The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Mr. Shy

Fluttershy's dad knows his way 'round the cloud -- it's his family, though, that makes him the most proud.
Playable Yes
Level 15
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus 80 Star
Residence The Shy Family Home
Minigame Timer 8h
Minigame Skip Time 12 Gem
Travelling pony
470 Gem
More Info
Update Added Update 3.2
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Level Up Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
T-flower T-button Gem Lucky Coin Lucky Coin
Mr. Shy on the MLP:FiM wiki

Mr. Shy lives in The Shy Family Home in Ponyville, along with his wife Mrs. Shy and their son Zephyr Breeze. He's obtainable by completing tasks in the Golden Horseshoe Hotel or by purchasing with gems Gem. He arrives in the hotel after Zephyr Breeze.

He is a community helper in the "Hearts and Hooves 2018" event.


The Shy Family


Task Gems
Get: Spring Clock 20 Gem
Earn 150,000 points in Crystal Mine mini-game 180 Gem
Bring: 13 Kerosene Lamp 130 Gem
Bring: 20 Calendar 140 Gem
  • Completing any of the tasks lowers the overall cost of the pony by the price in the Gems Column.
  • There's a 7 day time limit for completing his tasks.


Pony Task
Wensley Assemble a crudité plate at the Carrot Farm (1h, Kerosene Lamp {{{2}}} )
Peachy Sweet Make sure sales are up at the Zap Apple Stand (2h, Kerosene Lamp {{{2}}} )
Swan Song Judge Flash Sentry's suitability for high society (3h, Kerosene Lamp {{{2}}} )
Neon Lights Touch up his mohawk at home (12m, Calendar {{{2}}} )
Fancypants Discuss bow tie maintenance with Flam (1h, Calendar {{{2}}} )
Sunset Shimmer Spend some time in the Café (3h, Calendar {{{2}}} )


All Time[]

  • None, limited time only

Limited Time[]

Where Price Date Purpose Notes
Golden Horseshoe Hotel --- November 2016 (7 Day Limit) Traveling Pony Requirements:
- Spring Clock
- 150,000 Crystal Mine Game points
- 13 Kerosene Lamps Token Kerosene Lamp
- 20 Calendars Token Calendar
Friendship Balloon Pop --- July 2023 Event Reward Rarity: 2%
Ponyville Store 235 Gem November 2023 Gem Sale Marked down from 470 Gem (50% off)
Ponyville Store 235 Gem November 2024 Gem Sale Marked down from 470 Gem (50% off)

Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1226 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (256 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (232 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (225 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (232 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (281 Characters)
Canterlot (281 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete