Build Time
"Artistes" Abode
Pop Art Pony Trendy Photographer Pony Surrealist Pony Cubist Pony
Abysmal Abyss
Abyssinian Embassy
Abyssinian King Abyssinian Queen
Ancient Abode
Chancellor Puddinghead Clover the Clever Distemper Nurse Neightingale Rusty Bucket Smart Cookie Spooky Dignitary
Ancient Ziggurat
Daring Do Quibble Pants Safari Pony Sphinx Novice Archaeologist Professor Fossil Bold Archaeologist Rookie Archaeologist
10h 40m
Anti-Sugar League Headquarters
Anti-Sugar Drummer Anti-Sugar Pamphleteer Temperance Flowerdew
Aunties' Abode
Aunt Holiday Auntie Lofty
Autumnal Outpost
Nirik Autumn Blaze Autumn Blaze Aquamarine Kirin Burnt Umber Kirin Fern Flare Ochre Kirin Grass-Green Kirin Chatty Future Kirin Friendly Future Kirin Statue-Loving Future Kirin
45 min
Balkham Asylum
Anugyptian Retainer High Heel Long-Face Shadowmane Smudge
Buzz-Cut-Style Pony Canterlot Lob-Style Pony Groomsby Haute ManeCon Judge ManeCon Attendee Pixie Cut Quiff-Style Pony Stylish ManeCon Hippogriff Up-and-Coming Stylist
Bayou Lodge
Cattail Cauldron Bubbles Mage Meadowbrook's Mom Nightmare Night Zecora
1h 30min
Bon Bon's House
Bon Bon Future Bon Bon
Bowlers' Abode
Amethyst Star Bowlin' Sassaflash Bowlin' Sea Swirl Bowling Pony Earnest Bowler Sporty Fairgoer
Breezie Cottage
Breezie Fleur Dis Lee Breezie Shining Armor Breezie Starlight Glimmer Breezie Thorax Breezie Trixie Fluffy-Maned Breezie
Breezies' Abode
Aquamarine Breezie Breezette Coral Breezie Flowy-Maned Breezie Goldenrod Breezie Lavender Breezie Purple-Gray Breezie Seabreeze Seabreeze's Foal Seabreeze's Special Somebreezie Sky-Blue Breezie Twirly
Breezies' Hideaway
Breezie Applejack Breezie Discord Breezie Flurry Heart Breezie Fluttershy Breezie Pinkie Pie Breezie Princess Cadence Breezie Princess Celestia Breezie Princess Luna Breezie Rainbow Dash Breezie Rarity Breezie Twilight Sparkle
4 hours
Breezy Home
Bluish-Pink Townspony Braid-Maned Schoolpony Periwinkle Townspony Seafoam Townspony
Caballeron's Camp
Dr. Caballeron Caballeron's Bandolero Caballeron's Brigand Caballeron's Henchpony Caballeron's Thug Ancient Vagabond
Camo House
Camo Dash Twilight Sneak-le Wingless Rainbow Dash
30 minutes
Canterlot Academy
Young Shining Armor Rowdy Polo Pony Buck Withers Chill Polo Pony Canterlot Academy Principal 8-Bit Gaffer Poindexter
Canterlot Castle
Princess Celestia Princess Luna Disguised Celestia
Canterlot Castle
Princess Celestia Princess Luna Discord Starlight Glimmer
Caramel's House
Caramel Coco Crusoe
9h 40m
Caravan of Hope
Sombra Radiant Hope
Carousel Boutique
Rarity Hondo Flanks Cookie Crumbles Nightmare Rarity Sweetie Belle Future Sweetie Belle Young Rarity
Carried Cottage
Cherries Jubilee Confetti Flutterbye Heart Throb Majesty Pinwheel Powder Skyflier Sprinkles Starflower Tickle Tootsie
Castle of Legends
Somnambula Mistmane Starswirl the Bearded Mage Meadowbrook Stygian Emperor Incitatus
Centaur Castle
Centaur Castle Guard King Vorak Prince Scorpan Queen Haydon Sendak the Elder Young Tirek
Changeling Guesthouse
Changeling Actor Changeling Counselor Ocellus's Brother Ocellus's Dad Ocellus's Mom Ocellus's Sister Paint-Covered Changeling Trickster Changeling
Changeling Palace
Chupacabra Dark Changeling Applejack Dark Changeling Celestia Dark Changeling Fluttershy Dark Changeling Luna Dark Changeling Pinkie Pie Dark Changeling Rainbow Dash Dark Changeling Rarity Dark Changeling Twilight Sparkle Phantom Pony Swamp Monster
Changelingverse Outpost
Changelingverse Fluttershy Changelingverse Pinkie Pie
Chaos Town Hall
Chaos Cadance Chaos Celestia Chaos Luna Chaos Novo Chaos Shining Armor Chaos Skystar Chaos Spike Chaos Twilight Future Flurry Heart
Cider Machine
Dashing Dignitary Flim Flam Marian Starry Eyed
7h 20m
Claude's Puppet Show
Claude the Puppeteer
Rainbow Dash Bow Hothoof Windy Whistles Young Rainbow Dash
Clouds Villa
Thunderlane Rumble Reformed Windigo Blizzard Windigo Smoke Windigo Windy the Windigo
Cloudsdale Mane-or
Announcer Pony Clear Skies Cloud Chaser Cloud Gremlin Open Skies Sunshower Sunshower Raindrops
Clover House
Mr. Breezy Lucky Clover Wild Fire
4h 20m
Colonial Whinniesburg
Cooper Reenactor Pony Candlemaker Reenactor Pony Heiress Reenactor Pony Loyalist Reenactor Pony Revolutionary Reenactor Pony
Comet Tail's House
Comet Tail
11h 40m
Convocation Guesthouse
Horwitz Urtica Glenda Yakmina Blacktip
Counterpart Castle
Dupluna Fauxlestia Fauxlestia's Guard Honorable Flam Honorable Flim Humble Trixie Loving Chrysalis Wise Muffins
10 Minutes
Craft Fair Visitors' Center
Determined Shopper Inquisitive Shopper Knowledgeable Shopper
Creepy Abode
Mean Rainbow Dash Mean Twilight Sparkle Mean Rarity Mean Applejack Mean Pinkie Pie Mean Fluttershy Frantic Photographer
Crumbling Castle
Armored Nightmare Rarity Dream Vision Rarity Feline Nyx Jerome Larry Royal Armor Luna Stalwart Lunar Guard Stoic Lunar Guard
DJ Booth
DJ Pon-3 Ecstatic Dancer Hyped-Up Dancer DJ Scales-'n'-Tail
DJ Booth
DJ Pon-3 Athletic Dancer
Daily News Building
Editor-in-Chief Pony Quill Scoop
Dark Dwelling
Jokester Pinkie Mogul Applejack Ivy Fluttershy Supersonic Rainbow Dash Flawless Rarity Empress of Ponyville Twilight Sparkle Ghost Crab
Diamond Dog Keep
Bacon-Loving Diamond Dog Blasé Diamond Dog Cerberus Diamond Dog Dignitary Diamond Dog Diplomat Diamond Dog Duchess Diamond Dog Duke Jim Queen Jennino Lanternlight
Diamond Dog Marketplace
Bone Salesdog Diamond Dog Architect Diamond Dog Builder Diamond Dog Carpenter Diamond Dog Dad Diamond Dog Painter Horrified Diamond Dog Princess Ambrosia Muffinbuns Princess Fiona Floppyears Queen Katherina Proudpaws Shocked Diamond Dog
Diamond Dog Tower
Chipper Diamond Dog Diamond Guard Dog Fido Princess Moonbeam Twinkletail Rover Smug Diamond Dog Spot Uncertain Diamond Dog
Diamond Skyscraper
Apartment-Hunting Pony Diamond Custodian Pony Manehattan Businesspony Manehattan Musician Manehattan Socialite Manehattan Policemare Manehattan Transplant Officer Trotter Taxi Pony
Doctor's Quarters
Dr. Hooves Eyeshade Pony Muffins
Draconic Dwelling
Aquamarine Dragon Baby Cherufe Mina Russet Dragon Tangerine Dragon Violet Dragon
Dragon Lord's Cave
Ancient Dragon Lord Scales
Dragon's Den
Charcoal Dragon Dragon Lord Torch Garble Lavender Dragon Pink Dragon Pale Dragon Princess Ember Purple Dragon
Draytona Village
Dr. Sacks Roamer Lumpy Silver Streak
