The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

All 6 Elements of Harmony


Activating the ELEMENT of HARMONY of LAUGHTER My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Gameloft Mini Game

The Element Shards are fragments of the Elements of Harmony, used to activate the Harmony Stones and to defeat Parasprites, Changelings, Vampire Fruit Bats, Plunderseed Vines, Cragadiles, and King Sombra's Corruption. After a Harmony Stone is activated, Shards can continue to be used on it to award Bits Bit and, rarely, Gems Gem (in case of Kindness, Loyalty and Magic you receive 1 Gem per 200 shards, but you have to pay them all in one session, because if you logout the counter gets reset back to 0), defeating Parasprites, Changelings, Vampire Fruit Bats and King Sombra's Corruption also awards these.

Element Shards are obtained by collecting from shops, playing the Balloon Pop Mini Game and the Crystal Mine GamePrincess Celestia, Princess Luna, Stratus Skyranger and King Sombra additionally rarely perform a special dance animation after being welcomed, after which one of each shard is generated. Certain characters may also randomly perform an animation in which they float into the air, which also generates these shards. Laughter Shards are the most often collected shards, and Magic the least, though individual shops reward certain shards more often than others. Please note that you can only have 999 of each type of shard at a time.

Shard-generating Characters[]

Characters that may generate shards include:

Characters with question marks next to their name have not yet been observed generating element shards, but show the potential to do so based on their similarities with confirmed shard-generating characters.

Shop drop rates[]

Shop None Max Laughter Laughter Shard Honesty Honesty Shard Generosity Generosity Shard Kindness Kindness Shard Loyalty Loyalty Shard Magic Magic Shard
"Spirit of the Forest"
Adventurer's Emporium
Anniversary Wagon
Antique Shop 100 4 100 100 100 100 1,000 10
Antiquities Shop
Apple Market Cart 500 3 180 25 25 25 25 180
Apple Stand 1,000 2 100 1,000 100 100 100 10
Apple-Proof Hideout
Appleloosa Station
Apples 'n' Pears Stall
Art Supply Shop
Aspara Gus's
Asparagus Stand 100 2 100 100 100 1,200 100 10
Bag Emporium
Balloon Pop Stand
Balloon Shop 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Beachside Hangout
Big Spike's Holiday Barn
Big-Apple Stage
Binders and Stereos Shop
Bird Vendor
Bookstore 1,000 3 100 1,100 100 100 100 25
Bowling Alley 78.7% 2 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 15.7% .3%
Bread Bakery
Breezie Boutique
Brownie Stall
Buckball Field
Buckball Museum
Caballeron Merch Table
Cabbage Patch
Café 83.3% 2 8.3% 2.1% 4.9% 1% .3% <1%
Candle Shop 20% 2
Candy Machine
Canterlot Bowl-o-Rama
Canterlot Cafe 1,000 3 100 100 1,000 100 100 50
Canterlot Decoration Store 250 3 100 200 250 150 75 50
Canterlot Gift Shop 100 4 200 200 200 200 200 200
Canterlot Library
Canterlot Theater
Carnival Game
Carriage Shop
Carrot Bash Stand
Carrot Farm 78% 3 1.3% 1.3% 16.9% 0.9% 1.3% 0.3%
Carrot Patch 78.7% 2 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 15.7% .3%
Cartographer's Studio
Cattle Ranch
Changeling Arts and Crafts Station
Changeling Castle (shop)
Changeling Lamp Vendor
Changeling Punch Pool
Changeling Ruins
Chaos Roadhouse
Cherry Stand 500 2 1,100 150 40 30 20 25
Chocolate Stall
Chow Tent
Cider Mill
Clean and Go
Cloud Storage
Comic Book Shop
Confetti Shop
Corn Stand 500 2 1,100 150 40 30 20 10
Corn on the Cob Stand
Cotton Candy Stand
Creepy Curio Shoppe
Crudité Counter
Cruise Zeppelin
Crystal Archives
Crystal Armory
Crystal Cave
Crystal Grocery
Crystal Library
Crystal Salon
Crystal Sculptor's Workshop
Crystal Shop
Crystal Spa
Cupcake Shop
Cutie Mark Day Camp
Dancing School
Day Spa 24.5% 3 4.1% 4.1% 58.2% 4.1% 4.1% 1%
Decorated Pie Family Farm
Dimondian Boneseller
Disco Dance Shop
Discord's Pumpkin
Doctor Hooves' Lab
Dodge Junction Lanes
Donut Shop 150 4 100 100 100 600 300 75
Dream Throne Room
Dusty Mill
Enchanted Breezie Grotto
Escape Room
Everhoof Chalet
Fabric Shop
Fall Formal Parade Float
Fan Shop
Fantastique Theatre
Farasian Marketplace
Fast Food Wagon
Fedora Felt's Boutique
Ferris Wheel (shop)
Festival Stage
Festival Tents
Firecracker Market 2
Fireworks Shop
Flags and Banners
Flim and Flam's Holiday Stall
Flower Shop 23.5% 2 3.9% 3.9% 61% 2.7% 3.9% 1.1%
Flugelhorn Stand
Foal's Breath Garden
Fortuneteller's Tent
Friendship Campsite
Furniture Shop 0 0 0 0
Geode Exhibition
Giant Clam
Glasses Shop >0
Glittering Arena
Glowpaz Dealer
Grain Farm
Grape Stand 150 3 100 100 100 500 50 20
Greenmarket Bakery
Hall of Unity
Happy Horseshoe Shop
Hay Burger
Hearth's Warming Tavern
Hearth's Warming Theater
Hearts and Hooves Bistro
Hearts and Hooves Treat Store
High Tea Table
Hippogriffia Emporium
Hisan's Palace
Historical Forge
Home Decor Shop
Home Goods Shop
Honey Stand
Hoo'Far's Caravan
Hoofbeard's Pirate Ship
Hooficrafts Stand
Hoofington's Bakery
Horse d'Oeuvres Stall
Horseshoe Shop
Horseshoe Store
Hospital 51.5% 2 2.5% 2.5% 1% 7.5% 25% 10%
House of Hats 100 3 100 1,200 100 100 100 10
House of Kettles
House of Webs
Houseplant Shop 100 3 100 45 60 20 10 5
Ice Cream Shop 500 2 1,100 150 40 30 20 10
Imperial Bazaar
Inkwell Gazette
Jewelers' Shop
Jewelry Shop
Joke Shop 0% 2 8.2% 8.2% 8.2% 49% 24.5% 2%
Kerfuffle's Boutique
Kirin Marketplace
Kirin Runesmithy
Kitty Outfittery
Klugetown Bazaar
Klugetown Cantina
Lamp Stall
Lantern Shop
Lemon Stand 500 2 1,200 150 40 30 20 10
Lumber Tent
Macaron Stall
Magic Scroll Shop 0 0 0 0
Magic Shop
Magical Beacon
Mane Salon 84.9% 2 1.4% 4.9% 0.9% 7.1% 0.7% 0.07%
Manehattan Diner
Manehattan Fashion Week Outlet
Manehattan Hat Cart
Manehattan Jewelers
Manehattan Museum
Manehatten Shoe Store
Maretropolis Museum
Mask Shop
Mighty Helm's Training Yard
Mirror-Sombra's Castle
Mistmane's Greenhouse
Mount Aris Market 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Mountain Temple
Mushroom Shop
Music Shop
Mysterious Labyrinth
Mystic Grove
News Stand
Nightmare Night Corn Maze
Nightmare Night Marketplace
Observatory 0 5 50 50 20 150 500 200
Orange Stand 60 3 15 15 120 15 50 25
Orange Stand 2.0
Ornithian Coffee
Parfait Tent
Party Barn
Patter-Boat Race Course
Pear Shop
Pegasus Flight Academy
Perfume Shop
Pet Shop
Pharaoh's Palace
Pie Cart
Pineapple Pie Shack
Pipe Organ Hall
Pizzeria 700 3 1,200 300 700 150 50 30
Pony Pavillion
Ponyville Theater
Potion Shop
Potions Workshop
Pottery Tent
Print Shop
Pumpkin Cauldron
Pumpkin Patch 50 2 20 50 20 20 100 5
Punch Stand
Pyramid of the Sphinx
Quills and Sofas 90.4% 2 0.02% 5.3% 0.8% 0.8% 2.3% 0.4%
Rabbit Hutch 2
Rainbow Factory
Rarity For You
Regal Ice Sculpture
Renovated Changeling Hive
Resistance HQ
Restaurant 88.7% 2 .7% .7% .7% .7% 8.13% 1.8%
Ritzy Boutique
Rock Farm
Rodeo Outfitters
Royal Conservatory 200 4 20 700 100 100 300 100
Sable Spirit's Throne Room
School of Friendship
Schoolhouse 45.7% 2 3.8% 3.8% 22.9% 12% 3.8% 1%
Sheep Barn 2
Shop of Crooked Mirrors
Shop of Thankfulness
Smokey Mountain Memorial
Smoothie Store
Smugglers' Den
Snowplow Garage
Somnabulan Stage
Souvenir Shop
Sparkling Apple Juice Kiosk
Spike's Room
Spooky Cave
Sports Shop
Statue of Friendship
Steven Magnet's Hair Salon ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Strawberry Shop
Sugar Belle's Cupcakes
Sunflower Farm
Sweet Shop
Symphony Hall
Tableware Pavilion 0 0 0 0
Teeth Shop
Tempest's Skiff
Temple of Chicomoztoc
The Feelings Forum
The Get On Inn
The Hive
Thicket Marketplace
Timbucktu Trading Post
Town Hall 27.1% 2 3.8% 3.8% 1.5% 11.3% 37.6% 15%
Toy Box Shop
Toy Shop 100 5 100 100 100 1,100 100 10
Train Depot
Trixie's Stage
Trixie's Trunk Sale
Trixie's Wagon
Troyus Mill
Umbrum Crystal
Watch Shop
Water Tower
Weather Factory
Wild West Caravan
Windigo Trap
Windmill 85.53% 2 14.26% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.21%
Wintry Lab
Wishing Garden
Zap Apple Stand 350 3 200 200 500 200 100 10
Bits Bit
Gems Gem
Hearts Heart
Goal Points Daily-goal-points
Event Currency
Magic Coins Magic Coins
Sapphires Sapphire
Wedding Gifts Wedding Gift
Black IrisZh ingredient iris
GarlicZh ingredient garlic
Joke PlantZh ingredient joke
Purple MushroomZh ingredient mushrooms
Red OrchidZh ingredient orchid
Sticky SapZh ingredient glue
Critter Food