Applejack Dreams of Robot Ponies | |
Event Information | |
Type | Siege |
Update Added | Update 7.9 |
Rewards | |
Running Time(s) | |
October 28, 2022 - November 7, 2022 November 24, 2023 - December 4, 2023 January 3, 2025 – January 13, 2025 | |
Applejack Dreams of Robot Ponies is a 10-day Limited-Time Siege that is released on October 28, 2022 in Update 7.9.
● 2nd time: November 24, 2023 (1 day after the special MLP: Secrets of Starlight)
● 3rd time: January 5, 2025
Magic Coins to Gems (Conversion)[]
■ After the end of the event, you'll win until maximum 30 , depending from the amount collected.
Quest 1: Go On, Git![]
Flim: ... That's right: With our BRAND-NEW, LIMITED-TIME-ONLY "Flim Flam Brothers Celebrated Automated Tractor-O-Matic" (Patent Pending), harvesting your next crop will be a DREAM!
Flam: Why, with its fully-mechanized suite of self-modulating doodads and gizmos, it practically picks your apples FOR you! You won't even have to lift a hoof!
Flim: Now, I know what you're thinking. "Flim! Flam! Why are you coming to ME with this one-of-a-kind, life-changing offer?" The answer is simple: We didn't know YOU would be here!
Flam: That's right: We thought an ESPECIALLY gullible ranch-hand was filling in for you today, but by the time we realized we were talking to YOU, we had already started our sales pitch!
Flim: And believe me, friend: Once our sales pitch has some momentum behind it, it is EXTREMELY difficult to stop partway through! Much like the Tractor-O-Matic! So... Whaddaya say?!
Applejack: I say... GET OFF MY PROPERTY!!!
Quest 1: Go On, Git! | |||
"I say... GET OFF MY PROPERTY!!!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Applejack to shoo Flim and Flam away!
1 Time
10 ? | |
Quest Giver: Applejack | |||
Ending text | |||
"Will Flim and Flam EVER learn...? You'd think by now they'd know Applejack always sees through their scams!" |
Quest 2: You're Getting Sleepy...[]
Applejack: (Sigh...) I dunno, Princess. Flim and Flam I can handle, but somethin' about that latest scam of theirs got under my hide! It's been nigh on a week, and I'm still ornery about it...
Applejack: "Celebrated, Automated Tractor-O-Matic"... Pssh! Like there's ANY kinda new-fangled contraption out there better than an honest day's work by an honest, hard-workin' pony!
Applejack: ... Anyway. Twilight says these "Dream Therapy" sessions of yours have worked wonders when SHE'S down about somethin'... so I figured, why not give it a try?
Luna: That is very open-minded of you, Applejack -- and I would be happy to help! My first thought would be to dig into why exactly the idea of automation angers you so...
Princess Luna: Would you consent to my crafting a guided dream meditation for you on the subject, so that you can face your feelings directly? I promise: There will be no Tantabuses involved!
Applejack: Heh... Well, THAT'S good to hear, at least. And sure: I'll try anything once! Lemme just mosey on home and find a comfy couch to nap on... We can start whenever you're ready!
Quest 2: You're Getting Sleepy... | |||
"Heh... Well, THAT'S good to hear, at least. And sure: I'll try anything once! Lemme just mosey on home and find a comfy couch to nap on... We can start whenever you're ready!" | Task/Skip | Task requirement | Rewards |
Send Applejack Home to begin her dream therapy.
1 Time
20 ? | |
Quest Giver: Applejack | |||
Ending text | |||
"Oh, wow... I'm getting a little sleepy too, knowing all this is happening! (It's probably like how yawns are contagious...)" |
Battle Stages[]
Battle 1: Pinch Her! (Minions)[]
Applejack: (Yawn...) Oh! Am... uh... am I asleep already? Is this the dream? It's kinda hard for me to tell without--
Flim: HELLO THERE, FRIEND! And may I say: On behalf of Flim Flam Brothers Industries LLC, it is WONDERFUL to be allowed back onto your property!
Applejack: ... Yep, I'm dreamin' all right. (Sigh...) Let me guess: You two are gonna try and sell me on mechanizin' all of Sweet Apple Acres again, huh?
Flam: Ohh, don't be silly, my dear Applejack! Why, you already agreed to let us do that, just last month!
Applejack: ... Buh.
Flim: And a good thing you did, too! Why, it was all we could do to get your brand-new robot manufacturing plant running before the apple harvest... Oh ho ho, the rush fees we charged you!
Flam: But you certainly picked an ideal time to upgrade... because, due to circumstances we don't care to get into, all the apples in your orchard have turned into PONY-EATING MONSTERS!
Applejack: ... Yeah. I'm startin' to think I maybe should've gone with regular talk therapy instead. You know, the kind where I'm awake? And I don't have to be on Flim and Flam's side?! BECAUSE I HATE THIS.
Minion: Apple Infantry | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
1 Magic Coin | 3 | 100 | 12 | +1 |
- Applejack glows during battles. Tappin' her while she's glowin' gives you Blue Magic Coins (5 taps per time and 50 taps total before the glow disappears) and it is repeated every 1 hour.
Battle 1: Pinch Her! (Boss)[]
Rarity | 30 | 5 |
Flim | Crystal Mine mini-game+5000 | 5 |
Flam | 50 | 5 |
BOSS: Bad Apple | |||
(Image) | |||
Robo-Carriage (DÉCOR) | 10 | 100 | 60 SECONDS |
Buh-huh-hey! I'm the version of Spike in Applejack's dream! I'm ALSO on Flim and Flam's side, and I'm kind of a jerk about it!!! |
- Without helpers, you have to reach level 4 for Applejack to defeat the boss and go at the next stage.
Battle 2: WORK HARD (Minions)[]
Applejack: Luna...?! LUNAAA! I don't mean to tell ya how to do your job, but this don't seem all that therapeutic! I already KNOW I don't like Flim and Flam, OR monster apples, OR--
Cyber Applejack: I WILL WORK HARD.
Applejack: ... Or... uh... or robots. ... Really? Flim and Flam sold dream-me a mechanical version of MYSELF? Just how conceited does my subconscious think I am?!
Cyber Applejack: I WILL WORK HARD.
Applejack: Yeah, nopony asked you, ya overgrown bucket of bolts... (Sigh...) But so long as you're here, you might as well make yourself useful. Go on and pummel those monster apples into cider, why don'tcha?
Minion: Apple Infantry | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
2 Magic Coins | 676/776/876 | 800 | 50 | +1 |
- Magic Coins Capacity depends on number of helpers you have on the stage. It can be 0, 1 or 2 in this event.
Battle 2: WORK HARD (Boss)[]
■ The members of collections Cyber Mane 6 and Supercharged Mane 6 are transformable characters. See the names below:
● Cyber Applejack/Supercharged Applejack
● Cyber Fluttershy/Supercharged Fluttershy
● Cyber Pinkie Pie/Supercharged Pinkie Pie
● Robo Rarity/Supercharged Rarity
● Robo Rainbow Dash/Supercharged Rainbow Dash
● Robo Twilight Sparkle/Supercharged Twilight Sparkle
Young Burnt Oak | 600 | 20 |
Cyber Applejack | 700 | 20 |
Supercharged Applejack | 1000 | 40 |
BOSS: Bad Apple | |||
(Image) | |||
Scare-Robopony (DÉCOR) | 38 | 570 | 60 SECONDS |
Buh-huh-hey! Still Dream Spike, here! I love robots SO MUCH, and also, dishonestly-earned Bits! Ain't I a stinker?! |
- For Applejack to defeat the boss and go at the next stage without helpers, you need to reach level 11.
Battle 3: DO IT FASTER (Minions)[]
Cyber Applejack: I WILL WORK HARD
Applejack: Uh... Yeah... I guess you actually are? It's pretty efficient, the two of us tacklin' those apples together... And how'd you do that thing where ya get taller all of a sudden--
Robo Rainbow Dash: I WILL DO IT FASTER.
Applejack: GAH! I mean...
Robo Rainbow Dash: I WILL DO IT FASTER.
Applejack: ... Ohh, you wish. If this is some kinda challenge to see whether I can beat a Rainbow Dash robot at my OWN JOB... Well, challenge accepted!
Minion: Apple Infantry | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
3 Magic Coins | 1,215/1,365/1,515 | 1,500 | 45 | +1 |
Battle 3: DO IT FASTER (Boss)[]
Short Fuse | 600 | 20 |
Robo Rainbow Dash | 700 | 20 |
Supercharged Rainbow Dash | 1000 | 40 |
BOSS: Cyber Pony | |||
(Image) | |||
Charging Tower (DÉCOR) | 80 | 1,200 | 60 SECONDS |
IT'S ME! DREAM SPIKE! Robot ponies are better than regular ponies, and we all know it! EVEN ME! DREAM SPIKE!!! |
- To Applejack defeat the boss and go at the next stage without helpers, you need to reach level 18.
Battle 4: SURPRISE YOU (Minions)[]
Robo Rainbow Dash: I WILL DO IT FASTER.
Applejack: (Huff... Puff...) Okay... let's... (Huff...) it a draw. Just gotta... sit down until I've got feelin' back in... ALL my legs. (Whew!)
Applejack: Actually... now that I've got a minute to think about it, was there some kind of OTHER robot goadin' those apples on, or was that an "overwork-induced seein'-things" situation?
Applejack: Wonder where it could've come from...? 'Cause if it IS real, it sure didn't look like you two--
Cyber Pinkie Pie: I WILL SURPRISE YOU.
Applejack: ... You THREE. Of course there's more of you. Ya know, if you really wanted to surprise me, you'd have been better off showin' up first? 'Cause by now, I get that there's a pattern!
Applejack: Wh-- Hey! Don't run off while I'm talkin' to you! Ain't anypony ever program you with some manners?! COME BACK HERE!
Minion: Apple Infantry | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
9 Magic Coins | 3,069/3,519/3,969 | 4,000 | 40 | +1 |
Battle 4: SURPRISE YOU (Boss)[]
Washout Scootaloo | 850 | 30 |
Cyber Pinkie Pie | 700 | 30 |
Supercharged Pinkie Pie | 1000 | 60 |
BOSS: Cyber Pony | |||
(Image) | |||
Robo Garden ( Shop) or 20 | 234 | 4,680 | 60 SECONDS |
Oh ho ho hoooooo, you're about to be SO SURPRISED by an EVIL ROBOT PLAN... I can't wait! DREAM SPIKE!!! |
- To Applejack defeat the boss and go at the next stage without helpers, you need to reach level 33.
Battle 5: VERY SHINY (Minions)[]
Cyber Pinkie Pie: I WILL SURPRISE YOU.
Applejack: The robot factory Flim and Flam were talkin' about...? Why'd you lead me here? Are ya tryin' to make me even MORE ornery than I was before, or--?
Applejack: ... HEY! That's one o' those robots we were fightin' before -- the one sendin' the monster apples after us! And... there's another, and another... The factory's churnin' out DOZENS of 'em!
Flim: HELLO THERE, FRIEND! It seems you've stumbled onto our secret evil plan to build a robot army on YOUR PROPERTY! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Flam: Yes, sir. With the Flim Flam Brothers' Patented Three-Step Secret Evil Plan System, turning Sweet Apple Acres into a blasted mechanical wasteland is easy AND profitable!
Applejack: Step One: Swindle Applejack into letting us build a robot factory on her land! Step Two: Use that factory to build an implacable horde of cybernetic minions! And as for Step Three...
Applejack: ... Oh, applesauce.
Minion: Flim | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
24 Magic Coins | 9,528/10,728/11,928 | 8,000 | 35 | +2 |
Battle 5: VERY SHINY (Boss)[]
Cyber Princess Cadance | 1000 | 30 |
Robo Rarity | 700 | 30 |
Supercharged Rarity | 1000 | 60 |
BOSS: Robo Lord Tirek | |||
(Image) | |||
Robo Lord Tirek or 30 | 494 | 9,880 | 60 SECONDS |
HA HA HA! The evil robot plan involves robot versions of Equestria's greatest villains! AND ALSO, ME GLOATING ABOUT IT! ANNOYINGLY!!! |
- Without helpers, it's recommended that you reach level 49 to Applejack defeat the boss and go at the next stage.
Battle 6: HERE TO HELP (Minions)[]
Applejack: (Whew! Almost didn't make it through that scuffle without gettin' my tail lasered--) Uh... I mean... good job, Robo-Rarity. For... uh... savin' me. I guess.
Robo Rarity: I AM VERY SHINY.
Applejack: Yes... Yes, you are. Aaaand you still managed to knock out that robo-centaur before I could get literally ONE clean buck in, which...
Applejack: Hey. Why ARE all you robo-ponies helpin' me fight these guys, anyhow? Shouldn't you be on Flim and Flam's side, too?
Flim: What an astute question, valued customer-slash-victim! We have no idea! We did NOT sell you those robots, and, in fact, are VERY confused as to why they're here!
Flam: But one thing's for sure: They are NOT compatible with the Flim Flam Brothers' extensive range of products, and we do NOT recommend their use! Instead, consider this alternative!
Cyber Queen Chrysalis: 4920414d20544f4f20434f4e465553494e4720464f5220594f5520544f20554e4445525354414e44 (translation: "I AM TOO CONFUSING FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND")
Applejack: NOPE. Nope, nope, nope, NOPE. I may have even less idea of what's goin' on in this dream than before, but that thing hurts my brain just to LISTEN to. I'm takin' it down -- NOW!
Minion: Flim | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
47 Magic Coins | 18,330/20680/23,030 | 15,000 | 30 | +3 |
Battle 6: HERE TO HELP (Boss)[]
Cyber Princess Luna | 1000 | 50 |
Cyber Fluttershy | 700 | 50 |
Supercharged Fluttershy | 1000 | 100 |
BOSS: Cyber Queen Chrysalis | |||
(Image) | |||
Cyber Queen Chrysalis or 20 | 852 | 21,300 | 60 SECONDS |
OH NO! I, Dream Spike, am starting to not like the direction in which this is going! TIME TO TURN INTO A MILLION ROBO-BEES AND FLY AWAY!!! |
- To Applejack defeat the boss and go at the next stage without helpers, you need to reach level 65.
Battle 7: Awakening (Minions)[]
Cyber Fluttershy: I AM HERE TO HELP.
Applejack: (Rrrrgggh...) Ya know, you SAY that, Robo-Shy, but the way you exploded that Chrysalis-bot just by starin' at her real hard is NOT doin' anything for my self-esteem right now!
Applejack: No... No, you know what? The same goes for ALL y'all! With your fancy flashin' lights, and... and your corny catchphrases... I can do this myself! You may not think so, but I CAN!
Applejack: Ohh, of course. Of COURSE. I see you, Twilight-bot! Right over there! What's YOUR thing gonna be, then? "I'M SMARTER THAN YOU"? "I'M BETTER THAN YOU"?! "I WILL REPLACE YOU"?!
Robo Twilight Sparkle: We are here because you wanted us to be here, Applejack. Because some part of you has been asking.
Applejack: W... What?
Robo Twilight Sparkle: We are only tools, Applejack. Like a rake, or a hammer, or a railroad. We can be used by duplicitous ponies to destroy... but also by honest ponies to create or to repair.
Robo Twillight Sparkle: It is up to you how to use us... or whether to use us... but so long as your intentions are good, you have nothing to fear. Even if you can do it on your own... it is okay to ask for help.
Applejack: Yeah... I guess... maybe it is, huh. Well, all right then... If we're gonna do this, let's do it right! ROBO-PONIES, ASSEMBLE!!!
Minion: Flam | ||||
(Image) | ||||
Reward per Minion Defeat | Magic Coins Capacity | Minion's Life | Number of Minions to move on | Bonus Coins per Tap |
77 Magic Coins | 28,490/32,340/36,190 | 25,000 | 25 | +4 |
Battle 7: Awakening (Boss)[]
Cyber Princess Celestia | 1000 | 50 |
Robo Twilight Sparkle | 700 | 50 |
Supercharged Twilight Sparkle | 1000 | 100 |
BOSS: Robo Grogar | |||
(Image) | |||
Robo Grogar or 30 | 1,284 | 32,100 | 60 SECONDS |
Zzzz... Whuh? Did I doze off just then? And why is my throat so sore...? (Have I been sleep-yelling?) |
- To Applejack defeat the boss and go at the magic chest without helpers, you need to reach level 81.
Stage 8: Magic Chest[]
Applejack: ZzzzzzzzzzzzzSNRK-- WE DID IT! Now let's blast off to the moon and start an apple orchard in SPACE-- Oh. I'm awake!
Princess Luna: Ha ha! So it seems. How was it, as an experience? An illuminating one, I hope?
Applejack: Yeah... Yeah, it was. You know, I think I'm always gonna like doin' things the old-fashioned way best... but there's been a few times when I've thought about upgradin', too!
Applejack: Little stuff, mostly: conveyor belts for bottlin', fancy new food processors... And I pushed those thoughts away. Maybe 'cause I was scared those things'd make me obsolete one day?
Applejack: But I realize now that there's no shame in feelin' how I feel, either! I get to decide for myself what tools I use and how I use 'em... and no matter what, I'm still gonna be me!
Princess Luna: Interesting... and very wise, I think! And what about your feelings on Flim and Flam?
Applejack: HA! Sorry, Princess. After that dream I just had, they've somehow gotten even more annoying than usual!
Princess Celestiatron | 50 |
Terabyte Sparkle | 50 |
Supercharged Terabyte Sparkle | 100 |
(Image) | ||||
77 | 40,600/40,775/40,950 | 24,000 |
- Applejack doesn't glow in this stage and it is stay until the LTS ends.
Flim: ... Well, THAT was a bust. Shall we try our luck selling the Tractor-O-Matic in Dodge Junction, then? Plenty of rubes in Dodge Junction!
Flam: Sounds like a plan, brother! Who knows: We may even have the motor working properly by the time we get there! (Until then... you push.)
From (Lvl) | To (Lvl) | Power (Head and Body) | Head and Body (Magic Coins Cost) | ||
1 | 2 | 2 | - | - | |
1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 9 | 9 |
6 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 15 | 15 |
7 | 8 | 11 | 11 | 40 | 40 |
8 | 9 | 13 | 13 | 99 | 99 |
9 | 10 | 16 | 16 | 234 | 234 |
10 | 11 | 19 | 19 | 273 | 273 |
11 | 12 | 22 | 22 | 288 | 288 |
12 | 13 | 25 | 25 | 316 | 316 |
13 | 14 | 28 | 28 | 360 | 360 |
14 | 15 | 31 | 31 | 402 | 402 |
15 | 16 | 34 | 34 | 446 | 446 |
16 | 17 | 37 | 37 | 489 | 489 |
17 | 18 | 40 | 40 | 532 | 532 |
18 | 19 | 43 | 43 | 648 | 648 |
19 | 20 | 46 | 46 | 693 | 693 |
20 | 21 | 51 | 51 | 743 | 743 |
21 | 22 | 56 | 56 | 823 | 823 |
22 | 23 | 61 | 61 | 905 | 905 |
23 | 24 | 66 | 66 | 985 | 985 |
24 | 25 | 71 | 71 | 1,067 | 1,067 |
25 | 26 | 76 | 76 | 1,147 | 1,147 |
26 | 27 | 81 | 81 | 1,229 | 1,229 |
27 | 28 | 86 | 86 | 1,309 | 1,309 |
28 | 29 | 91 | 91 | 1,391 | 1,391 |
29 | 30 | 96 | 96 | 1,471 | 1,471 |
30 | 31 | 103 | 103 | 1,553 | 1,553 |
31 | 32 | 110 | 110 | 1,665 | 1,665 |
32 | 33 | 117 | 117 | 1,782 | 1,782 |
33 | 34 | 124 | 124 | 2,520 | 2,520 |
34 | 35 | 131 | 131 | 2,676 | 2,676 |
35 | 36 | 138 | 138 | 2,820 | 2,820 |
36 | 37 | 145 | 145 | 2,976 | 2,976 |
37 | 38 | 152 | 152 | 3,132 | 3,132 |
38 | 39 | 159 | 159 | 3,276 | 3,276 |
39 | 40 | 166 | 166 | 3,432 | 3,432 |
40 | 41 | 175 | 175 | 3,576 | 3,576 |
41 | 42 | 184 | 184 | 3,780 | 3,780 |
42 | 43 | 193 | 193 | 3,972 | 3,972 |
43 | 44 | 202 | 202 | 4,164 | 4,164 |
44 | 45 | 211 | 211 | 4,356 | 4,356 |
45 | 46 | 220 | 220 | 4,548 | 4,548 |
46 | 47 | 229 | 229 | 4,752 | 4,752 |
47 | 48 | 238 | 238 | 4,944 | 4,944 |
48 | 49 | 247 | 247 | 5,136 | 5,136 |
49 | 50 | 256 | 256 | 5,569 | 5,569 |
50 | 51 | 267 | 267 | 5,758 | 5,758 |
51 | 52 | 278 | 278 | 6,016 | 6,016 |
52 | 53 | 289 | 289 | 6,251 | 6,251 |
53 | 54 | 300 | 300 | 6,509 | 6,509 |
54 | 55 | 311 | 311 | 6,788 | 6,788 |
55 | 56 | 322 | 322 | 7,003 | 7,003 |
56 | 57 | 333 | 333 | 7,262 | 7,262 |
57 | 58 | 344 | 344 | 7,496 | 7,496 |
58 | 59 | 355 | 355 | 7,755 | 7,755 |
59 | 60 | 366 | 366 | 7,990 | 7,990 |
60 | 61 | 378 | 378 | 8,249 | 8,249 |
61 | 62 | 390 | 390 | 8,507 | 8,507 |
62 | 63 | 402 | 402 | 8,789 | 8,789 |
63 | 64 | 414 | 414 | 9,047 | 9,047 |
64 | 65 | 426 | 426 | 9,330 | 9,330 |
65 | 66 | 438 | 438 | 9,432 | 9,432 |
66 | 67 | 450 | 450 | 9,702 | 9,702 |
67 | 68 | 462 | 462 | 9,972 | 9,972 |
68 | 69 | 474 | 474 | 10,241 | 10,241 |
69 | 70 | 486 | 486 | 10,510 | 10,510 |
70 | 71 | 500 | 500 | 10,742 | 10,742 |
71 | 72 | 514 | 514 | 11,088 | 11,088 |
72 | 73 | 528 | 528 | 11,396 | 11,396 |
73 | 74 | 542 | 542 | 11,704 | 11,704 |
74 | 75 | 556 | 556 | 12,012 | 12,012 |
75 | 76 | 570 | 570 | 12,320 | 12,320 |
76 | 77 | 584 | 584 | 12,628 | 12,628 |
77 | 78 | 598 | 598 | 12,936 | 12,936 |
78 | 79 | 612 | 612 | 13,244 | 13,244 |
79 | 80 | 626 | 626 | 13,552 | 13,552 |
80 | 81 | 642 | 642 | 13,860 | 13,860 |
81 | 82 | 658 | 658 | 14,206 | 14,206 |
82 | 83 | 674 | 674 | 14,592 | 14,592 |
83 | 84 | 690 | 690 | 14,938 | 14,938 |
84 | 85 | 706 | 706 | 15,284 | 15,284 |
85 | 86 | 722 | 722 | 15,631 | 15,631 |
86 | 87 | 738 | 738 | 15,978 | 15,978 |
87 | 88 | 754 | 754 | 16,362 | 16,362 |
88 | 89 | 770 | 770 | 16,709 | 16,709 |
89 | 90 | 786 | 786 | 17,056 | 17,056 |
- Note: When you touch the bag, all collected Magic Coins will be immediately added into the total amount you own.
Android Wrangler Applejack (Applejack's Outfits)[]
- Without helpers, at the finishin' whole outfit with the bonus gives you a total of 1,572 Total Power and a total cost of 1,050,798 Blue Magic Coins.
- Complete a mini-game similar to Equestria Girls mini-game in order to gain tokens and various items.
- In the helper with the multiplier X7, the countdown (during the community battle) can't be lower than 25 seconds.
Leaderboard | Time Limit: 10 days (2,400 hours) | |
Complete the community battle and earn: ?. | ||
Prize 1 (1-100) | Prize 2 (101-500) | Prize 3 (501-1000) |
Pumpkin Prince Pony or 30 | Ponyversary Cake (DÉCOR)
& Charging Tower (DÉCOR) |
20 |
Apple Cobbler | 200 | 2 HOURS (SKIP WITH 17 ) |
Trouble Shoes | 200 | 2 HOURS (SKIP WITH 17 ) |
Granny Smith (X2) | 400 | 3 HOURS (SKIP WITH 27 ) |
8-Bit (X2) | 400 | 3 HOURS (SKIP WITH 27 ) |
Midnight Strike (X4) | 800 | 5 HOURS (SKIP WITH (47 ) |
Nightmare (X4) | 800 | 5 HOURS (SKIP WITH 47 ) |
Nightmare Applejack (X7) | 1,400 | 8 HOURS (SKIP WITH 50 ) |