The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Cyber Applejack
(Supercharged Applejack)

Cyber Applejack Character Image


Cyber Applejack Store

To the extent that she's governed by three laws in her programming, "can't tell a lie" is definitely one of them.

Supercharged Applejack Character Image


Supercharged Applejack Store

Optimized for picking apples on really, REALLY out-of-the-way branches.

Playable Yes
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus ? Star
Residence Robo-Home
Minigame Timer
Minigame Skip Time
900 Gem
More Info
Update Added Update 7.9
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Level Up Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
T-flower Wheel Wheel T-knot T-knot
Cyber Applejack on the MLP:FiM wiki

Cyber Applejack is a robot made in the image of Applejack.

Cyber Applejack is one of several characters in the game with an ability/mechanism that allows the player to transform them into their alternate appearance(s), if the player has also purchased their alternate appearances from the Collection or Shop. In this case, Cyber Applejack can be transformed into Supercharged Applejack.

Both forms are helpers in siege stage 2 of the Applejack Dreams of Robot Ponies Limited-Siege Event.



All Time[]

  • None, limited time only

Limited Time[]

Where Price Date Purpose Notes
Epic Set $11.99 October 2022 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack
- 2,500 Magic Coins
- 30 Gem
Special Bundle $18.99 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack and Supercharged Applejack
- 7,000 Magic Coins
Welcome Bundle $59.99 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack
- Cyber Fluttershy
- Cyber Pinkie Pie
- Robo Rarity
- Robo Rainbow Dash
- Robo Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Bundle $94.99 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack and Supercharged Applejack
- Cyber Fluttershy and Supercharged Fluttershy
- Cyber Pinkie Pie and Supercharged Pinkie Pie
- Robo Rarity and Supercharged Rarity
- Robo Rainbow Dash and Supercharged Rainbow Dash
- Robo Twilight Sparkle and Supercharged Twilight Sparkle
Ponyville Store 810 Gem (regular) April 2023 Gem Sale Marked down from 900 Gem (10% off)
Ponyville Store 765 Gem or 720 Gem (Royal Club only) March 2024 Gem Sale Marked down from 900 Gem (15%/20% off)
Ponyville Store 720 Gem January 2025 Gem Sale Marked down from 900 Gem (20% off)
Welcome Bundle $69.99 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack
- Cyber Fluttershy
- Cyber Pinkie Pie
- Robo Rarity
- Robo Rainbow Dash
- Robo Twilight Sparkle
Epic Set $12.99 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack
- 2,500 Magic Coins
- 30 Gem
Friendship Bundle $99.99 Real Sale Bundled with:
- Cyber Applejack and Supercharged Applejack
- Cyber Fluttershy and Supercharged Fluttershy
- Cyber Pinkie Pie and Supercharged Pinkie Pie
- Robo Rarity and Supercharged Rarity
- Robo Rainbow Dash and Supercharged Rainbow Dash
- Robo Twilight Sparkle and Supercharged Twilight Sparkle
Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1226 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (256 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (232 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (225 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (232 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (281 Characters)
Canterlot (281 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete