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The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

Below are all the quests relating to Klugetown.

Main questline[]

Rainbow Dash: Hellooooo, KLUGE... town... Wow. I know your hometown was kinda scary the LAST time we were here, Capper, but... uh... It's kinda gotten worse?

Capper: *sigh...* You don't gotta tell me twice. After you folks breezed through this place, my Homebird Celaeno and I took down the local mob boss... Guess it didn't help property values.

Fluttershy: W-ell, I think it looks... um... like a very nice place to live...?

Celaeno: By a pirate's standards, sure -- but it still smells like an airship's galley on a hot day. And those buildings... don't exactly look safe.

Twilight Sparkle: Guys! We could talk about this all day... or we could DO something about it! Capper, Celaeno... I know we were only planning to bring you back here -- but we'd be happy to fix it up, too!

Capper: Seriously...? You'd help us out? After everything Celaeno and I put you through--

Rarity: Say no more, mon ami! After all: If not for spontaneous urban renwal, what are friends FOR?

First Wings First...[]

Quest Giver: Rarity First Wings First...
"Right, then! Rainbow, take a flight around town and tell us what exactly we're dealing with here. In the meanwhile, the rest of us will start beautifying everything we can!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Send Rainbow Dash to check things out (5 hours)
1 Times
Cost: Free
Clear out any junk you can find!
6 Gem or Watch 4 Ads
3 Times
Cost: Varies
Rewards: 25 Star 250 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"When it comes to making things look bright and shiny, Rarity can't be beat! *sigh* Isn't she just the best?"

Rainbow Dash: Welp, I'm back. And you guys'll NEVER guess what the rest of the town looks like!

Pinkie Pie : Ooh! Ooh! Let me! Let me! Ummm... AN INSURANCE RISK!!!

Rainbow Dash: DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! I mean, I was GONNA say "a dump," but that's close enough.

Applejack: Well, that settles it: less gabbin', more cleanin'! We got a big job on our hooves, ponies! ... And cat. ... And parrot.

Twilight Sparkle: I guess there ARE a lot of us... I know! Why don't we split up?

To Market, To Market[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle To Market, To Market
"Capper: You, me, Applejack and Fluttershy will finish up here, then see if we can spruce up the marketplace. I just have to finish brushing up on my architecture theory..." Required Quest Level Requirement
First Wings First...
Task Requirement
Plant a Palm Grove
5 Gem or Watch 4 Ads
3 Times
Cost: 9900 Bit
Task Timer: Instant
Send Twilight Sparkle to research urban planning
40 Gem or Watch 14 Ads
5 Times
Cost: Free
Get to the City Market!
1 Times
Rewards: 40 Star 850 Bit
Closing Text
"I want to help rebuild too -- but the last time I was at that market, somepony tried to BUY me... it was... kind of awkward."

Of Planning and Pirates[]

Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash Of Planning and Pirates
"Ooh -- dibs on renovating the pirate-y section of town!!! Rarity: Let's figure the best way to fix it up! Pinkie: You're on street-cleaning duty! And Captain Celaeno: You just keep being AWESOME!" Required Quest Level Requirement
First Wings First...
Task Requirement
Send Rarity to hash out a plan with Rainbow Dash
8 Gem or Watch 6 Ads
1 Times
Cost: Free
Clean up some more junk
10 Gem or Watch 7 Ads
5 Times
Cost: Varies
Task Timer: Varies
Get to Pirate's Bay!
1 Times
Cost: See Below
Task Timer: Instant
Rewards: 50 Star 1100 Bit 2 Gem
Closing Text
"Looks like Dash can speak those pirates' language. I've been studying my "Ayes" and "Arrrs" for months, and they're STILL hard to figure out..."
Quest Giver: Spike Whither Spike?
"Hey... Nopony told me what *l* should be doing to help! Besides let everypony know when they’ve already done something, like usual... I guess... uh... I could try to do a little decorating myself?" Required Quest Level Requirement
First Wings First...
Task Requirement
Get a Pirates’ Chest
Skip: 15 Gem
1 Time
Plant a Round Cactus
Skip: 5 Gem
1 Time
Rewards: Spiky Klugetowner 90 Star 1100 Bit
Closing Text
"There! A chest to store all my tastiest gems, and a cactus to make sure nopony gets too close to the chest! Ahh, Spike... you’re a genius!"

Quest Giver: Spike Mother of Invention
"Guys... you’re never going to believe this, but one of the locals thinks my “cactus guarding a chest” idea would work GREAT as a new kind of security system! She’s helping me work out the kinks with it now!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Whither Spike?
Task Requirement
Send Spiky Klugetowner to draft a business plan
Skip: 3 Gem
1 Time
Send Spiky Klugetowner to tinker with security systems at home
Skip: 3 Gem
1 Time
Rewards: 60 Star 1900 Bit
Closing Text
"Wow... That lady is REALLY good at turning my idea into something somepony might want to buy. I guess it’s ‘cause she’s kinda prickly herself!"

Quest Giver: Spike A Cactus in Every Home!
"Voilà: Presenting the CactusGuard Security System! I came up with the name, and that porcupine lady’s marketing it — after all that’s happened, we think it’ll help the locals feel a whole lot safer!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Send Spiky Klugetowner to talk up the CactusGuard at Patchwork Tavern
Skip: 3 Gem
1 Time
Lay down the Klugetown Road
Skip: 4 Gem
1 Time
Rewards: 45 Star 1250 Bit
Closing Text
"Who put all those new roads down? Everypony must feel safe enough to go outside more... I’m not saying it’s the CactusGuard... but it totally is!"

Repairing and unlocking the Klugetown Bazaar[]

This questline is triggered upon unlocking City Market.

Capper: Ahh... the marketplace. My old stalking grounds... not that it's much to look at anymore. Verko must've really done a number on this place before we took him down...

Twilight Sparkle: Beating a crime boss like that must've been really hard work! And it'll probably take even more to convince the merchants that they can come back to work safely...

Twilight Sparkle: Capper... You know this area a lot better than I do... Why don't you take charge of rebuilding it?

Capper: Eh... why not? First time for everything... and it can't be worse than running an unlicensed game of three-card kitty from the back of a fertilizer cart. {THAT was a rough couple weeks...)

Clean Sweep[]

Quest Giver: Capper Clean Sweep
"Right... First order of business? Get all the trash outta the streets. No one wants to spend money somewhere that looks THIS much like a litterbox... Trust me. I speak from experience." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Clear out some more junk
10 Gem
5 Times
Cost: Varies
Send Twilight Sparkle to plan a trash pick-up schedule with Applejack (3 hours)
15 Gem
1 Times
Cost: Varies
Rewards: 45 Star 950 Bit 2 Gem
Closing Text
"Y'know, Twilight asks me to take out HER trash, sometimes... but this looks a lot harder! I'm not sure if even I could set THAT stuff on fire..."

Hard Sell[]

Quest Giver: Capper
"Nice... Now, all we gotta do is get the merchants to come back. Lucky for us, one of the vendors owes me a favor... and if we can talk her into setting up shop there, her buddies'll follow her lead." Required Quest Level Requirement
Clean Sweep
Task Requirement
Send Twilight Sparkle to get the Klugetowners to reopen their businesses
30 Gem
1 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 15 Star350 Bit
Closing Text
"I'm glad Twilight's the one negotiating with that lady... She seems nice, I guess, but I'd be scared she might poke me by accident!"

Opening Day[]

Quest Giver: Capper
"Whoo's got ten claws and a WHOLE bunch of vendors ready to set up shop? THIS guy. You build 'em a few market stalls and borrow one of Celaeno's airships to run security, and WE'VE got ourselves a bazaar." Required Quest Level Requirement
Hard Sell
Task Requirement
Build Market Tents
20 Gem
10 Times
Cost: 25000 Bit
Build a Pirates' Chest
15 Gem
2 Times
Cost: 24000 Bit
Rewards: 25 Star1400 Bit
Closing Text
"ALL RIGHT -- we did it! And I don't see any stalls advertising "purple lizards"... so I guess I'm safe, too. (I'm NOT a lizard, by the way!)"

Capper: Hold onto your wallets, kitties and gentlecats -- 'cause the all-new Klugetown Bazaar is OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Heh... I must've been an urban planner in one of my other nine lives...

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah!!! I knew you could do it, Capper!

Applejack: I'm proud of you, too -- but... uh... we may have a problem. Some of the salesfolk've been hearin' noises comin' from the old Storm Guard camp -- they say it's scarin' customers away.

Fluttershy: The Storm Guards? Oh, my... I know there were some of them in Klugetown, before... but I thought they all would have gone away when the Storm King did...

Twilight Sparkle: Hmmm... Me too, Fluttershy... We should go over there and investigate. Capper -- are you okay to hold down the fort here in the marketplace until we get back?

Capper: Gotcha, Princess. Stay cool out there, all right?

Repairing Airship Docks and welcoming Mullet[]

This questline is triggered upon unlocking Pirates' Bay.

