books
15 Gem or Watch 11 Ads
3 Times
Cost: Free
Task Timer: 00:15:00
Rewards: 55 Star 3100 Bit
Closing Text
"I thought those were just books about fashion or architecture or whatever... You think they could help us stop Nightmare Moon?"

Mining What's Mine[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Mining What's Mine
"Now that yours truly is back in business, I'm going to need a few Gems for some faboulous new accessory designs... Care to assist me?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Extra Credit
Task Requirement
Play a mini-game with Rarity
1 Gem or Watch 1 Ad
1 Times
Cost: Varies
Rewards: 20 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"Good thing Rarity's Gem sense is so keen! I can't wait to see what she makes..."

A New Mane-do[]

Quest Giver: Rarity A New Mane-do
"Nightmare's gloom and doom is making everypony's mane as limp as flowers in a downpour... I simply INSIST that we invest in a salon for Ponyville. After all, we feel our best when we look our best." Required Quest Level Requirement
Mining What's Mine
Task Requirement
Build a Mane Salon
1 Times
Cost: 12000
Task Timer: 04:59:60
Rewards: 35 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text


Quest Giver: Rarity Mane-tenance
"I'd like to organize a small fashion show for our burgeoning town -- MC'd by our resident DJ of course -- but it occurs to me that not everypony has access to the finest mane-care products! ... Won't you help me distribute some luxury shampoo?" Required Quest Level Requirement
A New Mane-do
Task Requirement
Collect Shampoo
15 Gem or ad watches
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 30 Star 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"Rarity will TOTALLY appreciate that everypony's been mane-taining their manes! ... Get it?"

The Power of Giving[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle The Power of Giving
"Rarity thinks I've been working hard, but SHE'S the one galloping all over Ponyville making sure everypony looks their best! Let's pay her back by helping her collect Generosity Shards." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Collect Generosity Shards in Ponyville
8 Gem or ad watches
25 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star 2400 Bit
Closing Text
"Between these Shards and the power of friendship, there sure is a lot of generosity in the air!"

From Tome to Tome[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle From Tome to Tome
"Now THIS is exciting! Remember those rare books we collected? They've led me to a mysterious magical tome about -- get this -- fashion magic! I've GOTTA show Rarity as soon as I've got it in my hooves! I just need to ask Pinkie to take care of decorations for the fashion show..." Required Quest Level Requirement
The Power of Giving
Task Requirement
Send Twilight to find a magic book
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Send Pinkie to gaze at balloons
10 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 30 Star 900 Bit
Closing Text
"FASHION magic?! I guess anything goes in a war of redecoration..."

Shop 'Til You Stop[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Shop 'Til You Stop
"Everypony is looking absolutely splendid -- and preparations for my fashion show are shaping up nicely! Now, if you'll make the rounds with me -- we must stop by every single stand and shop and invite our hardworking neighbors to attend!" Required Quest Level Requirement
From Tome to Tome
Task Requirement
Collect items from shops
10 Gem or ad watches
20 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 35 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"Ponyville's businesses are lookin' great... and I bet nopony's gonna miss out on Rarity's fashion show now!"

All in a Day's Work[]

Quest Giver: Rarity All in a Day's Work
"Good heavens! My fashion show has barely started -- only for a swarm of Parasprites to show up uninvited! Twilight... what was that you were saying about fashion magic? Something about "using the Generosity Stone to whisk away the darkness..."" Required Quest Level Requirement
Shop 'Til You Stop
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
4 Gem or ad watches
2 Times
Cost: Variable
Defeat Parasprites
6 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: 5 Shards per swarm
Activate the Generosity Stone
1 Times
Cost: 75 Geneorsity Shards Generosity Shard
Rewards: 65 Star 2500 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Dear Diary... Today I saw something I never thought I'd see: hundreds of parasprites all tangled up in bows and wigs... Who knew the Generosity Stone could do that?!"

Honesty Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
20 16 Bag Emporium

Down-Home Decoratin'[]

Quest Giver: Applejack Down-Home Decoratin'
"Hey, y'all! Just swung by from Sweet Apple Acres -- heard Rarity was hostin' a fashion shoooOHHH WOW is that some kinda mess! I don't know who-all's been throwin' bows 'n' wigs and other stuff all over the place -- but we should pitch in and clean all this up!" Required Quest Level Requirement
All in a Day's Work
Task Requirement
Remove clearable items
10 Gem or ad watches
2 Times
Cost: Variable
Buy Yellow Flags
2 Gem or ad watches
4 Times
Cost: ??
Rewards: 55 Star 1700 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow... Good thing Applejack came by to visit! Activating that Generosity Stone was a little... hectic."

Try My Pie[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Try My Pie
"Yessirree... Pinkie's just brought Ponyville's pie market SOARING back with a RIP-ROARING success! And what's the SECRET to this incredible comeback, you ask? Well, I bought a LOT of pies for everypony but, um... it looks like the fashion show is already over?!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Down-Home Decoratin'
Task Requirement
Collect Cherry Pies
9 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 35 Star 1100 Bit
Closing Text
"Oh, Pinkiiiieeee... Um, I'll take those pies off your hooves if you'd like!"

Lyra's Lament[]

Quest Giver: Applejack Lyra's Lament
"I hear Lyra Heartstrings's comin' back to confront Bon Bon about some sort of secret or other... As an honesty expert myself, I think Lyra should share a secret of her own to even their friendship out! But I can't meddle in their business now -- got a meeting to go to with the Cakes!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Try My Pie
Task Requirement
Welcome Lyra
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ??
Send Lyra to think about secrets
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Send Mr. Carrot Cake to discuss edible arrangements with Mrs. Cup Cake
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 45 Star 1000 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"So Lyra ate Bon Bon's special imported oats? Well, THAT wasn't very nice... but I'm glad they worked it all out! Wonder what Bon Bon's secret was..."

Al Fresco[]

Quest Giver: Applejack Al Fresco
"What was that meetin' with the Cakes about? Oh they're just helpin' me drum up business for Sweet Apple Acres by servin' some of my food here in Ponyville! We DO need an outdoor seatin' area to do it in, though..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Lyra's Lament
Task Requirement
Buy Picnic Tables
10 Gem or ad watches
2 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 35 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"With Applejack and the Cakes working together, we'll all be enjoying the great outdoors in no time!"

Treasure Transfer[]

Quest Giver: Applejack Treasure Transfer
"I've been pokin' around since I got back, and I noticed we've got a few extra goodies left over from Rarity's shindig. Y'think some o' the guests left their valuables behind...? Well, if they did, then returnin' them's the right thing to do!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Al Fresco
Task Requirement
Give Treasure Chests to friends
3 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 35 Star 1100 Bit
Closing Text
"Aww man, hasn't anyone ever heard of "finders keepers"? *sigh* ... I guess being honest IS the right thing to do..."

Fanciest Pantsiest[]

Quest Giver: Applejack Fanciest Pantsiest
"If Ponyville's renaissance is to continue, we'll need a few high-society ponies to settle here... For instance, THE most important stallion in Canterlot! Perhaps I could convince him to sample Applejack's newest creations...?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Treasure Transfer
Task Requirement
Welcome Fancypants
10 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Send Fancypants to organize his monocle collection at home
1 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 65 Star 2450 Bit
Closing Text
"I shouldn't complain about another pony's arrival, but does he HAVE to keep calling the town "charmingly rustic"?"

Later, Cater![]

Quest Giver: Applejack Later, Cater!
"Seems like Rarity wants the two of us to set up a little Ponyville feast together... Let's see what she's got written down on this shoppin' list for me... A statue? A vase?! AN ICE SCULPTURE?! S-seems a li'l fancy, but I trust Rarity with fancy, I guess..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Fanciest Pantsiest
Task Requirement
Buy a Guard Statue
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Buy a Candy Vase
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Buy an Ice Sculpture
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 35 Star 1400 Bit
Closing Text
"I kinda get the feeling that Rarity isn't thinking about the food for this "feast" at all!"

Truffle's Time[]

Quest Giver: Applejack Truffle's Time
"I don't like to admit it... but I'm so busy, I could really use a helpin' hoof with this feast. Can you keep a lookout for some filly or colt with plenty of energy t'help pitch in?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Later, Cater!
Task Requirement
Welcome Truffle
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Send Truffle to raid his pantry at home
3 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 40 Star 1500 Bit
Closing Text
"Truffle loves food... Maybe he'll be the right colt for the job. Or maybe he'll just snack till he drops!"

A Fuller Festival[]

Quest Giver: Applejack A Fuller Festival
"I'm gonna need a bit more room for this feast. If everythin' goes accordin' to plan, we'll get loads of guests -- and rustle up some business for my family! Plus, the smell of all that good food'll bring more folks back to Ponyville, too!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Truffle's Time
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
6 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 30 Star 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"That's plenty of room! I just hope for Applejack's sake we've got enough guests to fill it!"

An Apple a Day Keeps Nightmare Away[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle An Apple a Day Keeps Nightmare Away
"Applejack doesn't always tell us when she needs help, but I know she'd appreciate it if we cleaned up and did something nice for her. She wants to make this feast something special -- so let's give it all we've got!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Fuller Festival
Task Requirement
Remove clearable items
5 Gem or ad watches
5 Times
Cost: Variable
Buy Apple Trees
3 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 35 Star 1250 Bit
Closing Text
"Say, this isn't just a scheme to expand Sweet Apple Acres, is it...?"

Gifters Gonna Give[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Gifters Gonna Give
"Hey, I KNOW we're all excited about A.J.'s feast right now, but I just had a SUPER idea to get Fluttershy to come back to Ponyville! Presents for everypony, in honor of the spirit of kindness! Nothin' to do with throwing a party -- no sirree!" Required Quest Level Requirement
An Apple a Day Keeps Nightmare Away
Task Requirement
Collect Treasure Chests
3 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Give gifts to friends
3 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 40 Star 1500 Bit
Closing Text
"Hey, congrats! And look -- the more friends you have, the more hearts you can give and receive. You get what you give, buddy!"

Order Up![]

Quest Giver: Applejack Order Up!
"Without my family around, it's rough doin' all this plannin' and bakin' all by myself... If Ponyville had a proper restaurant, though, I think it'd really help speed things up!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Gifters Gonna Give
Task Requirement
Build a Restaurant
1 Times
Cost: ??
Collect Bits
8000 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 60 Star 3500 Bit
Closing Text
"Hey, Applejack... Are you SURE you don't need a helping hoof with that feast? ... Helping CLAW, maybe?"

Honest to Goodness[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Honest to Goodness
"You think Applejack's almost ready for her feast? She hasn't told me and the others much about it... Well, while she's busy, the least we can do is gather Honesty Shards, right?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Order Up!
Task Requirement
Collect Honesty Shards in Ponyville
2 Gem or ad watches
10 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"Nice job! We'll have that Honesty Stone up and running in no time, at the rate you're going!"

The Pet Defense[]

Quest Giver: Applejack The Pet Defense
"SOMEpony's been eatin' up all the edible flowers for my feast's sandwiches! I know they look tastier than Granny Smith's pies, but now I won't have NEARLY enough food for everypony! I THINK I know who the culprit is... and he's got LOADS of explainin' to do." Required Quest Level Requirement
Honest to Goodness
Task Requirement
Build a Flower Shop
1 Times
Cost: ???
Send Truffle to maintain plausible deniability at the Flower Shop
1 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 55 Star 1500 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Yikes. I wouldn't wanna be in Truffle's place right about now... More importantly, what'll happen to Applejack's feast? I'm hungry!"

Booths for Business[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Booths for Business
"Applejack is really down in the dumps... She thinks she'll fail her family without some kind of huge feast, but she's forgotten something: She doesn't need all that fancy stuff to get everypony to appreciate her apples! All she needs to do is be herself!" Required Quest Level Requirement
The Pet Defense
Task Requirement
Buy Applejack's Booth
2 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 35 Star 1400 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow! Selling Applejack's and the Cakes' food together was a HUGE success! ... I had a couple more pies than I should've, though..."

The Best Policy[]

Quest Giver: Applejack The Best Policy
"I worked myself into a frenzy over nothin'! All I needed to do was be true to myself -- and I drummed up plenty of business for my family doing it, too! If THAT kinda feelin' ain't enough to activate the Honesty Stone, I don't know what is!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Booths for Business
Task Requirement
Activate the Honesty Stone
1 Times
Cost: 75 Honesty Shards Honesty Shard
Rewards: 40 Star 1600 Bit
Closing Text
"Woohoo!!! The Honesty Stone has been activated! Take THAT, Nightmare Moon!"

Kindness Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
20 More than 48470 Bit and 34 Gems or more Luna's Chariot

Ponyfest Destiny[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"Activating a Stone means it's time for my favorite part of the day - we get to expand Ponyville again! Get outta here, darkness!" Required Quest Level Requirement
The Best Policy
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
5 Gem or 4 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Variable
Task Timer: Variable
Rewards: 60 Star 2000 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Sure is looking brighter around here. You've done a stellar job!"

Letting in Luck[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Letting in Luck
"I know that Ponyville will only get brighter the harder we work... but I sometimes wish we had a bit more luck on our side! Speaking of... it's been a while since we've seen any new ponies settle in town, hasn't it?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Ponyfest Destiny
Task Requirement
Welcome Lucky Clover
1 Time
Cost: 20 clovers or 200 Gem
Buy Orange Flags
3 Times
Cost: 150
Rewards: 55 Star 3000 Bit
Closing Text
"Is he really so lucky? It seems like he argues with his fillyfriend all the time! Maybe luck means different things for different ponies...?"

Fluttering Back[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Fluttering Back
"Oh, how great it would be if we could see Fluttershy again. I miss her dearly! If only we could meet again..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Letting in Luck
Task Requirement
Welcome Fluttershy
1 Time
Cost: Free
Send Fluttershy to have a picnic
6 Gem or 4 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 60 Star 2100 Bit
Closing Text
"Fluttershy's back in town! I'm the happiest dragon in all of Equestria! And every critter, big or small, is so glad to see her!"

Don't Be Shy![]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Don't Be Shy!
"Oh, I'm so, so sorry I didn't return sooner...Wh-when Nightmare Moon appeared, I got so scared, and I ran away, and... and then my friends and I got really, really, reeeeeally lost. I promise I can make up for it...What can I do to help?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Fluttering Back
Task Requirement
Raise Fluttershy to 1 star
1 Time
Cost: Ad Watch/Variable
Remove clearable items
8 Gem or 6 ad watches
8 Times
Cost: Variable
Uncover expansion zones
5 Gem or 4 ad watches
2 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 65 Star 4500 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow... She didn't have to clean up the whole TOWN! She's one of the nicest ponies I know..."

Everypony Screams For...![]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Everypony Screams For...!
"HOW did we not have an ice cream shop before this? Would somepony care to explain it to me? ANYpony??? We gotta fix this immediately. ESPECIALLY now that Fluttershy's given us a reason to party. (... ICE CREEEAM.)" Required Quest Level Requirement
Don't Be Shy!
Task Requirement
Build the Ice Cream Shop
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 40 Star 1500 Bit
Closing Text
"IIIIIICE CREEEEEAM!!! *cough cough* I mean, th-this'll really help our town! Ahem..."

Snips Settles In[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Snips Settles In
"Has anyone seen Fluttershy around? I wanted to ask her if she saw anypony else on her way back to town... We're growing, sure, but Ponyville still feels small -- I'm hoping more ponies will come back the more we keep building!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Everypony Screams For...!
Task Requirement
Welcome Snips
3 Gem or ad watches
1 Time
Cost: ???
Build a Bowling Alley
3 Gem or 4 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: ???
Rewards: 45 Star 1000 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Hey -- Snips is back! ... And I learned that Pinkie has NO idea how to bowl! Can somepony PLEASE tell her not to play catch with the balls?"

Be Kind: Re-Find[]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Snips Settles In
"Ooh, this is bad. This is very, very bad. W-when I ran away from Nightmare Moon, my animal friends all scampered away and now I can't find them... ANYwhere...! D-do you think finding the Kindness Stone might help? Somehow...?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Be Kind: Re-Find
Task Requirement
Find the Kindness Stone
2 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 55 Star 3000 Bit
Closing Text
"Fluttershy's animal friends may be missing -- but until we find them, her PONY friends are right here!"

Get Your Greens[]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Get Your Greens
"You know... vegetables are a very important part of every bunny's and pony's diet... even bears' diets too, sometimes. So... so I'd really like to have someplace where they can all get a healthy snack, once they come home..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Be Kind: Re-Find
Task Requirement
Build an Asparagus Stand
2 Gem or ad watches
1 Time
Cost: ???
Welcome Lily Valley
2 Gem or 4 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: ???
Rewards: 35 Star 1400 Bit
Closing Text
"I don't know if it's the asparagus or what, but Lily Valley's back in town! Sure, she tends to overreact sometimes, but I'm sure she'll settle in just fine!"

Go Jump in a Lake![]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Go Jump in a Lake!
"M-my babies will probably be tired when they return, a-and scared... But animals don't drink lemonade, s-so it might be a good idea to get a really big pond for them to, um, sip on... and play in... N-not that I'm expecting a crowd... Well, actually..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Get Your Greens
Task Requirement
Buy a Large Pond
5 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 40 Star 1800 Bit
Closing Text
"Last one to the pond's a rotten griffon egg! CANNONBALL!"

It's Vintage![]

Quest Giver: Rarity It's Vintage!
"Yes, yes, that pond is QUITE rustic -- but an antique shop would REALLY brighten up Ponyville's promenades! Can't you imagine it? Shelves full of glistening objets d'art...? It's too bad those petulant Parasprites would gobble it all up if given the chance. Why don't you do something about them, first?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Go Jump in a Lake!
Task Requirement
Defeat Parasprites
5 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: 5 shards per swarm
Build an Antique Shop
8 Times
Cost: ???
Buy a Mushroom Table
2 Gem or ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 90 Star 4500 Bit
Closing Text
"Way to get rid of the Parasprites! Now everypony's old junk will be safe! I MEAN valuables! Old valuables!"

Gaze Upon It![]

Quest Giver: Rarity Gaze Upon It!
"That antique shop is a start, but one can never have enough elegance and I still say Ponyville is somewhat lacking in that regard. How about a fancy yet functional gazebo? ... Built in the Canterlot style, of course." Required Quest Level Requirement
It's Vintage!
Task Requirement
Buy a Gazebo
4 Gem or ad watches
1 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 45 Star 2000 Bit
Closing Text
"I'm not one for interior OR exterior design, but that gazebo looks pretty nifty!"

Yay or Neigh?[]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Yay or Neigh?
"*sigh* ... I know everypony means well, but I need a little quiet time every now and then... It's times like those that I really miss my animal friends, wherever they are. Um... maybe some of the ponies around town know where they are...?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Gaze Upon It!
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
7 Gem or ad watches
7 Times
Cost: Variable
Tap ponies
3 Gem or ad watches
14 Times
Cost: Free
Own decorations
8 Gem or ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 75 Star 6000 Bit
Closing Text
"Hmm... no sign of her animal friends yet, even in all that new land... But I hope Fluttershy realizes she's ALWAYS got ponies who care about her, right by her side!"

Good Deed Done[]

Quest Giver: Rarity It's Vintage!
"Hmm... I feel as though I've been a bit dismissive regarding our friend Fluttershy. It can't be easy, being so charmingly withdrawn! Let us attempt to draw her out of her shell -- by helping her collect Kindness Shards, perhaps!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Go Jump in a Lake!
Task Requirement
Collect Kindness Shards
3 Gem or ad watches
15 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Bits
5 Gem or ad watches
10000 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star 1200 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Are YOU feeling the kindness? 'Cause I am! Whooooo!!!"

A Posh Promise[]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy A Posh Promise
"Rarity was nice to help me the other day... especially after all that exhausting s-socializing... I-I can't always say it in words, but... I want to let her know I appreciate her. I think I might have thought of a good gift..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Good Deed Done
Task Requirement
Collect 4 Antique Mirrors from the Antique Shop
10 Gem or 7 ad watches
4 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 45 Star 2200 Bit
Closing Text
"Rarity's gonna love these! Fluttershy sure knows her stuff when it comes to kindness!"

Form AND Function[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Form AND Function
"Those mirrors were lovely! And they've inspired me, as well. I think we can encourage Fluttershy's animal friends to return WHILE beatifying the town! We'd simply have to arrange for some animal-centric decor - it would look positivly DARLING on our streets, and provide a lovely spot for her little friends to drink and play!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Posh Promise
Task Requirement
Buy small pond
8 Gem or 6 ad watches
2 Times
Cost: 2920 bits
Buy a pet crib
3 Gem or 2 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: 8400 bits
Rewards: 40 Star 1600 Bit
Closing Text
"Seems like Rarity and Fluttershy are getting along super well... Fluttershy's really starting to open up again!"

Crescent Moon Rising[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Crescent Moon Rising
"Unknown" Required Quest Level Requirement
Form AND Function
Task Requirement
Welcome Crescent Moon
1 Times
Cost: 30 Crescent Moons
Rewards: 40 Star 2200 Bit
Closing Text
"Talk about good timing! Maybe the other Wonderbolts will follow Crescent Moon back here - and where you find the Wonderbolts, you'll find Rainbow Dash!"

Get Schooled![]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Get Schooled!
"Goodness... I've been worrying over my animal friends so much, I almost forgot that so many PONIES aren't here either... M-Maybe if I did something big... for the whole town... Maybe they would all come back home!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Crescent Moon Rising
Task Requirement
Build a Schoolhouse
10 Gem
1 Times
Cost: 37,000 bits
Collect pencil sets
25 Gem or 18 ad watches
7 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 65 Star 2200 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Talk about "big"! A schoolhouse is a HUGE idea! I'VE got all the education I need, but the younger ponies are gonna LOVE this!"

When the Clock Strikes[]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy When the Clock Strikes
"The town is looking so, so beautiful, and everypony seems to be getting along... I'm not sure i-if I can top the "bigness" of a schoolhouse, but I... um... I think a clock tower might be really nice, too... That way, I can remember the time when the rest of my friends come back... I'm sure it will always be special to me!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Get Schooled!
Task Requirement
Buy a Large Clock Tower
8 Gem or 6 ad skips
1 Times
Cost: 34 Gem
Rewards: 55 Star 2800 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow... Isn't there just something magical about a big ol' town clock tower? I can't wait to hear it chime!"

Fight the Darkness[]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy Fight the Darkness
"It's been really hard to be apart from my animal friends... but, I know now that the best chance of finding them -- and the best way to solve any problem -- is by working together with everypony you love. S-so that's what I'll do! Let's push back the darkness together!" Required Quest Level Requirement
When the Clock Strikes
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
10 Gem or 7 ad skips
3 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 40 Star 1800 Bit
Closing Text
"Take that, Nightmare Moon! Nothing can stop us when we all work together!"

That's Nice![]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy That's Nice!
"Um, excuse me... I think that we have enough Kindness in Ponyville to activate one of the Elements of Harmony! I mean, if you think it would be all right... I'd really like to try it!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Fight the Darkness
Task Requirement
Unlock Kindness Stone
1 Times
Cost: 100 Kindness Shards
Rewards: 55 Star 3200 Bit
Closing Text
"YEAH! That did the trick--all of Fluttershy's Kindness just brought us one step closer to taking down Nightmare Moon!"

Loyalty Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
18 TBA Igneous Rock

Equine Embellishments[]

Quest Giver: Rarity Equine Embellishments
"Maybe it's all this dreary darkness, but wouldn't you say

that Ponyville's Looking a bit dull these days? Be a dear and place a few statues about I'd do it Myself, but I just got a hooficure."

Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Buy a Pony Statue
5 Gem or 7 ads
1 Times
Cost: 58,000 bits
Buy a Royal Guard Statue
5 Gem or 7 ads
1 Times
Cost: 54,000 bits
Buy a Guard Statue
5 Gem or 7 ads
1 Times
Cost: 11,500 bits
Rewards: 95 Star 9000 Bit
Closing Text
"Lookin' good! And hey -- doesn't that one statue kinda remind you of Rainbow Dash? Where'd she run off to, again...?"

Sonic Rainboom[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Sonic Rainboom
"Finally -- almost all My best friends have Come back home! We're just missing one... But with our town looking so nice, and the Wonderbolts starting to trickle back in, I have a feeling she'll be back sooner than we think!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Equine Embellishments
Task Requirement
Welcome Rainbow Dash
1 Times
Cost: Free
Send Rainbow Dash to practice some tricks
9 Gem or ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 70 Star 3300 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"THAT'S the Rainbow Dash I remember! Look at her go! If anypony can help us beat Nightmare Moon, she can!"

Café Talk[]

Quest Giver: Spike Café Talk
"Whoa, didja hear that? My stomach's growling! I could sure go for some rubies... Let's see if the café has anything for me to munch on! ... Wait -- we don't have a café yet?! But I'm starving!!!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Sonic Rainboom
Task Requirement
Build a Café
1 Times
Cost: ???
Collect Sandwiches from the Café
4 Gem or ads
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 65 Star 4500 Bit
Closing Text
"Aw man...! Daffodil and daisy sandwiches is all they've got today! Stupid seasonal menu..."

Loyal for Life![]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Loyal for Life!
"I'm back in town and READY FOR ACTION! Let's get this show on the road already -- we need Loyalty Shards to kick Nightmare Moon's butt, right? I'm gonna go gather up all of 'em I can find!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Café Talk
Task Requirement
Collect Loyalty Shards in Ponyville
8 Gem or ad watches
10 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 30 Star 1000 Bit
Closing Text
"Rainbow Dash sure gets excited about this kinda stuff -- but if it gets us more Loyalty Shards, that's awesome!"

Flighty Fliers[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Flighty Fliers
"Oh my gosh, oh my GOSH -- how come nopony told me Crescent Moon moved in?! You KNOW he manages the Wonderbolts, right?! He's the BEST! Aaaaaah, if the REST of the team showed up, that would be AMAZING!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Loyal for Life!
Task Requirement
Welcome Soarin'
20 Gem
1 Times
Cost: ???
Raise Soarin by 1 star
3 Gem or ads
1 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 55 Star 3100 Bit
Closing Text
"Holy moly -- a local celebrity! Thanks for letting Soarin' rest his wings here in town!"

Tandem Training[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Tandem Training
"So, I've got this really good idea to get me and Soarin' back in shape. Why don't we take a zip through the mines as a warmup, and then plant a buncha trees to make an obstacle course we can jet through? Awesome suggestion, right?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Flighty Fliers
Task Requirement
Collect Loyalty Shards in the Crystal Mine
12 Gem or ad watches
15 Times
Cost: Variable
Buy Evergreen Trees
5 Gem or ads
5 Times
Cost: 500 Bit each
Rewards: 45 Star 2000 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow... Do NOT get between Rainbow Dash and her workout routine. She nearly ran me over! TWICE!"

Wondrous Wonderbolts![]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Wondrous Wonderbolts!
"Soarin's back, and that's great -- but I can't even imagine him being without the rest of the Wonderbolts for long! I wonder where the rest of 'em are..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Tandem Training
Task Requirement
Welcome Spitfire
600 Gem
1 Times
Cost: 600 Gem or gain 40 tokens
Rewards: 20 Star 500 Bit
Closing Text
"Spitfire loves her new digs... and I'm feelin' a little starstruck! Do you think she'll sign my tail?!"

Sprain in the Neck[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Sprain in the Neck
"Ugh... All that flyin' around with Soarin' kinda wore me out. Maybe I pushed myself too hard. I think I'd better get my wing checked out or something..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Wondrous Wonderbolts!
Task Requirement
Build a Hospital
15 Gem
1 Times
Cost: ???
Rewards: 60 Star 3400 Bit
Closing Text
"Oh, no... It's great that we've got a hospital now, but I hope Rainbow Dash is all right!"

Pinkie the Pinhead![]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Pinkie the Pinhead!
"NEWS FLASH! I think I finally figured out how bowling works! Remember? From earlier? Anyway -- as far as I can tell, it involves HATS." Required Quest Level Requirement
Sprain in the Neck
Task Requirement
Collect Bowling Balls
6 Gem or ad watches
2 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Movie Passes
5 Gem or ads
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 55 Star 1500 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Yeah. Looks like Pinkie Pie STILL doesn't understand how bowling works..."

Flying High?[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Flying High?
"Huh? Spitfire's gonna give a demonstration HERE? In PONYVILLE?! Ugh... I wish I could join in, but I can barely move my wings -- the doctor said I need to take it easy for a while! *sigh* ... I hope she tears it up anyway..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Pinkie the Pinhead!
Task Requirement
Raise Spitfire to 2 stars
10 Gem
1 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 150 Star 3000 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow... That was amazing! No wonder Spitfire's the captain of Equestria's best flying team!"

