The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

Lord Tirek

Tirek minus magic equals this guy. Look how scrawny he is!

A villainous, magic-draining centaur and frequent guest in Tartarus...Now in playable form!

Playable Yes
Level 5
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus ? Star
Residence Grogar's Grotto
Minigame Timer
Minigame Skip Time
Tale of Tirek Part Three Event Prize
More Info
Update Added Update 8.4
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Level Up Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
Lord Tirek on the MLP:FiM wiki

Lord Tirek is the main antagonist of the show's two-part season four finale. His files are found inside the game in the version 2.0.0. He only appears at some quests.

However, as of Update 8.4, he can be obtained as a playable character in the final stage of the Tale of Tirek Part Three Blitz event. As a playable character, he is in his Drained form by default, but can also be transformed into his final form from the album page. He lives in Grogar's Grotto.


After you free the Tree of Harmony from the Plunderweeds and discover the Chest of Harmony, Tirek appears in 4 different quests where you must battle him within a time limit. Whether if you must beat him 3 times, 4 times, 5 times and finally 6 times, you must complete the quests within a given time limit. If Tirek cannot be beaten before the time runs out, the counter will be reset and you'll lose the progress you've made.

His idle animations include crossing his arms and laughing, and roaring.

Tirek also appears as one of the Changelings' disguises in the Changeling Kingdom. His first form is a boss in the School Raze event, while his third form is the boss of Tale of Tirek.

Defeating Tirek[]

To defeat Tirek a number of times, you must use your Elemental Shards on him. You have to do this 4 times with each quest.

However, unlike Plunderseeds, Snapping Plants, Parasprites, Vampire Fruit Bats and Changlings, to defeat Tirek, you must use 5 shards each!

It is currently unknown how many shards it will take to defeat Tirek because nobody knows how many shards you'll need. So just to be safe, raise your Shard Amounts to 1,000. That way, you'll have enough to defeat him.

The first time you face off with Tirek, you have to defeat him 3 times with Laughter, Generosity and Honesty Shards.


There is a inside the game files along the background, mirroring the events of the season 4 finale and being the first boss to be fought in a minigame.

Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1225 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (256 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (232 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (225 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (232 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (280 Characters)
Canterlot (269 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete