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The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Changeling kingdom

The icon for the Changeling Kingdom in the map of Equestria.

The Changeling Kingdom is a barren realm located on the southwestern part of Equestria, where Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings live. It is southwest of Ponyville, and it is on a long distance northwest of Klugetown beyond a desert. To unlock, players have to be above level 27 Star before being able to complete its questline.

"Changeling Kingdom" is also the name of a series of quests based on the finale of Season 6, in which Trixie, Thorax, Discord, and Starlight Glimmer (already present as NPCs without being purchased) try to defeat Queen Chrysalis and save Equestria from her control. After the player finishes the quest, Thorax becomes into Metamorphosed Thorax, and the Changeling Kingdom no longer becomes accessible.


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The bridge to the Changeling Kingdom.

Within the game, the realm of the Queen of the Changelings consists of two sides divided by a valley: a forested plateau (similar to the Everfree Forest) on the northwest, and the barren wasteland of the Changelings on the southeast. They are linked by a suspension bridge at the middle, which is repaired with supplies gathered during several early quests.

  • Trixie's Wagon is present on the northwestern side, and functions as the four protagonists' "camp".
  • To the southeast down the dirt path to the bridge, there is a rock with three barren trees, next to a pond with three lilies.
  • Across the bridge within the Changelings' side, there is a table with several camping bags, where Trixie creates her smoke bombs.


Starting point in Canterlot, when suspicious giant box appears out of nowhere

Quest #1: A Sinister Surprise[]

A Sinister Surprise
"A Mysterious Box makes the PERFECT present! I just gotta find out what's inside! Lemme see, lemme see!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Tap the Mysterious Box!

30 Star

500 Bit

Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
Ending text
"I guess we should let her have her way, right? Besides, there might actually be something really cool in there."

Pinkie Pie: Well HELLO! What's this? A gift for li'l ME, perhaps? Gasp! Is somepony throwing a surprise party?

Pinkie Pie: Eep! This is the OPPOSITE of what I wanted!

"Pinkie Pie" changeling: You're ours now, you foolish filly! And after we lock you up...

Changeling Drone: No one will ever notice you're gone...

Quest #2: Preparing for the Worst[]

Preparing for the Worst
"Now that I've taken Pinkie Pie's place, I'll trick everypony into attending one of her ridiculous parties -- then, we can capture all of them!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send "Pinkie" to think of the "party"

1 Time
Task Time: 35s

40 Star

750 Bit

Quest Giver: "Pinkie Pie" changeling
Ending text
"Oh, this is REALLY bad! And what a terrible gift, too! Let's just hope that Starlight and Twilight can figure something out..."

Starlight Glimmer: Twiiiiiilight! I'm here! Just point me to the right shelves, and--

Starlight Glimmer: ...Twilight? Twilight Sparkle? Where could she be? She's like, NEVER late...

Starlight Glimmer: Ah well, maybe she just, uh, forgot I was supposed to help her today? Yeah, that must be it! I'll just... come back tomorrow... I was kind of looking forward to a nap, anyway!

Quest #3: Studious Starlight[]

Studious Starlight
"*sigh* ... I'm so grateful that Twilight took me on as her student. The very least I can do in return is help her move some books around today! Better get on that before I end up late!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to speak to Twilight

1 Time
Task Time: 10s

30 Star

500 Bit

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Starlight Glimmer's done a total 180 from her old ways! It's great to see her helpin' out. Ahh... What a nice day! Nothing could go wrong!"

"Pinkie Pie" changeling: Come on everypony, party is on and going, THIS is the most awesome party... EVER...

"Pinkie Pie" changeling: ...Hahaha, all of Equestria will be ours soon...

Princess Luna: Starlight... Starlight Glimmer! You must help us! I've been able to find you thanks to your dream -- but there's no time!

Starlight Glimmer: Huh? Princess Luna... What's going on? What do you mean?

Princess Luna: They've taken me, my sister, and almost everypony else! The Changelings have returned! Please... help... us...

Starlight Glimmer: Princess Luna!!!

Quest #4: Trust No Pony[]

Trust No Pony
"All right, calm down, Starlight... You can do this! I've just gotta tell Twilight what's going on and let her handle everything. Then we'll all be fine... R-Right...?" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to speak to the Mane Six

1 Time
Task Time: 30s

50 Star

500 Bit

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Spike here. Yep. Totally Spike: your favorite annoying baby dragon! What, you think I'm gonna help YOU? Here's a hint: your plan is bogus!"

Starlight Glimmer: Twilight and the others have all been ponynapped... and replaced by Changelings! What am I gonna do? Maybe Cadance is still safe...

Thorax: It's no use, Starlight. This is a full-on invasion. They took Cadance, Shining Armor, AND Flurry Heart...

Quest #5: Think Fast![]

Think Fast!
"This is serious. There's almost no pony left who can help us! Please, Starlight, I know you can do it -- think of something!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to think of a plan

1 Time
Task Time: 40s

50 Star

1000 Bit

Quest Giver: Thorax
Ending text
"Think, think, think. Is that all you're good at? Paaaa-thetic!"

Starlight Glimmer: Trixie, this is Thorax -- a REFORMED Changeling.

Thorax: Hi. It's a pleasure to--

Trixie: Look, if Starlight says you're on our side, I believe her. But... maybe just stay over there for now, okay?

Quest #6: To WHERE?![]

"Normally this is the LAST thing I'd wanna do, but... To save your friends, we've gotta go directly to my kingdom. It's our only option..." Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Travel to the Changeling Kingdom

10 Star

300 Bit

Quest Giver: Thorax
Ending text
"What?! You're actually gonna make the trip? Not like it'll do any good, but stay outta our backy-- I MEAN -- I'm Spike! Definitely Spike."

Starlight Glimmer: Sigh... I just feel like we're not enough, you know? We're gonna need some seriously powerful magic to help us out. B-Besides yours, I mean!

Trixie: Hmm... As much as I hate to admit it, you've got a point. And unfortunately, I think I know who to call upon...

Starlight Glimmer: "Unfortunately"?

Quest #7: An Unreliable Ally[]

An Unreliable Ally
"Discord's ridiculous tricks are perhaps just a SMIDGEON better than mine, but...Ah, who am I kidding? Everything's gone crazy and we need his help! Starlight, start searching!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to find Discord

Send Trixie to find Discord

Send Thorax to find Discord

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

20 Star

300 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Trixie
Ending text
"You're graspin' at straws, ponies! No draconequus is gonna help YOU!"

Discord: It's about TIME you realized you were seriously lacking in a certain... expertise.

Starlight Glimmer: Listen, Discord -- Chrysalis and the Changelings are back. They've ponynapped all of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, including Twilight and her friends! We need to--

Discord: THEY TOOK FLUTTERSHY?! Oh, this won't STAND! Gather 'round, fillies and colts; it's teleportation time!

Thorax: Wait! I mean, uh... The thing about magic here is...

Quest #8: Supply Run[]

Supply Run
"Sorry, guys, but we're doing this the old-fashioned way. We'll need a bridge to get to the hive!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Collect logs

4 Times (all members of the group can be assigned to this)
Task Time: 6h

100 Star

1200 Bit

Quest Giver: Thorax
Ending text
"Hahaha! A BRIDGE? Oh, that's rich! Don't break a hoof while you're wasting your time with manual labor!"

Trixie: Well. Here they are. Some dirty, flaky, nasty tree pieces. And DON'T expect me to carry anything else for at least another fifteen minutes!

Discord: Seconded! This no-magic thing is the absolute WORST! I am SERIOUSLY out of shape -- and I didn't need to find that out by dropping a log on my poor little toe!

Starlight Glimmer: Whew! Well, at least the heavy lifting is over! Um... the heavy lifting IS over... right...?

Quest #9: Finishing Touches[]

Finishing Touches
"Uh... I'm sorry, but we actually still need rope to hold the wood together... At least it's way less heavy! Right, guys? ... Guys?" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Collect ropes

4 Times (all members of the group can be assigned to this)
Task Time: 8h

50 Star

1200 Bit

Quest Giver: Thorax
Ending text
"Now THIS is sad! Comin' to pieces over a little exercise? HA! What's the OPPOSITE of team-building?! Spoiler alert: it's YOU!"

Trixie: For a bundle of stumps and string, that was shockingly adequate...

Starlight Glimmer: Oh my gosh oh my gosh OH MY GOSH! You guys! HIDE!!!

Discord: Oh no no no. Not TIREK again. He was MORE than enough trouble the first time. Shouty, too.

Thorax: You guys, isn't this a little TOO convenient?

Quest #10: Smoke 'Em Out[]

Smoke 'Em Out
"All right... Trixie, you can still make smoke bombs, right? I'm sort of improvising here... but, the more you make, the better!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Create smoke bombs

4 Times (all members of the group can be assigned to this)
Task Time: 2h

50 Star

1500 Bit

2 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Oh yeah, it's Tirek all right. Definitely Tirek. Better just give up now, I say. Doesn't that sound way easier?!"

Discord: Yes, yes, very nice, very nice -- there goes the most useless one!

Starlight Glimmer: Will you stop that?! I can't think straight with you being all mean-spirited like that!

Discord: Sheesh. No need to go flinging the "M" word around! Didn't you get thrown out of your village for being a "mean-spirited" little--

Quest #11: A Discordant Diversion[]

A Discordant Diversion
"DISCORD! Ahem -- you might be magic-less for now, but you're a Spirit of Chaos! THINK OF SOMETHING!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Work on some tricks

Criticize Discord's trics

4 Times (all members of the group can be assigned to this)
Task Time: 4h (8h for Discord)

50 Star

1000 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Oh, this'll be RICH. A useless draconequus AND a quack magician! Wait... what the HECK is THAT?!!"

Starlight Glimmer: Well, that was quite a "performance," I must say.

Discord: Hey! These are just mere sketches. The real deal is yet to come. You'll see.

Quest #12: Go Team?[]

Go Team?
"Thorax! Don't tell me you have an IDEA?! That's amazing! Why don't you work on, um... whatever your idea is! ... That you have!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Thorax to scare Tirek

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

25 Star

500 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Oh yeah, it's Tirek all right. Definitely Tirek. Better just give up now, I say. Doesn't that sound way easier?"


  • While trying to scare "Tirek", Thorax will transform himself into various characters from the game, including locked characters and characters from past events.
  • If Thorax transforms into a variation of Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, he will perform their dance animation and summon element shards like the real Princesses.

Thorax: Uh... Cower in fear, impostor! For I am the REAL Tho -- I MEAN -- Tirek! ... Raaaaarrrgh...?

Starlight Glimmer: Of COURSE! He was a Changeling guard all along... And you scared him off, Thorax! That was amazing!

Thorax: T-Thanks, guys. I'm just happy to help...

Discord: Yes, yes, there'll be time for sappy nonsense LATER. I didn't get to share a WORD of my stand-up routine!

Trixie: Stand-up routine? ... Really?

Starlight Glimmer: I'm not gonna defend Discord's questionable battle choices, but we can't stop to argue now -- we've got another problem on our hooves. How are we getting into the hive, exactly?

Quest #13: The Impenetrable Hive[]

The Impenetrable Hive
"The Changeling hive shifts and changes just like Changelings do, and we're the only ones who can navigate it. It's up to me to find an entrance!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Thorax to find the secret passage

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

50 Star

1000 Bit

Quest Giver: Thorax
Ending text
"Toooootally not bothered by your progress. Nope. Not at all."

Trixie: Nuh uh, this is too much, I'm out. It is WAY too dark in here.

Discord: For once I'll have to agree with her. We're blind as bats and just as useless! Stupid BATS.

Starlight Glimmer: Argh! How are we gonna find our friends if we can't even see our hooves in front of our noses?

Thorax: Uh... Resident Changeling here, with an actual idea. If you'll listen to him.

Quest #14: Shed Some Light on the Subject[]

Shed Some Light on the Subject
"Uh... Resident Changeling, here, with an actual idea, if you'll listen to him... I can use Changeling magic to create some light, but it'll take a little time..." Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Thorax to make some light

Send Thorax to illuminate the surroundings

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

40 Star

1000 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Thorax
Ending text
"This is rich! Am I supposed to feel proud of you or something? You turned the lights on -- whoop-dee-doo!!"

Trixie: Eureka! Illumination!

Starlight Glimmer: Hold up, everypony... Does the light come through the wall?

Quest #15: Hole-y Cow![]

Hole-y Cow!
"Thorax has been coming up with such good ideas... I'd better familiarize myself with this crazy place if I wanna keep up with him! It's what Twilight would do... right?!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to check the suspicious hole!

Send Starlight to check a shady crag

1 Time
Task Time: 5h

1 Time
Task Time: 5h

40 Star

1000 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Ooh, yeah! DEFINITELY check those holes out, chump! You'll be reeeeal happy you did! Heheheh!"

Discord: About time! Fluttershy, here I come!

Starlight Glimmer: D-Does anypony else hear that vaguely threatening noise?

Thorax: I-I-I-It's a--! It's a Ch-Ch-Changeling patrol!!!

Starlight Glimmer: Hold on -- Trixie, do you still have those smoke bombs?

Quest #16: Trixie's Time to Shine[]

Trixie's Time to Shine
"Smoke bombs...?! *GASP!* I've got it! I've got a plan! Lemme at those tunnels! And Thorax, you come with me!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Trixie to distract Changelings with smoke bombs

Send Trixie to the ambush tunnels

Send Trixie to use her smoke bombs in the Changeling tunnels

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

120 Star

3000 Bit

Quest Giver: Trixie
Ending text
"Noo! Agh! Where are you? Which Trixie is which? Stop throwing us off your trail already -- it's annoying!"

Thorax: Th-th-th-THAT'S not gonna be enough!!! Y-you just made them COUGH!

Trixie: That's not ALL I've got up my very fashionable wizard hat, bug boy! The rest of you, get under cover!

Thorax: *gasp* ... *gasp* ...

Quest #17: The Greatest Show in the Hive![]

The Greatest Show in the Hive!
"Thorax, help me out! I'm gonna need you to transform into my glorious likeness whilst we give these Changelings a little RAZZLE-DAZZLE!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Thorax to shapeshift into Trixie

Send "Trixie" to baffle the Changelings

Send "Trixie" to distract Changelings

1 Time
Task Time: 6h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

120 Star

3000 Bit

Quest Giver: Trixie
Ending text
"Noo! Agh! Where are you? Which Trixie is which? Stop throwing us off your trail already -- it's annoying!"

Starlight Glimmer: Two of the Changelings didn't fly away with the rest. That must mean something...

Thorax: Good thinking, Starlight! With an intruder in the hive, they probably went to protect the queen! But... the way to her throne room is crawling with guards. We'll be spotted for sure.

Discord: Well, I suppose I'm the next most distracting thing I can think of... Time to bust out my woefully unused and underappreciated STAND-UP ROUTINE!!!

Quest #18: Stand-Up Showdown[]

Stand-Up Showdown
"Believe me, I was just as surprised as you are that I'm here! When I heard that I'd be playing for a bunch of Changelings, I was beside myself! Then I realized, it was just one of you! Haha! ... Ahem..." Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Discord to tell terrible jokes

2 Times
Task Time: 4h

40 Star

1000 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Discord
Ending text
"Oh, jeez! Get off the stage, you hack!!! Is THIS his secret weapon?"

Starlight Glimmer: I, um... I don't think it's working.

Trixie: You can say THAT again. Ugh... I'm embarrassed FOR him.

Thorax: Not just you, Trixie. I think he's at LEAST embarrassed those Changelings into submission...

Quest #19: Sad Case of Slapstick[]

Sad Case of Slapstick
"Heh, all right, tough crowd, huh? Well, lucky for you, the PHYSICAL comedy bit is just beginning! Who doesn't love a bit of slapstick, eh? EH?!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Discord to perform silly pranks!

1 Time
Task Time: 6h

30 Star

750 Bit

Quest Giver: Discord
Ending text
"I can't take it anymore! Get 'im! And while he's runnin' for it, we'll set him a little trap he won't be able to resist..."

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, enough of this! Run for it, everypony!

Discord: Hey! Wait for me! OOF! *thud**

Discord: Fluttershies?! Ohhh, I see. There is no Fluttershy among you all, is it?

"Fluttershy" changelings: You are right, there is none. You shouldn't trust anyone at all, because we are probably all Changelings. *sigh**

Discord: Oh, come on!


Thorax: We can't wait up for him. Between seeing Discord AND seeing you, the hive will be on full alert!

Discord: WHY HELLO, fellow rescuers! It is I, DISCORD! Who is NOT CAPTURED! And also, the Changelings who just beat me up know EXACTLY where the throne room is! Isn't that nice? Follow me!

Starlight Glimmer: Psst... Trixie, you know that's not really Discord, right?

Trixie: Obviously. Let me handle this, all right? I'll lead him away.

Quest #20: And Then There Were Two...[]

And Then There Were Two...
"Hey, Discord! Right behind you. Say, don't you wanna see a new trick I've been working on? I call it the "Changeling Catcher"! It's a real doozy of a diversion -- I MEAN, illusion!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Trixie to lure Changeling Discord into a trap

1 Time
Task Time: 10h

50 Star

1500 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Trixie
Ending text
"Your ruse worked, but so what? Now it's down to a cowardly little filly and a sniveling traitor! We all know how THIS turns out."

Starlight Glimmer: Think, Starlight, THINK! What am I supposed to do now? I'm not cut out to be a leader! I can't make these decisions!

Thorax: Starlight... You heard Trixie, right? I believe in you, too. Even without magic, you've helped us get all the way to the throne room, and--

Starlight Glimmer: Wait... "Without magic"? Thorax -- this is a long shot, but I think it's all we have left. Hear me out.

Quest #21: Studying Starlight[]

Studying Starlight
"We still have magic! Changeling magic! How well do you think you can impersonate me, Thorax? Because you're gonna have to go all out... We need the entire Changeling army to believe that you're Starlight Glimmer!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Thorax to study Starlight's behavior

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

40 Star

1000 Bit

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Aaah, you're just playing pretend at this point -- literally!"

"Starlight" Thorax: H-How's this? Is it too much? Did I get the mane right?

Starlight Glimmer: Looks great! You even got the lack of confidence down pat...

"Starlight" Thorax: That's... good?

Starlight Glimmer: Right now, yeah, it actually is. But I'll REALLY need to be brave if this next part of the plan is going to work.

Quest #22: The Perfect Plan[]

The Perfect Plan
"While you're pretending to be me, I'll sneak into the throne room without anyone finding out -- and SOMEHOW make a dent in that magic-stealing throne! It's the only chance we've got!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to prepare for her plan

1 Time
Task Time: 4h

40 Star

1000 Bit

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Ugh. More THINKING. Hey, can't you think a little louder? I'm just sayin', MAYBE I'd like to hear your plan. Because I'm Spike."

Starlight Glimmer: Time to put this into action... Sigh. Are you ready, Thorax?

"Starlight" Thorax: As ready as I'll ever be, Starlight.

Quest #23: Bait 'n' Switch[]

Bait 'n' Switch
"I can do this... I can DO this...! Hey, Chrysalis! You won't get away with this!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Thorax to act as bait

1 Time
Task Time: 1h

60 Star

1250 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Wow -- THAT was interesting! Say, what exactly are you playing at? This wouldn't have anything to do with your scheme, right?"

Queen Chrysalis: This is what Equestria sends me? One pathetic little pony, all by herself? Ha! I didn't think you were even WORTH replacing with one of my drones! No pony is coming to save you now!

Starlight Glimmer: You're wrong! Thorax is still out there!

Queen Chrysalis: Don't mention that traitor's name in my kingdom! He was a fool to leave, and even more a fool to return! When I find him, he'll LEARN what happens to those who betray the hive!

Quest #24: Last-Ditch Effort![]

Last-Ditch Effort!
"He's got their attention! Now I can get to the throne... I THINK! Deep breaths, Starlight... And Thorax, just keep it up a little longer! I'm coming!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards

Send Starlight to sneak through the shadows

Send Starlight to hide in the shadow

Send Starlight to blend into the shadow

1 Time
Task Time: 2h

1 Time
Task Time: 2h

1 Time
Task Time: 2h

60 Star

1250 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer
Ending text
"Hey, hey! No! Get away from Queen Chrysalis's throne! I can't believe this is happening! Oh, the Changemanity!"

Queen Chrysalis: Hmm?! What is that annoyingly suspicious noise?

Queen Chrysalis: Very clever! I see Thorax revealed the secret of my throne to you... Too bad I've figured you out before you could go through with your laughable little rescue attempt!

Thorax: She's seen through my disguise! Starlight, what do I do?!

Queen Chrysalis: Now, watch as I drain Thorax the traitor of every last drop of love and show my subjects what a REAL leader is!

Thorax: I... I can feel the love inside me slipping away! I can't hold onto it much longer!

Starlight Glimmer: Then... Then DON'T! Sharing love and making friends made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis! Give her all of it!

Quest #25: Chrysalis vs. Kindness (Boss Battle)[]

Chrysalis vs. Kindness
"Then... Then DON'T, Thorax! Sharing love and making friends made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis! Give her all of it!" Task/Skip Task requirement Rewards
Defeat Queen Chrysalis with the power of love!
60 Star

1250 Bit

1 Gem

Quest Giver: Starlight Glimmer


  • To proceed through stages you need to collect friendship gems, which are given in amount according to number of Good Changelings every 2h 30m. On the tutorial stage Thorax is the only one good changeling, so number of given friendship gems is 1 per 2h 30m. All of needed 5 such gems are provided with free timer-skip, though.
  • Helpers can multiply these numbers. Having several helpers sums their multipliers. For example, having x2 and x5 helpers gives factor of x7.
  • Another way to increase income is to buy more Good Changelings. Every one of them costs 1 Gem, but available amount increases with every consecutive buy. For example, first purchase will be 3 Gem for 3 Good Changelings, next will be 5 Gem for 5, 6 Gem for 6, 7 Gem for 7 and so on.
  • Friendship Gems accumulate through stages. It means stage 3 will begin with 500 gems collected on stage 2 and stage 4 will begin with 2900 gems collected on stage 3.
  • Completing any stage early (or lately) does not affect time limit for the next stage. For example, if you finished stage2 20 hours earlier than needed, stage3 will not be prolonged by these 20 hours. The opposite is also true: if you finished 10 hours late, these 10 hours will not be deducted from time limit of the next stage.
  • Starlight, Trixie and Discord each also provide 1 Friendship Gem per certain amount of time through tasks:
Character Time
Starlight Glimmer 6h
Trixie 4h
Discord 10h
Tutorial Stage: Defeat Queen Chrysalis With the Power of Love!
Helpers Friendhip gems goal Time Limit Rewards
Fluttershy (x2) 5 Tied to Stage 1 Sunset Festival Banner (decor)

5 Gem

Good Changelings x55

Starlight Glimmer: WHOA! It's working! It's actually working! Thorax's love is bowling Chrysalis's army over!

Starlight Glimmer: B-but there's just too many of them...! What if his love won't be enough...? What in Equestria can I possibly do?! I'm... I'm a failure of a leader after all!

Trixie: As your best and greatest friend, I can't just stand idly by while you deem yourself a failure. We're calling off this pity party, stat!

Discord: It's true -- though I'm SHOCKED to admit it: your plan worked! At least, the CHAOS you and Thorax managed to create allowed yours truly and that hack magician escape!

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, thank GOODNESS you guys are all right! I don't care how good or bad of a leader I am -- I'm just happy you're safe! With all of us together again, we might actually stand a chance!

Stage 1: Make a Dent in the Changeling Horde!
Helpers Friendhip gems goal Time Limit Guaranteed Rewards
Party Favor (x2) 80 Gem

Night Glider (x5) 125 Gem

Double Diamond (x10) 250 Gem

500 1d 6h Eager Townspony

Good Changelings x60

Time-limited Reward
Metamorphosed Sentry
  • This stage has 56 Good Changelings and therefore provides 56 Friendship Gems every 2h 30m (provided no helpers active and no Good Changelings bought). As such it requires 22.5 hours of pure time to complete.

Thorax: Y-you guys...! I don't know how much more of this I can take...!

Starlight Glimmer: Hold on just a little longer, Thorax! We're coming-- OOF! D-did that do it? I'm too dizzy to see straight...

Discord: My little ponies, through the simplest of means, it seems as though we've-- *COUGH* *HACK* *BLECH* Ah, would you look at that? Seems I swallowed a shard of the throne...

Trixie: YES! I feel the POWER coursing through me once more! Teehee... It tingles!

Stage 2: Build on Your Success
Helpers Friendhip gems goal Time Limit Guaranteed Rewards
Cinnamon Chai (x2) 100 Gem

Security Guard Pony (x5) 210 Gem

Metamorphosed Worker (x10) 450 Gem

2900 2d 12h Expressive Townspony

Good Changelings x120

Time-limited Reward
Changeling Drone
  • This stage has 116 Good Changelings and therefore provides 116 Friendship Gems every 2h 30m (provided no helpers active and no Good Changelings bought). As such it requires 2d 4.5h of pure time to complete.

Trixie: I-it's working?! We're doing it?! The Great and Powerful Trixie is actually great and powerful?!

Starlight Glimmer: Believe it, Trixie! Thorax, we're all right here with you!

Thorax: Th-thanks everypony! You guys deal with the rest of the Changelings and I'll... I'll s-stand up to the Queen... o-o-once and for all...!

Starlight Glimmer: You don't have to be scared, Thorax. Friends have each other's backs, no matter what!

Stage 3: Deliver the Final Blow!
Helpers Friendhip gems goal Time Limit Guaranteed Reward
Metamorphosed Soldier (x2) 150 Gem

Cratus (x5) 320 Gem

The Olden Pony (x10) 700 Gem

12000 4d 12h Metamorphosed Drone
Time-limited Reward
Metamorphosed Thorax
  • This stage has 236 Good Changelings and therefore provides 236 Friendship Gems every 2h 30m (provided no helpers active and no Good Changelings bought). As such it requires 4d 1.5h of pure time to complete.
Ending text
"Huh? What happened? I don't remember anything after -- What!? YOU'RE a hero! You saved us all!"

Queen Chrysalis: N-No! It's too much! My throne! My hive! Noooooo!!!

Twilight Sparkle: You DID it, Starlight! You defeated the Changelings with no magic at all, and you've freed everypony! I... *sniff*... I'm so proud of you... You've become an amazing leader!

Starlight Glimmer: Twilight... I guess good things happen when you give love instead of taking it!