Altius Volantis![]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Altius Volantis!
""Okay, okay, okay, enough about bowling -- if we had ALL the Wonderbolts here in Ponyville, I bet Rainbow'd be so happy she'd EXPLODE!!! We could watch 'em rip-roaring through the skies... and even *gasp* GOING TO THE STORE! Like NORMAL ponies! That would be AMAZING!!"" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Welcome Fleetfoot
Purchase with gems 900
1 Times
Cost: 60 sunglasses
Send Spitfire to run through a few drills at home
6 gems or watch 4 ads
3 Times
Cost: Free
Send Fleetfoot to shop for vintage googles at the Antique Shop
10 gems or Watch 7 ads
5 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 85 Star 3000 Bit 2 Gem
Closing Text
"Welcome to Ponyville, Fleetfoot! It's great to have so many Wonderbolts here in town!"

A Bolt Choice of Decor[]

Quest Giver: Rarity A Bolt Choice of Decor
"Not only would our newest residents enjoy it, but I'm SURE our darling Dashie would appreciate some Wonderbolt-style decorations. It's always best to make very important guests FEEL very important!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Atlius Volantis!
Task Requirement
Buy a Wonderbolt Statue
8 Gems or Watch 6 Ads
1 Times
Cost: 36 Gems
Rewards: 55 Star 3000 Bit
Closing Text
"I can't even IMAGINE how stoked Rainbow Dash is gonna be when she sees these! But I haven't seen her since she got her wing checked out..."

Pinkie: Pony Prankster[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Pinkie: Pony Prankster
"Hmm... I know Rainbow Dash is back in Ponyville, but I haven't seen her anywhere! WELL -- once I find her, I know EXACTLY what'll cheer her up! Here's a hint: it's PRANKS!!!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Bolt Choice of Decor
Task Requirement
Build a Joke Shop
1 Times
Cost: 72000
Collect Bags of Tricks
6 Gems or Watch 4 ads
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 70 Star 5000 Bit
Closing Text
"Something about Pinkie and Dash being so prank-happy makes me a little nervous... But I'm glad they're such good friends!"

Get Dash![]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Get Dash!
"Stupid Sprained wing... Has anybody even NOTICED I'm not clearing the clouds like I used to? Or are they too busy settin' up for the rest of the Wonderbolts... *grumble* ... Well, at least my HOOVES are still good for something. Maybe Pinkie can help me pick up some Shards..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Pinkie: Pony Prankster
Task Requirement
Collect Loyalty Shards in Ponyville
10 Gems or Watch 7 Ads
20 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star 2500 Bit
Closing Text
"Oh no... I didn't realize Rainbow was feeling so down in the dumps! I hope finding all those shards cheered her up..."

Pop, Pop, and Away![]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Pop, Pop, and Away!
"WHY DIDN'T I KNOW DASH HAD A WING SPRAIN?! This is the LAST time I spend a whole week figuring out how to bowl... WELL, I thought up the PERFECT way for her to get all her energy out while she heals up! One word: BALLOONS." Required Quest Level Requirement
Get Dash!
Task Requirement
Play the Balloon Pop Game
20 Gems or Watch 14 Ads
7 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 55 Star 2800 Bit
Closing Text
"Nothing quite like popping a couple ballons to blow your stress away!"

Ten Seconds Flat![]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Ten Seconds Flat!
"I think my wings're finally back in working order! And thanks to Pinkie, I'm in a WAY better mood, too... Welp, there's only one way to make sure I'm ready to fly -- and that's by FLYING!quest=Pop, Pop, and Away!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Raise Rainbow Dash by 2 stars
10 Gem
1 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 60 Star 3400 Bit
Closing Text
"Aww... It's so awesome to see Rainbow Dash doin' what she does best again!"

Look Out for Loyalty![]

Quest Giver: Applejack Look Out for Loyalty!
"Ponyville is biger and better than ever, if you ask me! But we still haven't fouqnd the Loyalty Stone yet... Since Dash's been outta comission for a while, let's do her a favor and help her find it!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Ten Seconds Flat!
Task Requirement
Find the Loyalty Stone
1 Times
Cost: Free
Uncover expansion zones
12 Gems or 8 Ads
4 Times
Cost: Various
Rewards: 65 Star 4200 Bit
Closing Text
"Aw yeah! Now that everypony's rallied around Rainbow Dash, I KNEW we'd find that stone in a jiffy!"

Nopony Left Behind[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Nopony Left Behind
"It's been kinda hectic since I got back, but I'm glad I've got my best buds around to help me out! Let's prove our loyalty to each other -- by using the Loyalty Stone to kick the darkness outta Nightmare!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Look Out for Loyalty!
Task Requirement
Collect Loyalty Shards in Ponyville
30 Times
Cost: Free
Activate the Loyalty Stone
1 Times
Cost: 125 loyalty
Rewards: 90 Star 8000 Bit
Closing Text
"THAT'S how it's done! Rainbow Dash would never leave her friends hanging -- and neither would we!"

Magic Arc[]

Number of Quests Cost to Complete Arc Arc Reward
20 TBA Princess Luna


Quest Giver: Rarity HAT-MERGENCY!
"Gracious! With all the progress we've been making regarding Nightmare Moon, I've heard that PRINCESS CELESTIA HERSELF is on her way to Ponyville! Possibly to remonstrate with her sister...But that's beside the point! The POINT is that we HARDLY HAVE A SUITABLE SELECTION OF HATS FOR THE OCCASION!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Nopony Left Behind
Task Requirement
Collect Fancy Hats
12 Gem or 8 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 35 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"Wait... do I need a Princess-meeting hat TOO? This is serious!"

Starry Sight[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Starry Sight
"We're in the final stretch, everypony... There's only one more Element of Harmony to go, and I SHOULD be excited about our progress, but... I'm actually really nervous. Could you bring me a telescope and some maps, so I can keep a close eye on what Nightmare Moon's doing to the sky?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Buy a Globe
3 Gem or 2 ad watches
1 Times
Cost: 6400 Bit
Buy a Telescope
8 Gem or 6 ad watches
1 Times
Cost: 32000 Bit
Rewards: 65 Star 4000 Bit
Closing Text
"Twilight's such a worrywart, but THAT's hardly surprising! At least that stuff you got her might give her some peace of mind, right?"

Friendship is What...?[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Friendship is What...?
"Ugh, I got so BORED of collectin' the same type of Shard over and over again! Good thing there's a cool, new kind out there -- and I hear it's pretty rare! Treasure hunt, anypony?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Starry Sight
Task Requirement
Collect shards of magic
10 Gem or 7 ad watches
10 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 35 Star 1200 Bit
Closing Text
"There's nothing boring about twinkly, tasty Shards! Did I say "tasty"? Look, I PROMISE I've never licked one just to see how it tastes!"

Ice Cream S.O.S.[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Ice Cream S.O.S.
"Oh my gosh! This is HORRIBLE -- I heard that Nightmare Moon's evil magic somehow ruined all the ice cream in our shop! I wish we had Princess Celestia's Royal Guard to give us a hoof, b-but he's nowhere to be found..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Friendship is What...?
Task Requirement
Welcome Celestia's Royal Guard
8 Gem
1 Times
Cost: 50 hats
Send Celestia's Royal Guard to conduct a health inspection at the Ice Cream Shop
4 Gem or Watch 3 Ads
2 Times
Cost: Free
Task Timer: 2 hours
Build a Corn Stand
1 Times
Cost: 20 Gem or Free from the Star Mastery awards
Rewards: 95 Star 4000 Bit 2 Gem
Closing Text
"Okay... uh... don't tell Twilight, but that MAY not have been Nightmare Moon who ruined that ice cream. I TRIPPED, OKAY?"

Cake Mates[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie Cake Mates
"Okay, so I DID tell Rarity I'd try on all her fancy hats -- just as long as SHE eats lots and lots of fancy cake with me. ... And if I find some Gems, I can invite Spikey along, too! I PROMISE there'll be cake left over for Princess Celestia's visit!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Ice Cream S.O.S.
Task Requirement
Collect Gems for Spike
5 Gem or 4 ad watches
10 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Fancy Cakes
12 Gem or 8 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Lemonade
10 Gem or 7 ad watches
5 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 Star 2700 Bit
Closing Text
"Glad to know I can be fancy enough for a cake party! ... And glad they left all the Gems for me!"

That's How We Roll[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie That's How We Roll
"Unknown" Required Quest Level Requirement
Cake Mates
Task Requirement
Welcome Bowling Pony
1 Times
Cost: 50 Bowling Shoes
Rewards: 40 Star 1500 Bit
Closing Text
"Okay, um... on second thought, maybe we SHOULDN'T have that guy give Pinkie lessons. He's... uh... kind of more excitable than I thought."

Clean Sweep[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Clean Sweep
"Hey -- just prepping for Princess Celestia's visit... Wanna see me kick those clouds and clear up all this junk in record time? Don't blink!" Required Quest Level Requirement
That's How We Roll
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
2 Gem or one ad watch
3 Times
Cost: Various
Task Timer: Instant
Remove clearable items
10 Gem or 7 ad watches
10 Times
Cost: Various
Task Timer: Varies
Rewards: 75 Star 3750 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Ah! I blinked! Did she do it...? Oh yeah, she sure did..."

A Room with a Quill[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"I sent Spike to get me a new quill for my gala design sketches, and he came back with a SOFA for some reason... Either would be fine for Celestia's upcoming visit... but can you look into getting me a proper quill, please?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Clean Sweep
Task Requirement
Build a Quills and Sofas shop
15 Gem or 11 ad watches
1 Times
Cost: 60 Gem
Rewards: 55 Star 3300 Bit
Closing Text
"Sorry! I was a little overwhelmed by the sheer variety of stuff at the Quills and Sofas Shop! Good thing they had a quill left..."

Spitfire Struts Her Stuff[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash
"Spitfire's probably one of the best fliers out there! She can zip 'n' zoom like NOPONY'S business, so she'd probably be SUPER good at finding stuff in the mines! I'm gonna go ask her if she wants to try it out -- us Wonderbolts are doing a whole ROUTINE when Celestia comes, and we gotta keep in shape!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Room with a Quill
Task Requirement
Play Crystal Mine with Spitfire
10 Gem or 7 ad watches
5 Times
Cost: Spitfire is unskippable, so free
Rewards: 45 Star 2000 Bit
Closing Text
"Whooo! Nice job, Dash! She's one dynamite tandem flyer!"

Tender Loving Care[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Um... you're probably sick of hearing me worry all the time, but I REALLY think we should at least have some first aid kits ready for whatever happens after we find the last Element. E-even if it's only a party. ... AFTERWARDS we can decorate. I promise." Required Quest Level Requirement
Spitfire Struts Her Stuff
Task Requirement
Collect First Aid Kits
6 Gem or 4 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Buy Wizard Colors Banners
5 Gem or 4 ad watches
1 Times
Cost: 30000 Bit
Rewards: 60 Star 3700 Bit
Closing Text
"Uh... do you think Twilight looks a little MORE stressed than usual? Maybe it's just me..."

A Study in Pinkie[]

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"I'd love to decorate the WHOLE TOWN for when Celestia comes, but even someone as amazing as me can't be everywhere at once! Could you put down some Pinkie-pink flags as you gussy the place up? You know, to remind everypony how I'm aaaaalways waaaaatching them..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Tender Loving Care
Task Requirement
Buy Pink Flags
1 Gem or 3 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: 150 Bit
Buy Small Ponds
4 Gem or 3 ad watches
2 Times
Cost: 1460 Bit
Buy Right Hedges
4 Gem or 3 ad watches
4 Times
Cost: 640 Bit
Rewards: 45 Star 2000 Bit
Closing Text
"Ooookay... Those pink flags are a LITTLE creepy, I guess -- but the town's looking better than ever!"

A Little Distraction[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Decorating kinda helps me take my mind off... you know... how anxious I am right now... Speaking of, I'd like to chat with our resident flower expert for advice on flower arrangements... And while I'm at it, I better get Pinkie to visit Bowling Pony. He may be... excitable, but SOMEPONY'S gotta teach her how to stop chucking bowling balls around." Required Quest Level Requirement
A Study in Pinkie
Task Requirement
Buy the Sun and Moon Statues
12 Gem or 8 ad watches
1 Times
Cost: 38 Gem
Send Twilight to visit Forsythia
6 Gem or 4 ad watches
1 Times
Task Timer: 6 hours
Send Pinkie to talk with Bowling Pony
3 Gem or 2 ad watches
1 Times
Task Timer: 3 hours
Rewards: 60 Star 2200 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Whoa, whoa, you don't think those lessons will work TOO well, right? What if Pinkie beats me! I better get practicing!"

Nice and Neat![]

Quest Giver: Applejack
"This is our final push, everypony! We can't relax just yet, so let's all work together to clean the town up for Princess Celestia's arrival! She'll be back real soon -- and we've gotta do her proud!" Required Quest Level Requirement
A Little Distraction
Task Requirement
Remove Clearable Items
33 Gem or 23 ad watches
18 Times
Cost: Variable
Collect Bits
33 Gem or 23 ad watches
420000 Times
Defeat Parasprites
33 Gem or 23 ad watches
9 Times
Rewards: 175 Star 9700 Bit 5 Gem
Closing Text
"Whew! I'm exhausted, but it's all worth it when it leaves Ponyville lookin' this good!"

Centering Yourself[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"I... I can't believe it! Ponyville is almost entirely back to how it was before! I've been so worried about stopping Nightmare Moon before Celestia gets here, I barely even noticed how much everypony has been helping out! And I need to do my part, too... to build something REALLY big!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Nice and Neat!
Task Requirement
Build a Town Hall
45 Gem or 31 ad watches
1 Times
Cost: 360 Gem
Rewards: 60 Star 3800 Bit
Closing Text
"With the full strength of the town behind us and everypony here pitching in, I think we can defeat Nightmare Moon once and for all!"

Change of Plans![]

Quest Giver: Fluttershy
"I... I think Twilight is feeling a little better now... She said that celebrating together in honor of Celestia's return m-might just make enough magic to drive Nightmare Moon away! So... Rarity and I have decided to do just that... I hope it's a good idea!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Centering Yourself
Task Requirement
Send Rarity to dance with Lucky Clover
6 Gem or 4 ad watches
3 Times
Cost: Free
Send Fluttershy to visit Crescent Moon to take care of his pet.
6 Gem or 4 ad watches
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 60 Star 2000 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"Playing with cute animals AND dancing? Now, THIS kind of party I can get behind!"

Who's Got Spirit?[]

Quest Giver: Rarity
"Twilight has the right idea! Raising everypony's spirits might just be the way to defeat Nightmare Moon... Come! Let's pass out as many town flags as we can -- drum up a little Ponyville spirit!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Change of Plans!
Task Requirement
Uncover expansion zones
20 Gem or 14 ad watches
5 Times
Cost: Variable
Collect flags from the Town Hall
20 Gem or 14 ad watches
4 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 95 Star 4500 Bit 2 Gem
Closing Text
"Yesss!!! We're almost there, you guys!!! Let the sun shine down on Ponyville!"

Study Break[]

Quest Giver: Spike Study Break
"Twilight's finally starting to admit it, but she's been working SUPER hard to keep everypony happy AND push back the darkness at the same time! Can you help take her mind off of things for a second and play a quick game with her? I know she'll appreciate it." Required Quest Level Requirement
Who's Got Spirit?
Task Requirement
Play a mini-game with Twilight
3 Gem
1 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 40 Star 1800 Bit
Closing Text
"Thanks a lot! You really helped cheer Twilight up."

The Perfect Prank[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash
"I know there'll be a celebration and all that after Nightmare Moon's been defeated, but what's a party without a few AWESOME PRANKS?! Help me come up with one -- maybe getting everypony laughing will help drive Nightmare Moon out of town!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Study Break
Task Requirement
Collect from shops
27 Gem or ad watches
40 Times
Cost: Free
Send Rainbow Dash to come up with a joke in the Joke Shop
27 Gem or 19 ad watches
1 Time
Cost: Free
Collect Magic Shards in Ponyville
27 Gem or 19 ad watches
20 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 115 Star 5000 Bit 3 Gem
Closing Text
"Holy cow! While we were picking up all of those prank supplies, Dash managed to find the final Shards all by herself! W-was that her prank all along...?"

Mare in the Moon[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle Mare in the Moon
"I know I can work myself too hard sometimes... but seeing all my friends enjoying themselves and working to make Ponyville perfect... Well, if that kind of feeling isn't enough to light up the Magic Stone, I don't know what is! Whether Celestia's here yet or not -- I think we're ready to take care of Nightmare Moon once and for all!" Required Quest Level Requirement
The Perfect Prank
Task Requirement
Activate the Magic Stone
1 Times
Cost: 150 Magic Magic Shard
Rewards: 130 Star 10000 Bit 2 Gem
Closing Text
"We did it! Nightmare Moon is gone, and Princess Luna is ready to rule Equestria alongside Princess Celestia!"