The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

Materials are the currency used in the Pony Editor to make outfits. You can pay 5 Gem to get 3 T-flower T-button T-thread T-ribbon T-knot, or watch an advertisement to receive 1 T-flower T-button T-thread T-ribbon T-knot, and sometimes there are events where you can get a set amount of materials. You can see the materials and how much you need for the outfits.

Additonal ways to earn materials can be done through various ways such as, Balloon Pop Balloons, events, stars (both leveling up and star mastery) and group quests.

Pony Material Requirements[]

Material Pin T-flower Button T-button Twine T-thread Ribbon T-ribbon Bows T-knot
Rarity Common Common Rare Rare Legendary
Twilight Sparkle 217 173 137 77 32
Pinkie Pie 205 103 103 53 25
Rarity 213 176 122 66 33
Applejack 213 195 112 46 31
Fluttershy 277 206 119 71 42
Rainbow Dash 224 147 104 78 37
Applebloom 36 41 11 14 3
Big McIntosh 46 38 19 16 7
Scootaloo 31 23 15 9 3
Sweetie Belle 42 11 18 9 5
Granny Smith 21 0 20 3 6
Total Materials Needed 1,525 1,113 780 442 224

See also[]

Bits Bit
Gems Gem
Hearts Heart
Goal Points Daily-goal-points
Event Currency
Magic Coins Magic Coins
Sapphires Sapphire
Wedding Gifts Wedding Gift
Black IrisZh ingredient iris
GarlicZh ingredient garlic
Joke PlantZh ingredient joke
Purple MushroomZh ingredient mushrooms
Red OrchidZh ingredient orchid
Sticky SapZh ingredient glue
Critter Food