Siege events are events that follow the gameplay of Siege of the Crystal Empire. They are typically 10 days long, have a main character who can win 4 free head and 4 free body outfits, a community event, require magic coins (or Shadow Crystals in Siege of the Crystal Empire) for the solo part. They generally have two What's Hot collections containing all the helpers for each phase of the event.

- The event consists of 8 stages. To complete each stage you must upgrade your armor to gain enough power to defeat the boss.
- Magic coins are gained from defeating minions between the boss stages.
- You have to defeat a certain amount of minions to get to the next stage.
Minion Phase[]
They are grinding phases where the main pony with up to 3 helpers fight the same enemy over and over to earn magic coins to unlock outfits and gain more team power to defeat a boss. During the grinding phase, the main pony glows 10 times per hour, which get you bonus magic coins if you repeatedly tap them. The fights are automatic, it's an "idle collection" battle mechanics. Once per siege event and per fusion slot, the player can win bonus magic coins by collecting fusion products.

Boss Phase[]
At each of the 7 stages of the event, once the main pony defeated a given amount of minions, the player can try to defeat the boss, using the team power. During the fight, the player can earn some community tokens, bits and gems. A reward is gained after defeating the boss.
The image below shows how much power is needed to defeat each boss. And how many magic coins are needed to upgrade armor to the recommended power:
- Note: There is a small chance of getting an extra hit which means you may be able to defeat a boss with less power than above.
Magic chest Phase[]
The stage 8 of a siege event contains a magic chest minion to allow the player to keep grinding for magic coins. Keeping up to 100 000 magic coins until the event is over makes the game convert them to up to 30 gems when the event ends.
Community Phase[]
6 community helper characters (two x1, two x2, two x4 and one x7) can be bought in the store for the whole length of the event. The rewards are typically 20 gems for the 1000 first players of a server, an Icon for the 500 first players, and a pony for the 100 first players. The fights ressemble the boss phases, with Element Shards, some gems, 200 community tokens per fights (time the multiplier, with a chance to get a little more from getting a critical hit on the last hit).
Magic Coins to Gems convertion[]
The amount of magic coins you have at the end of the event will be converted into gems as seen below.
Nightmare Rarity, Retold -
Adventures in Rockology -
Crowns and Chaos -
She's All Yak -
Siege of the Crystal Empire -
The Crowning Achievement -
The League of Evil -
Welcome Back Twilight
All items (53)