Earnest Cottage
Forsythia Glitter Pony Salespony
1m 30s
Edgy Cottage
Edgy Applejack Edgy Cheerilee Edgy Fluttershy Edgy Mayor Mare Edgy Photo Finish Edgy Pinkie Pie Edgy Rainbow Dash Edgy Rarity Edgy Starlight Glimmer Edgy Trixie Edgy Twilight Sparkle
Enthusiasts' Home
Zipporwhill Lady Justice Gifted Schoolpony Musical Convention Guest
8h 5m
Everfree Embassy
King Aspen Everfree Dignitary Bramble Blackthorn Gray Forest-Dweller Buckskin Forest Guard Chestnut Forest Guard
1hr 30min
Faculty Housing
Chancellor Neighsay Grim EEA Official Prim EEA Official Trim EEA Official
Fancypants' Mansion
Fancypants Magical Pony
8h 40m
Fantastical Resort
Distractable Resortgoer Fancy Resortgoer Las Pegasus Thrillseeker Las Pegasus Visitor Plucky Las Pegasus Gamer Resort Carnival Barker Sharply Dressed Pony Skillful Resortgoer Smiling Las Pegasus Pony Sweet Las Pegasus Gamer
Thoughtful University Student
Farasian Outpost
Cactus Rose Cheery Zebra Chill Zebra Crystal Dust Devil Marini Medley Brook Ms. Alegre Prince Abraxas
Farrier Hill Apartments
Art Enthusiast Filly Bubblegum Enthusiast Pony Cat-Loving Pony Chipper Papercolt Dino Fanatic Colt Kind Salespony Manehattan Sightseer Manehattanite Tourist Mischievious Filly Museumgoer Pony Overwhelmed Mare School Judge Mare
Fashionistas' Tent
Photo Finish Inky Rose Lily Lace Valley Trend Blueberry Curls Pursey Pink Goth Shopper Runway Model Starstreak
5h 40m
Feather Bangs Fan Club
Swoony Fanfilly Enraptured Fanfilly Giddy Fanfilly
45 mins
Festive Apartments
Chiffon Ruffles Eager Ice Skater Hasty Holiday Shopper Hearth's Warming Cadance Hearth's Warming Celestia Hearth's Warming Luna Shoeshine Snowy Songster Pony Wintry Window-Shopper
Fillies' Playhouse
Coconut Cream Toola Roola
Florists' Cottage
Lighthoof Lily Valley Merry May Minty (G4) Party Time Pinny Lane Shimmy Shake
11h 23m 20s
Fluttershy's Cabin
Fluttershy Smoky Smoky Jr. Softpad Winterzilla
Friendship Campus Bungalow
Peppy Friendship Student Perceptive Friendship Student Prudent Friendship Student
Friendship Campus Cottage
Rainbow Harmony Chatty Friendship Student Chill Friendship Student Chummy Friendship Student
5 h
Friendship Festival Guesthouse
M.C. Pony Party Applejack Party Cannon Pinkie Pie Party Fluttershy Party Rainbow Dash Party Rarity Party Twilight Sparkle Songbird Serenade Songbird Serenade's Agent Songbird Serenade's Bodyguard
3h 30m
Future Canterlot Castle
Future Applejack Future Fluttershy Future Pinkie Pie Future Rainbow Dash Future Rarity Future Spike Future Twilight Sparkle Luster Dawn
Future School of Friendship
Future Trixie Future Starlight Glimmer Future Sunburst Future Ocellus Future Gallus Future Silverstream
Future Sandbar Future Yona Future Smolder
30 m
Gift Giver's Grove
Alice Applejack the Reindeer Aurora Bori Cozy the Reindeer Fluttershy the Reindeer Pinkie the Reindeer Rainbow the Flying Reindeer Rarity the Reindeer Shimmer the Reindeer Twilight the Reindeer Trixie the Reindeer
Glamorous Resort
Gladmane Grand Stage Sapphire Shores Las Pegasus Showponies Las Pegasus Singer Poné Fantastique Aerialist Smiley Resortgoer
Glitter Drops' House
Glitter Drops
Great Grandmama's Cabin
Chipper City Clerk Diamond Tiara's Great Grandmama Diligent Schoolpony Eco-conscious Schoolpony Filthy Rich's Receptionist Frazzled City Clerk Observant Schoolpony Placid City Clerk Punctual Schoolpony
Spirit of the Forest (character) Young Filthy Rich Young Spoiled Rich
Green Jewel's Home
Green Jewel
Griffon Roost
Lord Gestal Lord Goldstone Prideful Griffon Racer Rookie Griffon Racer Sporty Griffon Racer
Griffonburg Perch
Gilda Griffon Shopkeeper Greta Li'l Griffon
Grampa Gruff Gustave le Grand
Grim Castle
Edgy Princess Amore Edgy Princess Cadence Edgy Princess Celestia Edgy Princess Luna Edgy Queen Chrysalis Edgy Rain Shine Headless Horse Mirror-Universe Big Mac Mirror-Universe Cadance
Mirror-Universe Granny Smith Mirror-Universe Pony of Shadows Mirror-Universe Shining Armor Mirror-Universe Stygian
Grogar's Grotto
Chaos Amore Chaos Chrysalis Chaos Cozy Glow Chaos Rain Shine Cyber Queen Chrysalis Grogar Lord Tirek Robo Grogar Robo Lord Tirek
Grove of Silence
Calm Kirin Composed Kirin Collected Kirin Cool Kirin Kirin Chanteuse Kirin Phantom Rain Shine Nirik Rain Shine
Bugbear Bulk Biceps Cratus Diamante Elegante Iron Hock Mystery Mare
Harmonizing Heights Home
Apple Bloom Hippogriff Applejack Hippogriff Fluttershy Hippogriff Pinkie Pie Hippogriff Rainbow Dash Hippogriff Rarity Hippogriff Scootaloo Hippogriff Sweetie Belle Hippogriff Twilight Sparkle Hippogriff
Hayseed Stables
Mr. Greenhooves Rainbow Blaze Star Hunter
Hippogriffian Embassy
General Seaspray Regal Hippogriff Sky Beak Terramar
History Museum
Cleopatrot's Mummy History Museum Director King Anubis Knightly Pony Pharaohnic Guard Prehistoric Pony Pygolian Hamster Chieftain
Home Sweet Home
Galaxy Gusty Lickety-Split Lofty Minty North Star Other-Dimensional Bon Bon Rosedust
Homey Apartments
Lyra Heartstrings Future Lyra Heartstrings Dr. Fauna Pushy Pony
Hoofer Steps' House
Tender Taps Hoofer Steps
11h 23m 20s
House of Harmony (Ponyville)
Cheerful Appleloosan Rainbowfied Applejack Rainbowfied Fluttershy Rainbowfied Pinkie Pie Rainbowfied Rainbow Dash Rainbowfied Rarity Rainbowfied Twilight Sparkle
Imperial Complex
Imperial Dog Imperial Goat Imperial Monkey Imperial Ox Imperial Pigasus Imperial Rat Imperial Rooster Imperial Stallion Imperial Tiger
Imperial Dwelling
Mistmane's Father Mistmane's Mother Imperial Colt Imperial Alchemist Pony Imperial Thaumaturge Pony Sensible Imperial Villager Serene Imperial Villager Smiley Imperial Villager
Imperial Palace
Young Mistmane Sable Spirit Imperial Apple Farmer Imperial Discord Imperial Guardspony Imperial Orchard Keeper Mistmane Family Gardener
1hr 15min
Imperial Parade Ground
Imperial Fire Serpent Imperial Rabbit Imperial Snake New Year's Parade Applejack New Year's Parade Fluttershy New Year's Parade Pinkie Pie New Year's Parade Rainbow Dash New Year's Parade Rarity New Year's Parade Twilight Sparkle
Jeff Letrotski's House
Jeff Letrotski
Jesús Pezuña's House
Jesús Pezuña
Jocks' Crashpad
Hoops Smug Bully Snide Bully
Kirin Treehouse
Kirin Applejack Kirin Cadance Kirin Celestia Kirin Fluttershy Kirin Luna Kirin Pinkie Pie Kirin Rainbow Dash Kirin Rarity Kirin Twilight Sparkle
Log Cabin