Captain Celaeno: Here she is, fillies: the Sky Pirates' home port! She's just... ah... looking slightly messier than usual...

Rarity: SLIGHTLY?! Good Celestia, parrot -- how do you even LIVE?

Captain Celaeno: Adventurously! But even scalawags like me and my crew appreciate a welcoming port to come home to... and with the docks in this state, I'm not even sure we could moor our ship here!

Rainbow Dash: Well, THAT ain't gonna fly...

Pinkie Pie: LITERALLY! Hehehe!

Steady As She Goes![]

Quest Giver: Captain Celaeno Steady As She Goes
"First things first, me little hearties -- Let's carve out a path from here to the airship docks! Swab the decks clear of any rubbish you find along the way!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Of Planning and Pirates
Task Requirement
Swab away clearables
25 Gem or Watch 18 Ads
10 Times
Cost: Varies
Task Timer: Varies
Rewards: 40 Star 1200 Bit 1 Gem
Closing Text
"I know she's not exactly kicking Storm Creature booty at the moment... but it's still pretty cool to see Captain Celaeno in action!"

Neighborhood Watch[]

Quest Giver: Captain Celaeno
"Hm... the Bay LOOKS shipshape, but there's hardly anyone on the streets! They must think Klugetown isn't safe yet... and a pirate like me isn't gonna be much help convincing 'em. Maybe you ponies could...?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Steady As She Goes!
Task Requirement
Send Pinkie Pie to get Klugetowners to reopen their businesses (6 hours)
15 Gem
3 Times
Cost: Free
Send Twilight Sparkle to convince Klugetowners that the Bay is safe (3 hours)
10 Gem
3 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 30 Star800 Bit1 Gem Mullet
Closing Text
"Between Twilight's smarts and Pinkie's... spirit, my friends can get ANYTHING done! Those townies look WAY happier, now!"

Pinkie Pie: Well, THAT was easy-peasy! I just started singing and tossing confetti around, and everypony was out on the streets again in NO time!!! ... I think they might've been confused?

Mullet: Yaharr! Well, whatever you did -- it's workin'! Captain, the Bay's back to its old self again -- and we're ready to open the doors for trade 'n' adventure once more!

Captain Celaeno: First Mate Mullet! And Boyle, and Lix, too... you're finally back!

Boyle: That we are, Captain! We DID take a detour through the old Steamworks District -- but there's naught that could keep us away for long!

Captain Celaeno: Awww... Fixing up our home's one thing -- but having my crew at my side? That's what REALLY warms this old sky dog's heart!

Rainbow Dash: I am LITERALLY surrounded by pirates right now... This... is so... AWESOME! But, wait -- what were you guys saying about the Steamworks District, again?

Lix Spittle: Heh... Well, that's a bit of a secret. Next time you have a moment, head over there with us... we'll fill you in.

Repairing and unlocking the Dusty Mill[]

This questline is triggered upon unlocking Steamworks District.

Rainbow Dash: HA! Avast, ye hearties -- I FOUND you! ... In front of what I GUESS is some kind of giant trash pile? Seriously, of all the places to bury your secret awesome pirate treasure... why HERE?

Mullet: Treasure...? WHAT treasure?! This is just a scrapyard that Lix and Boyle have been TRYIN' to talk me into fixin' up -- though WHY, I can't fathom for me life...

Lix Spittle: That's because we ain't rightly made our case, Mullet! Think on it: Before it got wrecked, wasn't this the district that had all the airship factories in it? 'Cause if it WAS, then...

Boyle: ...Then it COULD be where we build a brand-new fleet!!! A handsome squadron of airships, all flying the sky pirate flag! TELL me that don't set your heart aflutter, Mate!

Rainbow Dash: Y-you mean, if we can get the Steamworks District working again, you guys'll make MORE pirate ships?! Maybe even with room for ME on one of 'em?!

Mullet: Uh... sure, lass, whatever ye say...

Mullet: But one thing's for certain: Lix? Boyle? You two make one convincin' argument! Now... let's whip this place into shape!

Cruise Ruse[]

Quest Giver: Boyle
"We'd been keepin' this plot a secret 'cause we wanted it to be a surprise for the Captain -- let's keep it that way! She's over at the Bay gearin' our ship up for a voyage -- be sure she stays there!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement

1 Time
Start clearing out the Steamworks District
20 or Watch 14 Ads
10 Times
Send Applejack to keep Captain Celaeno busy at the Airship Docks (5 hours)
Skip: 20 Gem
3 Times
Rewards: 100 Star2500 Bit1 Gem
Closing Text