Below are all the quests relating to Klugetown.
Main questline[]
Rainbow Dash: Hellooooo, KLUGE... town... Wow. I know your hometown was kinda scary the LAST time we were here, Capper, but... uh... It's kinda gotten worse?
Capper: *sigh...* You don't gotta tell me twice. After you folks breezed through this place, my Homebird Celaeno and I took down the local mob boss... Guess it didn't help property values.
Fluttershy: W-ell, I think it looks... um... like a very nice place to live...?
Celaeno: By a pirate's standards, sure -- but it still smells like an airship's galley on a hot day. And those buildings... don't exactly look safe.
Twilight Sparkle: Guys! We could talk about this all day... or we could DO something about it! Capper, Celaeno... I know we were only planning to bring you back here -- but we'd be happy to fix it up, too!
Capper: Seriously...? You'd help us out? After everything Celaeno and I put you through--
Rarity: Say no more, mon ami! After all: If not for spontaneous urban renwal, what are friends FOR?
First Wings First...[]
Quest Giver: Rarity | First Wings First... | ||||||
"Right, then! Rainbow, take a flight around town and tell us what exactly we're dealing with here. In the meanwhile, the rest of us will start beautifying everything we can!" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
N/A | — | ||||||
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"When it comes to making things look bright and shiny, Rarity can't be beat! *sigh* Isn't she just the best?" |
Rainbow Dash: Welp, I'm back. And you guys'll NEVER guess what the rest of the town looks like!
Pinkie Pie : Ooh! Ooh! Let me! Let me! Ummm... AN INSURANCE RISK!!!
Rainbow Dash: DING DING DING!!! We have a winner! I mean, I was GONNA say "a dump," but that's close enough.
Applejack: Well, that settles it: less gabbin', more cleanin'! We got a big job on our hooves, ponies! ... And cat. ... And parrot.
Twilight Sparkle: I guess there ARE a lot of us... I know! Why don't we split up?
To Market, To Market[]
Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle | To Market, To Market | ||||||
"Capper: You, me, Applejack and Fluttershy will finish up here, then see if we can spruce up the marketplace. I just have to finish brushing up on my architecture theory..." | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
First Wings First... | — | ||||||
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"I want to help rebuild too -- but the last time I was at that market, somepony tried to BUY me... it was... kind of awkward." |
- To unlock City Market, you must fulfill the following requirements or pay 90
- Score 25,000 points in the Crystal Mine mini-game
- Buy 3 Market Tents
- Bring 50 Shards of Honesty
Of Planning and Pirates[]
Quest Giver: Rainbow Dash | Of Planning and Pirates | ||||||
"Ooh -- dibs on renovating the pirate-y section of town!!! Rarity: Let's figure the best way to fix it up! Pinkie: You're on street-cleaning duty! And Captain Celaeno: You just keep being AWESOME!" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
First Wings First... | — | ||||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"Looks like Dash can speak those pirates' language. I've been studying my "Ayes" and "Arrrs" for months, and they're STILL hard to figure out..." |
- To unlock Pirates' Bay, you must fulfill the following requirements or pay 100
- Buy 1 Pirates' Chest
- Bring 100 Shards of Laughter
- Score 15,000 points in the Equestria Girls mini-game
- Bring 25 Shards of Magic
Quest Giver: Spike | Whither Spike? | ||||||
"Hey... Nopony told me what *l* should be doing to help! Besides let everypony know when they’ve already done something, like usual... I guess... uh... I could try to do a little decorating myself?" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
First Wings First... | |||||||
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"There! A chest to store all my tastiest gems, and a cactus to make sure nopony gets too close to the chest! Ahh, Spike... you’re a genius!" |
Quest Giver: Spike | Mother of Invention | ||||||
"Guys... you’re never going to believe this, but one of the locals thinks my “cactus guarding a chest” idea would work GREAT as a new kind of security system! She’s helping me work out the kinks with it now!" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
Whither Spike? | |||||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"Wow... That lady is REALLY good at turning my idea into something somepony might want to buy. I guess it’s ‘cause she’s kinda prickly herself!" |
Quest Giver: Spike | A Cactus in Every Home! | ||||||
"Voilà: Presenting the CactusGuard Security System! I came up with the name, and that porcupine lady’s marketing it — after all that’s happened, we think it’ll help the locals feel a whole lot safer!" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"Who put all those new roads down? Everypony must feel safe enough to go outside more... I’m not saying it’s the CactusGuard... but it totally is!" |
Repairing and unlocking the Klugetown Bazaar[]
This questline is triggered upon unlocking City Market.
Capper: Ahh... the marketplace. My old stalking grounds... not that it's much to look at anymore. Verko must've really done a number on this place before we took him down...
Twilight Sparkle: Beating a crime boss like that must've been really hard work! And it'll probably take even more to convince the merchants that they can come back to work safely...
Twilight Sparkle: Capper... You know this area a lot better than I do... Why don't you take charge of rebuilding it?
Capper: Eh... why not? First time for everything... and it can't be worse than running an unlicensed game of three-card kitty from the back of a fertilizer cart. {THAT was a rough couple weeks...)
Clean Sweep[]
Quest Giver: Capper | Clean Sweep | ||||||
"Right... First order of business? Get all the trash outta the streets. No one wants to spend money somewhere that looks THIS much like a litterbox... Trust me. I speak from experience." | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
— | — | ||||||
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"Y'know, Twilight asks me to take out HER trash, sometimes... but this looks a lot harder! I'm not sure if even I could set THAT stuff on fire..." |
Hard Sell[]
Quest Giver: Capper | |||||||
"Nice... Now, all we gotta do is get the merchants to come back. Lucky for us, one of the vendors owes me a favor... and if we can talk her into setting up shop there, her buddies'll follow her lead." | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
Clean Sweep | — | ||||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"I'm glad Twilight's the one negotiating with that lady... She seems nice, I guess, but I'd be scared she might poke me by accident!" |
Opening Day[]
Quest Giver: Capper | |||||||
"Whoo's got ten claws and a WHOLE bunch of vendors ready to set up shop? THIS guy. You build 'em a few market stalls and borrow one of Celaeno's airships to run security, and WE'VE got ourselves a bazaar." | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
Hard Sell | — | ||||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"ALL RIGHT -- we did it! And I don't see any stalls advertising "purple lizards"... so I guess I'm safe, too. (I'm NOT a lizard, by the way!)" |
Capper: Hold onto your wallets, kitties and gentlecats -- 'cause the all-new Klugetown Bazaar is OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Heh... I must've been an urban planner in one of my other nine lives...
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah!!! I knew you could do it, Capper!
Applejack: I'm proud of you, too -- but... uh... we may have a problem. Some of the salesfolk've been hearin' noises comin' from the old Storm Guard camp -- they say it's scarin' customers away.
Fluttershy: The Storm Guards? Oh, my... I know there were some of them in Klugetown, before... but I thought they all would have gone away when the Storm King did...
Twilight Sparkle: Hmmm... Me too, Fluttershy... We should go over there and investigate. Capper -- are you okay to hold down the fort here in the marketplace until we get back?
Capper: Gotcha, Princess. Stay cool out there, all right?
Repairing Airship Docks and welcoming Mullet[]
This questline is triggered upon unlocking Pirates' Bay.
Captain Celaeno: Here she is, fillies: the Sky Pirates' home port! She's just... ah... looking slightly messier than usual...
Rarity: SLIGHTLY?! Good Celestia, parrot -- how do you even LIVE?
Captain Celaeno: Adventurously! But even scalawags like me and my crew appreciate a welcoming port to come home to... and with the docks in this state, I'm not even sure we could moor our ship here!
Rainbow Dash: Well, THAT ain't gonna fly...
Pinkie Pie: LITERALLY! Hehehe!
Steady As She Goes![]
Quest Giver: Captain Celaeno | Steady As She Goes | ||||||
"First things first, me little hearties -- Let's carve out a path from here to the airship docks! Swab the decks clear of any rubbish you find along the way!" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
Of Planning and Pirates | — | ||||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"I know she's not exactly kicking Storm Creature booty at the moment... but it's still pretty cool to see Captain Celaeno in action!" |
Neighborhood Watch[]
Quest Giver: Captain Celaeno | |||||||
"Hm... the Bay LOOKS shipshape, but there's hardly anyone on the streets! They must think Klugetown isn't safe yet... and a pirate like me isn't gonna be much help convincing 'em. Maybe you ponies could...?" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||
Steady As She Goes! | — | ||||||
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Closing Text | |||||||
"Between Twilight's smarts and Pinkie's... spirit, my friends can get ANYTHING done! Those townies look WAY happier, now!" |
Pinkie Pie: Well, THAT was easy-peasy! I just started singing and tossing confetti around, and everypony was out on the streets again in NO time!!! ... I think they might've been confused?
Mullet: Yaharr! Well, whatever you did -- it's workin'! Captain, the Bay's back to its old self again -- and we're ready to open the doors for trade 'n' adventure once more!
Captain Celaeno: First Mate Mullet! And Boyle, and Lix, too... you're finally back!
Boyle: That we are, Captain! We DID take a detour through the old Steamworks District -- but there's naught that could keep us away for long!
Captain Celaeno: Awww... Fixing up our home's one thing -- but having my crew at my side? That's what REALLY warms this old sky dog's heart!
Rainbow Dash: I am LITERALLY surrounded by pirates right now... This... is so... AWESOME! But, wait -- what were you guys saying about the Steamworks District, again?
Lix Spittle: Heh... Well, that's a bit of a secret. Next time you have a moment, head over there with us... we'll fill you in.
- To unlock the Steamworks District, you must fulfill the following requirements or pay 120
- Score 80,000 points in the Crystal Mine mini-game
- Score 40,000 points in the Equestria Girls mini-game
- Buy 1 Lighthouse
- Bring 120 Shards of Kindness
Repairing and unlocking the Dusty Mill[]
This questline is triggered upon unlocking Steamworks District.
Rainbow Dash: HA! Avast, ye hearties -- I FOUND you! ... In front of what I GUESS is some kind of giant trash pile? Seriously, of all the places to bury your secret awesome pirate treasure... why HERE?
Mullet: Treasure...? WHAT treasure?! This is just a scrapyard that Lix and Boyle have been TRYIN' to talk me into fixin' up -- though WHY, I can't fathom for me life...
Lix Spittle: That's because we ain't rightly made our case, Mullet! Think on it: Before it got wrecked, wasn't this the district that had all the airship factories in it? 'Cause if it WAS, then...
Boyle: ...Then it COULD be where we build a brand-new fleet!!! A handsome squadron of airships, all flying the sky pirate flag! TELL me that don't set your heart aflutter, Mate!
Rainbow Dash: Y-you mean, if we can get the Steamworks District working again, you guys'll make MORE pirate ships?! Maybe even with room for ME on one of 'em?!
Mullet: Uh... sure, lass, whatever ye say...
Mullet: But one thing's for certain: Lix? Boyle? You two make one convincin' argument! Now... let's whip this place into shape!
Cruise Ruse[]
Quest Giver: Boyle | |||||||||
"We'd been keepin' this plot a secret 'cause we wanted it to be a surprise for the Captain -- let's keep it that way! She's over at the Bay gearin' our ship up for a voyage -- be sure she stays there!" | Required Quest | Level Requirement | |||||||
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