The world overview map showing current and upcoming locations.
Several locations are featured in My Little Pony. Each location has its own set of characters, shops, decor, and quests.
- Ponyville is the starting location.
- Canterlot is the second location, added in the Canterlot Wedding update.
- Sweet Apple Acres is the third location, added in the Sweet Apple Acres update.
- The Everfree Forest is the fourth location, added in the Everfree Forest update. Currently it has only several pre-constructed buildings, and it's not possible to build anything else there. It also has different zone expansion model.
- The Crystal Empire is the fifth location, added in the Update 3.1.
- The Changeling Kingdom is the sixth location, added in the Update 3.5. The Changeling Kingdom becomes unavailable after the quest line is completed.
- Klugetown is the seventh location, added in the Update 4.0.
- Maze Dungeon is the eighth location, added in Update 6.9, but it is only available in the Missing Wings and Maze-y Things limited-time story event. Unfortunately, a technical bug did not made this location appear on the travel map on some devices just with this update, which prevents players from proceeding to the first quest of the story.
- Other locations might be coming soon.
- In previous versions, your current location was highlighted in a bright pink banner, whereas other locations (including unplayable areas such as Baltimare, Cloudsdale, and Appaloosa) were indicated with beige banners. It had a white pulsing halo surrounding it.
Locations [view]