Pipsqueak Featherweight Pink-Maned Filly Truffle Shady Schoolpony
4h 20m
Lonely Cabin
Ancient Hostage Pony Shadow Lock
Lovely House
Lovestruck Crescent Moon Flashy Pony Roseluck
Lunar Caverns
Nightmare Discord Nightmare Maud Pie Nightmare Starlight Glimmer Nightmare Sunburst Nightmare Thorax Nightmare Trixie
Lunar Guard's Quarters
Princess Luna's Royal Guard Cotton Candy Colt Lunaverse Rainbow Dash Lunaverse Rarity
Manehattan Ballroom
Avant-Garde Soirée-Goer Chic Soirée-Goer Cool Soirée-Goer Golden Gavel Kibitz Ms. Conductor Roadwings the Awesome Sheer Perfection Silver Frames
Manehattan Convention Hall
Braided Fashion Fan Elegant Rarity-Pommel Model Gothic Rarity-Pommel Model Graceful Rarity-Pommel Model Manehattan Architect Manehattan Fashion Model Nouveau Concierge Nouveau Entrepreneur Nouveau Manehattan Pedestrian
Peckish Con-Goer Proper Pompadour Ruffly Con Staff
Manehattan Guesthouse
Blue Bobbin Bracer Britches Cutting-Edge Shop-Pony Dignified Shop-Pony Neigh Sayer Silver Berry Stinky Bottom
Mare Do Well's Hideout
Mare Do Well
Mermares' Haven
Azure Mermare Chartreuse Mermare Fuchsia Mermare Golden Mermare Jewel Jewel's Sister Jewel's Mother Lavender Mermare Rose Mermare
Monstrous Abode
Nightmare Night Cadance Nightmare Night Celestia Nightmare Night Luna Skeletal Applejack Skeletal Fluttershy Skeletal Pinkie Pie Skeletal Rainbow Dash Skeletal Rarity Skeletal Twilight Sparkle
Networking Lounge
Corsaged Gangster Pony Iron Will Jargon Masked Pony Gangster Pinstriped Gangster Pony Spectator Pony Tracksuited Gangster Pony Well-To-Do Willful Lighting Tech Willful Stage Manager
New School of Friendship Dorms
Forward-Thinking Friendship Student Future-Looking Friendship Student Hippogriff Friendship Student Kirin Friendship Student Rockin' Griffon Friendship Student Tiny Griffon Friendship Student Yak Friendship Student
New Wonderbolt Training Grounds
Pompadoured Future Wonderbolt Poofy-Haired Future Wonderbolt Swishy-Haired Future Wonderbolt Swoopy-Haired Future Wonderbolt
Nightmare Night Venue
Dream Berryshine Dream Lyra Drops Nightmare Night Golden Harvest Nightmare Night Meadow Song Nightmare Night Mr. Cake Nightmare Night Mrs. Cup Cake Nightmare Night Sandbar Nightmare Night Silverstream Nightmare Night Yona
Nightmare Vortex
Feline Nightmare Fuchsia Nightmare Lapine Nightmare Lavender Nightmare Shadowfright Stormy Nightmare Wizened Nightmare
Official Residence
Formalwear Colt Lucy Packard Mayor Mare Raven Inkwell Young Mayor Mare
Old Nags Home
Mr. Waddle
Other-Dimensional Castle
Firefly Glory Lily Other-Dimensional Applejack Posey Sparkler Surprise Twilight
Palace of Nightmares
Black Belle Nightmare Applejack Nightmare Fluttershy Nightmare Pinkie Pie Nightmare Rainbow Dash Nightmare Twilight Sparkle Pumpkin Prince Pony Shadow Storm Violet Shiver
Paleos' Pad
Mr. Paleo Mrs. Paleo Petunia Paleo
Paradise Estate
Blossom Cha Cha Forget-Me-Not Honeysuckle Magic Star Other-Dimensional Cotton Candy Seashell Snuzzle Starshine
Party Pad
Big-Haired Bowler Captain Cranky Cheese Sandwich Comic Writer Pony Flax Seed Friendly Sheep Jade Singer Jagged Clamp Ragamuffin
Tortoise-Racing Pony Trendy Backup Dancer Trendy Choreographer Trendy Hype Pony Wheat Grass Winter Comet
10h 10m
Pie Parents' Home
Cloudy Quartz Igneous Rock
15h 5m
Playful Pad
Snips Snails Kingpin Eager Schoolpony Earnest Schoolpony Chipcutter Sweet-Toothed Schoolpony
Pony Tones' Practice Space
Cheerful Fan Toe-Tapper Torch Song Violist Pony Violinist Pony
Ponyacci's Circus
Backstage Ponyacci Ponyacci Ringmaster Pony
Ponyville Apartments
Brown-Maned Future Townspony Cabbie Stallion Cyan-Maned Future Townspony Decepticolt Goldcap Nearsighted Future Ponyville Citizen Russet-Maned Future Townspony Violet-Maned Future Townspony Zappityhoof
Ponyville Clinic
Nurse Redheart Nurse Snowheart Cheerful Nurse Wavy-Haired Pegasus Diligent Nurse Doctor Horse
11h 56m 40s
Ponyville Guesthouse
Flutterholly Merry Professor Flintheart
11h 40m
Ponyville Moustache Club
Ace Point
10h 50m
Ponyville Post Office
Future Muffins Mail Muffins Pegasus Courier
Pretty Parlor
Bluebelle Bow Tie Bubbles Butterscotch Lemon Drop Medley Moonstone Parasol Peachy
Skydancer Sunlight Windy
Prince Blueblood's Mansion
Prince Blueblood
Public Library
Cyclops-Clops Francesco Frankenstag's Monster Helmeted Marshan Ice Witch Old Wizard Queen Trottingham Sniffly Marshan
Railway Office
Stationmaster Pony
Rara's House
Reindeer Cottage
Conformist Reindeer Diamond the Reindeer Gaming Reindeer Joyful Reindeer Panicky Reindeer Pipsqueak the Reindeer Silver the Reindeer Singing Reindeer Stuck-Up Reindeer Stylish Reindeer Trendy Reindeer Twist the Reindeer
Rich Family Mansion
Diamond Tiara Filthy Rich Future Diamond Tiara Future Silver Spoon Randolph the Butler Silver Spoon Spoiled Rich
6h 40m
Righteous Pad
Tree Hugger Mudbriar Janitor Pony Rainbow Dash Fanpony
Ritzy Domicile
Curly Rarity-Pommel Model Funky Manehattanite Lilac Links Manehattan Fashion Enthusiast Nouveau Conference Attendee Peppy Critter-Lover Preppy Fashionista Punky Fashionista Sapphire Shores
Cyber Applejack Cyber Fluttershy Cyber Pinkie Pie Cyber Princess Cadance Cyber Princess Celestia Cyber Princess Luna Robo Rainbow Dash Robo Rarity Robo Twilight Sparkle
Rock Hall
Buried Treasure Buried Treasure's Sidekick Buried Treasure's Student Convention Staff Pony Limestone Expert Pony Professor Deep Strata Scholarly Convention Guest Writerly Convention Guest Youthful Convention Guest
Royal Guard's House
Celestia's Royal Guard Convention Security Pony Night Watch Masked Stallion Solemn Canterlot Marshal Steely Canterlot Marshal Stern Canterlot Marshal
Royal Kitchen
Snobbish Waiter Pony Distinguished Waiter Pony Chef Rumble Coiffed Waiter Pony Slick Waiter Pony Head Chef Pony
30 min
Royal Legion's Encampment
Commander Ironhead Flash Magnus Royal Legionnaire Nimbush Dash Bella Breeze Grimhoof
Salty Sea Mare
Captain Hoofbeard Card-Cheating Pirate Cardsharp Pirate Gold-Toothed Pirate Mama's Colt Pirate Pie-Loving Pirate Romantic Pirate Swashbuckling Pirate Yarn-Spinning Pirate
Sandbar's House
Sandbar's Dad Sandbar's Mom Sandbar's Sister
School of Friendship Annex
Confident Friendship Student Cute Friendship Student Fancy Friendship Student Open Friendship Student Sincere Friendship Student
School of Friendship Dorms
Yona Smolder Silverstream Sandbar Gallus Ocellus
Cozy Glow Pony Ocellus Pony Yona
Sci-Fi Sci Scraper
Captain Dash Cyber Pony Plant Creature Pony Space Sparkle Washout Scootaloo
Seaquestrian Dwelling
Baby Aqua Hippogriff Lilac Hippogriff Ocean Flow Princess Skystar Seapony Queen Novo Seapony Terramar Seapony
Seasonal Motel
Balloon Vendor Peachy Pitt Vacationer Celestia Vacationer Discord Vacationer Luna
Secluded Cabin
Cranky Doodle Matilda
Servants' Quarters
Housekeeper Pony Personal Shopper Pony
9h 20m
Shadowbolts' Hut
Rolling Thunder Short Fuse The Shadowbolts Washout Captain
20h 50m
Shadowy Cottage
Fizzlepop Berrytwist
Shampoo Factory
Mane-iac Rough Diamond
20h 50m
Shortcutters' Pad
Silver Shill Lazy Fan Hardhat Builder Pony Drill Bit Spearhead
8h 15m
Sire's Hollow Guesthouse
Bearded Hollowvian Chipper Hollowvian Golden Pegasus Filly Dapper Hollowvian Essence Salespony Firelight Heritage Baker Pony Historical Bookshop Pony Perky Prep Purple Pegasus Colt
Stellar Flare Sunspot
Skyline Resort
Bellhop Pony Cool College Pony Hefty Resortgoer Hipster Pony Peppy Resortgoer Polite College Pony Poné Fantastique Director Poné Fantastique Stage Manager Sunny Resortgoer Tacky Resortgoer
Thrill-Seeker Pony Young College Pony
Sludge's Dwelling
Snowfall's House (Ponyville)
Hearth's Warming Bon Bon Hearth's Warming DJ Pon3 Hearth's Warming Lyra Hearth's Warming Spike Hearth's Warming Sweetie Belle Nutcracker Pony
Sombraverse Safehouse
Sombraverse Applejack Sombraverse Fluttershy Sombraverse Maud Pie Sombraverse Pinkie Pie Sombraverse Rarity Sombraverse Rainbow Dash
Somnambulan Outpost
Grateful Somnambulan Mrs. Trotsworth Prince Hisan Somnambulan Storyteller Queen Cleopatrot Quiet Somnambulan Scholarly Somnambulan Skeptical Somnambulan Well-Dressed Somnambulan
Spirits' House
Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past Spirit of Hearth's Warming Presents
Spring Rain's House
Spring Rain
Springtime House
Magenta Townspony Neat-Maned Townspony Shadesy Townspony
Sugarcube Corner
Chiffon Swirl Future Pound Cake Future Pumpkin Cake Lil Cheese Mr. Carrot Cake Mrs. Cup Cake Pinkie Pie Sweet Shop Pony
Sweet Acorn Orchard
Pistachio Butternut Oak Nut
Tenochtitlan Temple
Ahuizotl Guardian-goyle Queen Parabola
The Darkroom
Press Release Eff Stop Snappy Scoop Big Shot Long Shot Photographer Pony
The Hearthbreak Hotel
Detective Pony Doctor Pony Traveling Pony Traveling Gentlecolt Traveling Mare
20 hrs
The Pie Family Home
Anti-Sugar Pinkie Pie Filly Limestone Pie Filly Marble Pie Maud Pie Young Pinkie Pie
15h 5m
The Pie Family's Home
Limestone Pie Marble Pie
The Pie Parents Home
Cloudy Quartz Igneous Rock
15h 5m
The Power Tower
Fili-Second Hum Drum Masked Matter-Horn Mayor Blossom Mistress Mare-velous Radiance Saddle Rager Zapp
The Shy Family Home
Mr. Shy Mrs. Shy Young Fluttershy Zephyr Breeze
The Somnambul-Inn
Adventurey Cantertine Pony Brusque Innkeeper Elderly Innkeeper Elegant Cantertine Pony Hoo'Far Outdoorsy Somnambulan Smiley Somnambulan Spangled Somnambulan Tall Innkeeper
Thinkers' Quarters
Apple Munchies Bittersweet
Thracian Palace
King Diomedes Minotaurocellus Shining Light and Blonn-Di Swift Foot Terri Belle
Throne of Chaos
Discord Accord Cosmos Edgy Discord Grackle & Dyre Restored Cosmos Robo Discord Screwball
Timbucktu Palace
Chaos Parabola Classy Timbucktu Resident Commander Hurricane Friendly Timbucktu Resident King Orion Private Pansy Timbucktu Guardspony
4 hours
Tower of the Moon
Doran Gaiman
Towering Resort
Big Bucks Chemist Pony Dapper Prairie Dog Trainer Dashing Prairie Dog Trainer Jack Pot Jumbo Don Mad Scientist Pony Pizza Roll Pony Shady Resortgoer Silent Magician Pony
Skeptical Magician Pony Super Chef Announcer
Trendsetters' House
Bright-Eyed Convention Guest Cool Convention Guest Curly-Maned Convention Guest Granite Expert Pony Hoity Toity Royal Riff Smiley Convention Guest Sweet Convention Guest Wavy-Maned Convention Guest
5h 20m
Trixie's Caravan
Trixie Lulamoon
Tubular Apartments
Diamond Rose Young Cadance
Twilight's Castle
Twilight Sparkle Spike Starlight Glimmer Applejack Colt Sunburst Filly Starlight Glimmer Grown-Up Spike Scootaloo Apple Bloom Young Twilight Sparkle
Twilight's Library
Twilight Sparkle Applejack Spike Starlight Glimmer Scootaloo Young Twilight Sparkle
5m[n 1]
Umber Cottage
Agitated Campaign Assistant Angry Ponyville Citizen Anxious Citizen Compassionate Campaign Assistant Dutiful Citizen Election Day Pinkie Pie Enthusiastic Citizen Envelope Artist Filthy Rich's Campaign Manager Honorable Judge Mare Hopeful Citizen
Hopeful Constituent Stressed Campaign Assistant Wonk Politico
Vampire Ponies' Belfry
Appledrac Drinkie Pie Flutterbat Nosfurarity Rainbow Bite Twilight Sparkling
Volcano House
Ancient Postpony Ancient Villager Foodie Bushy Mighty Helm Clumsy Mighty Helm Lucky Mighty Helm Mighty Helm Scaredy-Colt Mighty Helm Shield Master Scruffy Ancient Villager Veggie-Loving Waiter Warrior Colt
Warrior Filly
Volcano Village
Burning Sigil Princess Cheery Warrior Corny Ancient Villager Friendly Ancient Villager Mighty Helm Fancolt Mighty Helm Party Animal Oat Boat Tavernmare Rowdy Ancient Villager
3 hours
Warm Hearth's Home
Balloon Pilot Pony Bird Whisperer Pony Cantertine Clothier Cantertine Gemologist Crystal Mountain Miner Northerly Pony Unlucky Pony
White Tail Cottage
Brawny Bark-Stripper Brawny Carpenter Carefree Lumberjack Mama's Colt Carpenter Precise Carpenter Splinter Versatile Lumberjack
Wild West Show Camp
Buffalo Bull Calamity Mane Dodge Junction Local Dodge Junction Pony Dodge Junction Shopper Wild West Poet Pony Wild West Racer Pony Wild West Reenactor Pony Wild West Rodeo Pony Young Cherry Jubilee
Wonderbolt Headquarters
Admiral Fairy Flight Admiral Fairweather Colonel Purple Dart Commander Easy Glider General Dauntless General Firefly General Flash Grizzled Old Wonderbolt Skeptical Old Wonderbolt
Speedy Old Wonderbolt
Wonderbolt Lecture Hall
Vapor Trail Sky Stinger Angel Wings Determined Trainee Disciplined Trainee Fun-Loving Trainee
Wonderbolt Offices
Cirrus Cloud Cloudsdale Cheerpony Flight Suit Star Hunter Glider Rumble Lilac Sky Midnight Strike Tight Ship Wind Sock Young Dauntless
Wonderbolt Trainer
Wonderbolts Academy
Blaze Fast Clip Fleetfoot Misty Fly Paramedic Pony Soarin Spitfire Wind Rider
6h 20m
Zecora's Cottage